
Measurement of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers using Electromagnetic Signals
Copyright 2012 by Sebastian Coenen. All rights reserved.
D 93 (Dissertation Universitt Stuttgart)
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.
Printed and Published by
Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany
ISBN 978-3-84489-613-8
I want to express my deepest gratitude to Prof. Stefan Tenbohlen for his encouraging and cooperative way of supervising this thesis. His challenging academic guidance to new questions and topics made the achievements of this work possible. I appreciated that he also ensured a close connection between this research and practical application. Many thanks to Prof. dr. Johan J. Smit for his co-examination and interest in this work.
I am very much obliged to the Workshop for preparing the laboratory set-ups. My special thank to Erwin Beck for sharing his extensive experience in mechanical production and his constant willingness to manufacture precise constructions out of simple drawings and coffee break discussions. I like to thank the colleagues of the administrative department, Hermine Lwowski, Nicole Schrli and Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Schrli for their help in organisational matters and their personal encouragement, support and advice beyond the professional.
Without the contributions of all students listed in the appendix the extent of this thesis would not have been possible. Special thanks to my former students and colleagues Maximilian Heindl, Michael Beltle, Andreas Mller and Martin Reuter for their exceptional great help during research, development and on-site measurements. Many thanks to all academic colleagues for providing a marvellous work climate.
I am very grateful to Dr.-Ing. Sacha M. Markalous for illuminating discussions round the clock and his academic guidance. I want to express my thanks to the Doble Lemke GmbH for supporting my work in many respects. My special thanks to Richard Heywood and his team of Doble Power Test, UK, where I spent a very nice time sharing their extensive knowledge in transformer condition assessment.
For several on-site measurements I wish to convey my gratitude to the Siemens AG in Nrnberg. I enjoyed working with the test field department as well as the TLM business unit. Special thanks to Uwe Thiess for his commitment for practically relevant measurements. My gratitude also to the respective departments of EnBW and RWE offering interesting case study objects.
I feel deeply grateful to my beloved wife and daughters. They relieved my daily strain, helped me to relax and made it all possible with their confidence, patience and love.
Table of Contents
Latin symbols:
C | Capacitance (or capacitor) |
c0 | Speed of light in vacuum, approx. 3*108m/s |
d | Distance between two sensors |
D | Distance from one UHF sensor to possible PD source |
E, E(f) | Applied electrical field |
f | Frequency |
g(n) | Time discrete sampled time signal |
h(n) | Time discrete sampled time signal |
K | Attenuation ration calculated in terms of dB |
L | lnductance (or inductivity) |
n | Number of sample points |
ni | Number of identical or similar PD magnitudes |
m | Loop variable |
P | Signal power of feeding signals |
q1 | Real charge compensated at a discharge (e.g. void) |
q, QIEC | Apparent charge of a partial discharge current impulse |
r | Distance between array and located PD source |
SN | Total energy of the signal |
Sii | Transmission factor |
ti | Time of flight |
tm | Measurable time of flight difference between two UHF signals |
t0 | Time of flight difference between acoustic measurement and triggering event, e.g.UHF measurement |
T | Temporal unknown |
u(t), U | Appliedvoltage,voltage |
Voil | Velocity of EM waves in oil |
x | Cartesian coordinate |
y | Cartesian coordinate |
z | Cartesian coordinate |
Z | Impedance |

Greek symbols:
Wavelength |
r | Relative permittivity of dielectric |
t | Unknown time of flight difference |
ULA | Angle between normal vector of sensor level and the propagation direction of the incident wave front |
AC: | A lternating C urrent |
AF | A ntenna F actor |
CBM | C ondition- B ased M aintenance |
CIGR | C onseil I nternational des G rands R seaux lectrique |
dB | D eci b el |
dBi | D eci b el correlated to the i sotropic radiator |
DC | D irect C urrent |
EM | E lectro m agnetic |
FFT | F ast F ourier T ransformation |
GIS | G as- I nsulated S witchgear |
GPS | G lobal P ositioning S ystem, pseudo-time notation |
GSM | G lobal S ystem for M obile communication |
HV | H igh V oltage |
IEH | Institute of Power Transmission and HV Technology - I nstitut fr E ngeriebetragung und H ochspanunungstechnik |
ISH | I nternational S ymposium on H igh Voltage Engineering |
IEC | I nternational E lectrotechnical C ommission |
kV | K ilo V olt |
LV | L ow V oltage |
mV | M illi V olt |
NWA | N et w ork A nalyser |
pC | P ico c oulomb (magnitude of the apparent charge) |
pJ | P ico j oule (magnitude of the signal energy) |
PD | P artial D ischarge |
TBM | T ime- B ased M aintenance |
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