Negative Thinking Can RuinOur Lives
Let Us Think Positive and BePositive
By BaldevBhatia
Copyright 2015Baldev Bhatia
Negative Thinking Can Ruin Our Lives-Let us Think Positive and Be Positive. The feeling of negativethinking or sadness is within us. It is said that negative thinkingis purely our own matter. Though it has got something to do withour external circumstances. But there are certainly some positivefactors within us that keep us happy and there is somethingnegative within us also which keep us unhappy. Happy living throughpositive and good thoughts, is nothing more than that of living anormal life free from undue pressures, problems andtensions.
If we want to live a good and happylife then we need to get rid of the negativity within us whichmakes us unhappy. Negative approach always complicates the problemsand increases unhappiness. Most of us do the fatal mistake oflooking outwards for happiness rather than looking inwards. Bepositive, be strong, be bold and be courageous you are sure to findthe feeling of happiness within you. Even if we are having a badday, think of some good things that may come our way, either laterthat day, tomorrow, next week, or next moment.
When everything seems to be beyond ourcontrol, its almost too easy for us to slip into the grasp ofnegativity and unhappiness.
To avoid sadness we must strive toabolish this sort of thinking through the power of thinkingpositively and generate the feeling of happiness within us.The artof sweet living is not a complicated kind of art difficult to learnrather a simple art of happy living feeling well, eating well, andthinking well.
What we need to do is just to tune upour mind to enjoy every moment of life and let the sweet happinessfollow us. This is something that needs to be looked intothoroughly. We need to focus on the positive aspects of lives,rather than on the negative setbacks and enjoy every moment of lifehappily and merrily. Enjoy your life with cheerful talks. Be happyand cheerful.
We must remember that happy living isthe reward of sweet and positive thinking. We ought to remember,only the positive thinking can bring happiness in our lives. If wecannot think positively, you cannot live happily. Be our ownteacher or adviser we ought to look everything with a positiveangle. Let us find something good even in most critical moments ofour life and let us make positive thinking the basis of our happyliving. Its a matter of thought that fools worry about thecircumstances on which they have no control.
The wise live on positive good andhappy thoughts. A sound and positive happiness is all around. Itsnot far away from us. If we do not want to live happy, its up tous. Its our own choice. We must not blame others, nor should weblame our fate or external circumstances. Another thing is thatfeeling confident affects the way we perceive our situations andhow we decide to manage them. Think that by being more optimisticwe alter our approaches to situations and take on them in ahealthier manner; we think of alternatives and act according tobetter outcomes. All our efforts lead us to good and happyliving.
If we think we are positive and happy,it will be positive. It does not say to stick our heads in thesoil; rather it says to think positive. Interestingly it does notsay feel positive it says think positive and that is the realmeaning to remain happy. Positive thinking, good and happy thoughtsmake us to live happily. Happiness does not come alone, it adds ourminds body and soul to remain in constant touch with each other. Wehave to remove negative thoughts and create and atmosphere to behappy in our lives. There are many fear factors that are reasoningus to be unhappy and the main reason being that our heart and ourfeelings which are more susceptible to fear and worry then themind. We do the worrying in our minds but it is our emotions thatmake us more worried not our brains. When the heart senses thepossibility of loss it can start panicking and then uses the mindto worry and many times tries to manipulate the brain in dealingwith the fear.
The heart desires something and getsexcited about it and then it manipulates the mind to assure that itwill get it. Although the brain can control the emotions andknowledge can proceed all. However when it comes to response timethe brain is slower than the emotions. That is which explains whywe say or do things and then regret them. It would be very hard totell someone who is worried to feel happy. But if you tell him tothink positive that is something even a worried person cando.
We need to use our mind to think to behappy and positive. Our objective in life should be to trainourselves to wait for the brain to show up before we say or doanything. Fear usually comes from the emotions and thinkingpositive is something the brain is capable of doing, making happyliving as the key to success.
Just think of sweet and happy living.This simple task can be done by thinking positive as it bringspositive results in its wake; when you react in a positive way to anegative situation you usually get positive in return and thefeeling of happiness is born in you. Positive mental attitude iseffective in many ways.
There are limits to theeffectiveness of positive and happy thinking. Do we try to assumethat the persons who are not treating us the way we should betreated are themselves in pain and needs our love and advice to behappy in life and lead a good, sweet and happy life? It istherefore a must for us to learn and understand r that we need tobe positive first and we must think to be happy in the interest ofour sweet and happy living. AUTHOR
An established author, writer andconsultant Baldev Bhatia shares with millions of curious readersthe real knowledge of happiness by letting them know more aboutthemselves in detail through their in born qualities along with thehelp of the positive living qualities possessed by them and to wardoff the negativity in them and also get to know the ways as how tolive happily.
The worries adopted by them, thenegative forces influencing them, need to be discarded for a sweetand happy living. A thought of penning down the wonders of thisinteresting and mystic manuscript of happy and sweet living withthe methods to ward off the negativity influencing the masses haslured the author cum astrologer to bring to the millions of readersthe real knowledge of sweet and happy living by letting them knowmore about themselves in detail with the help of astrologicalscience. With the guidance of this manuscript the reader will tendto know more about themselves through their zodiac signs, theirhabits, characteristics; appearances; their personality;profession, career; business, finances, their match with otherzodiac signs; romance, marriage, Weakness their health and diseaseand finally the negative forces possessed by them and to ward ofthis negativity factor charming them to become more powerful sothat they can lead a sweet, good and happy life.
This Microscopy of Good and HappyLiving is based on the practical experience of the author who hasmeet several thousand people having negativity in their personallives and those leading a miserable life totally being depressedand dejected who have bitterly failed to lead a good and happylife.
The main purpose of writing thismanuscript is to impart the basic knowledge of how to become bold,strong, courageous, and how to throw away the negativity in them.This manuscript reveals a whole lot of information when one is insearch for the truth of happy living. The author also shares hisexperience with his readers through his published books
Microscopy of Astrology, Microscopyof Numerology, Microscopy of Remedies, Microscopy of TransitingPlanets five volumes and also guides his readers to achieve theirpersonal goals with ease and assist them to overcome all theproblems, crises, and the unforeseen negatives forces, in theirlives by parting with depression, dejection disappointment and byadopting the beautiful ways of enjoying a sweet good and happyliving.
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