The Shy Guide to Network Marketing
An Introverts 30-day Plan for Success!
Direct Sales Power Series
by Moehr & Associates, Inc.
Smashwords Edition
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Table of Contents
The Shy Guide to NetworkMarketing
When most people are told about networkmarketing or multi-level marketing, they immediately have a picturethat comes to mind. This picture could include an aggressive salesperson, constantly following up to present an opportunity.Alternatively, there could be the chance to make it rich quickly,if only you put in the thought and get others on board. It couldalso seem as though it can only be done by certain types ofpeople, those who can speak with confidence and convince others tosign on.
All the above makes perfect sense, and istrue, but it is missing out some information, which is vital. Thatnetwork marketing is for everyone, even the shy and reservedindividual. With the right system in place, one can easily createtheir own active network, and set themselves up for financialsuccess.
This book contains all that you need to knowabout getting started in creating and keeping a network, even ifyou may be a little shy.
Chapter 1: Being Outgoing is Overrated
Marketers are expected to have certainpersonality traits, one of which is that they should be outgoing,all the time. It is expected that matters approach their customersand spend time explaining to them what the product is about, andwhy they should try the product.
This is particularly true for networkmarketers, as many people are sceptical about the way networkmarketing actually works. In fact, you are likely to hear phraseslike, network marketing is hard, or for every 50 people youspeak to, 1 will take it up. If you are a shy person, the thoughtof speaking to 50 people and experiencing such a low success ratecan be disheartening.
However, not all these assumptions hold anywater; there is no truth to them. Even a person who is terribly shyand does not interact much with others can be a successful, and arich, network marketer. It all comes down to understanding thepersonality affects the sales pitch.
Avoid Hard Selling
The hard sell requires a vibrant and outgoingpersonality, but it does not necessarily mean that there will besuccess at the end of it all. It is successful when the seller ishighly confident, has a certain amount of charisma and appears toreally know what they are selling.
You may have extensive product knowledge, butif you are shy, you will find that finishing off a hard sale isextremely challenging. You are likely to fumble, say the wrongthing, speak in a low tone and generally undersell the product.This would lead your potential customer to lack confidence in whatyou have to offer.
What you should do as a shy person, is spendtime creating a connection. That takes network marketing back towhat it used to be essentially. People who are connected building aproduct for their personal gain and that of the network. Thisrequires a different set of skills, some of which do notnecessarily requires you to be outgoing.
The skill you need is the ability to listen.This helps you connect with your potential customers in a deeperway, as you are able to really discern their needs. You will beable to forge a stronger bond, leading to increased loyalty.Listening well enables you to build trust, and this is a trait thatwill lead to the success of your network. So, work on being a goodlistener.
The other skill that you need is ofcustomisation. View each and every person that you are working onadding to your network as an individual. In most situations, whenyou try to build your network, you invite people to a presentationto give them information. They become a part of a quorum. Bycustomising your approach, you make this much more personal, andare likely to get an even better response.
You should use email and the phone for yourcommunication, especially if speaking face to face is a challengefor you. These mediums allow you to give extensive information, andyou are able to control the direction of the conversation. Thisway, you can say what you need to, effectively, and still build upyour network. It is more important to deliver value, than it is togive information plainly.
Take Advantage of Your Passions
Almost everyone has a hobby or an activitythat they enjoy doing. While carrying out this hobby, youexperience joy and are at your most relaxed. Anyone who was to tryand speak to you at this time is likely to get an excellentresponse.
The same applies for anyone that you may tryto speak with. Although you may be shy, it is likely that yourhobby is not completely solitary. Take for example you love art,and you attend an art class every week where you can work on yourtechnique. While you are in a calm and assured state of mind, speakto those in your art class who share your interest, about what itis that you do. You may quickly find that this is an easy and fastway to develop your growing network.
A Little Bit goes a Long Way
When starting your network, you do not needto immediately have 20 people on board so that you can feel asthough you are achieving success and making money. The best thingsare done in steps.
Take for example the Taj Mahal in India. Itis a monument of great beauty and romanticism, build from whitemarble and hand carved precious stones. It has been in existencefor centuries, yet people still marvel at it today, and it standsstrong. It took 22 years to be fully constructed, becauseeverything was done one-step at a time, with incredible patience.This leads to perfection.
When you are starting out as a networkmarketer, especially if you are a little shy, you need to haveconfidence that you can build yourself up slowly and still besuccessful. Start out by adding and retaining one person to yournetwork, and then add in a second. Give yourself small attainablegoals, and then you can increase these as you go along.
This enables you to adequately interact andmotivate all the people that are in your network, making it easierto retain their loyalty and their motivation to build up their ownnetworks. This is an excellent way to guarantee that you willsucceed.
Chapter 2: Create Your Own Tools
It is likely that there are extensivematerials that are available to any person who is looking at MLM,sales or network marketing. These usually take the form of freesamples, presentations and literature that will familiarisenewcomers with the products that are available.
If you are introverted, you may avoidsituations where you need to explain what a product can do,particularly if you are speaking to a group of people. However,there are other ways that you can communicate effectively and stillbuild your network.
Create your own website
With the wealth of information that you have,create your own website and ensure that, it is able to answer allthe questions that a customer could have. There should be a directlink to you, where you can hold live chats and offer information.From your website, interested parties should be able to requestfree samples to try the product. You can have these delivered tothem by mail, and then follow up with them on email to check theirlevels of interest.