A parents guide to surviving
the turbulent preteen years
Linda Sonna, Ph.D.

Copyright 2003, F+W Media, Inc.
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An Everything Series Book.
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Published by Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A.
ISBN 10: 1-58062-870-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-58062-870-9
eISBN 13: 978-1-44052-253-6
Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sonna, Linda.
The everything tween book / Linda Sonna.
p. cm. (An everything series book)
ISBN 1-58062-870-2
1. Preteens. 2. Child rearing. 3. Parenting. 4. Parent and child.
I. Title. II. Series: Everything series.
HQ777.15 .S66 2003
649'.124--dc21 2002015050
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Tween Book
Dear Reader:
Ever y stage of childhood is special in its own way, but tweens are my hands-down favorite. While working with youngsters in my psychology practice, teaching in the United States and abroad, and foster-mothering, tweens shared their personal joys, secret sorrows, and favorite knock-knock jokes. I learned about their fears of the dark and family breakups, their victories over spelling tests and bullies, and their delight over Valentines, video games, and summer vacations. Mostly, they taught me that while it is often fun being a tween, it is not always easy.
Its not always easy parenting a tween, either. It can be hard to remember that beneath the know-it-all attitude, despite the grown-up clothes, and under the pink-and-blue hair your child simply wishes to be successful in school, liked on the playground, and affirmed by you.
Although it is very hard to limit your childs exposure to the images and ideas streaming into your living room from the larger society, it is important to contain destructive electronic influences with the same zeal that you approach destructive human ones. Given the stress and pressure of modern life, it can be especially hard to refrain from nagging and criticizing to keep your tween on track, but it is imperative to avoid negative methods of disciplining. The memories your child gleans from these special years will last a lifetime. Do what you can to make them good ones!

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Visit the entire Everything Series at
Inside the Mind of a Tween
The Silent Years
Interacting with Tweens
Looking for Authority
The Emotional Years
Growing Up and Falling Apart
From Girls to Women
Forming Friendships
Understanding Peer Pressure
Tweens and Their Mothers
Her Fathers Daughter
An Excess of Energy
Common Myths and Misconceptions
Tween Boys Development
Improving Parent-Boy Relationships
Male Mentors
Boy-Friendly Environments
Parent-Tween Relationships
Parents as Fallen Heroes
Friends versus Family
Maintaining Mutual Respect
What Tweens Need Most
Your New Parenting Role
Teaching Self-Control
The Tween Challenge
Your Parenting Style
Solving Communication Problems
Tackling Behavior Problems
Improving Compliance
Teaching Money Management
The Silent Age
Conversing with Tweens
Getting Tweens to Open Up
Positive Communication
Taboo Tween Topics
Holding Dinnertime Conversations
Limiting Peer Contact
The Family That Plays Together
Doing Chores Together
Running Errands Together
Family Meetings
Latchkey Kids
Balancing Friends and Family
Siblings at Odds
Sibling Bonds
The Roots of Sibling Conflict
Parents as Mediators
Ending Squabbles
Teaching Family Values
Teacher Troubles
Handling School Conferences
Mediating Student-Teacher Conflicts
Teaching Respect
Improving Academic Standards
Assessing Achievement
Improving Motivation
Uninspired Students
The Problems with Traditional Education
Providing Enrichment Activities
Peer Tutoring Benefits
Repeating a School Year
A Summertime Boost
Homeschooling Your Tween
Leisure Activities
Tween Burnout
Team Sports
Teaching Good Sportsmanship
Tweens on Wheels
Winter Activities
Artful Dodgers
Why Tweens Dont Do Their Chores
An Important Part of Growing Up
Teaching Organizational Skills
Supervising Chores
Flexibility and Structure
High-Tech Highs
Learning to Live Without TV
Imagination Boosters
Backyard Fun
Rainy Day Fun
Tween Hobbies
Arts and Crafts
The Breakfast Benefit
Tween Nutritional Requirements
The Battle of the Sweet Tooth
Teaching about Nutrition
Helping with Appetite Control
Tween Diets
Healthy Choices
Sleep Deprivation
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