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Sergey Mohov - Practical Game Design with Unity and Playmaker

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Sergey Mohov Practical Game Design with Unity and Playmaker
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    Practical Game Design with Unity and Playmaker
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Leverage the power of Unity 3D and Playmaker to develop a game from scratch


  • Create artificial intelligence for a game using Playmaker
  • Learn how to integrate a game with external APIs (Kongregate)
  • Learn how to quickly develop games in Unity and Playmaker
  • A step-by-step game development tutorial using AI scripting, external APIs and Multiplayer implementation

In Detail

Unity is a powerful rendering engine which is fully integrated with a complete set of intuitive tools to create interactive 3D and 2D content. Playmaker is a flexible visual state machine editor and runtime library for Unity 3D which facilitates visual scripting for Unity 3D.

This book explores the basics of Unity scripting in JavaScript and C#. It is a step-by-step tutorial which thoroughly explains how to make a game from scratch quickly and effortlessly. This books details the steps required to make a game in seven chapters, each of them examining one of the aspects of game development in the most practical and concise way possible.

This book starts by explaining you the component-based approach to game development. It then moves on to teach you how to use state machines interface to make a game with minimum code and how to add AI and Photon networking to it. The book then progresses through helping you understand how to write a Kongregate API code and upload your game on it. The book finally ends up enabling you to make a complete web Multiplayer game in Unity and add an external API to it.

What you will learn from this book

  • Understand the Unity project structure and the component-based approach to game development.
  • Master Unity and Playmakers interface
  • Utilize Unity and Playmaker to create game mechanics
  • Implement networking and multiplayer using Photon Unity Networking via Playmaker
  • Explore the basics of Unity scripting in JavaScript and C#
  • Import and position a model in the scene
  • Construct your own custom Playmaker actions
  • Create a game from scratch and customize it


A practical guide packed with examples that helps you to build a full-fledged game with the help of Unity and Playmaker. A few exercises and useful external resources are also provided to improve both the game and your skills.

Who this book is written for

This book is for animation artists and 3D artists, designers, and engineers who want to create interactive content with little or no programming. This book is also for game programmers who want to create a game from scratch in Unity and Playmaker. You are expected to have basic knowledge of game programming and Unity 3D.

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Practical Game Design with Unity and Playmaker

Practical Game Design with Unity and Playmaker

Copyright 2013 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

First published: December 2013

Production Reference: 1131213

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-84969-810-8


Cover Image by Asif Khan (<>)



Sergey Mohov


Sangram Dange

Philip 'MrPhil' Ludington

Pedro Machado Santa

Callan Winfield

Acquisition Editors

Meeta Rajani

Vinay Argekar

Lead Technical Editor

Ruchita Bhansali

Technical Editors

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Jomin Varghese


Lawrence A. Herman


Tejal Soni


Yuvraj Mannari

Production Coordinator

Saiprasad Kadam

Cover Work

Saiprasad Kadam

About the Author

Sergey Mohov is a game developer and designer with over three years of experience in working on games in Unity. His prominent projects include Ddale, Paradis Perdus, and Lune. The rest of Sergey's games can be found on his website at http://sergeymohov.com along with his personal blog.

I would like to thank everyone in the Unity community who helped me get from nothing to something. Special thanks to Mike Renwick who leaves no question unanswered. Many thanks to my friends and family for your continuing support. Thanks to Gwen, because everyone needs to get distracted every now and then.

I can't go without thanking the staff at Packt Publishing for suggesting that I write this book and for their guidance throughout the process.

About the Reviewers

Philip 'MrPhil' Ludington grew up on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, in the small city of Pascagoula, enthralled with computers and video games. He first learned to program as a young boy reading the BASIC manual that came with the family's first computer, a TI-99/4A. Working his way through college driving 40 ft. buses, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maryland at College Park. After more than 15 years as a programmer, he has worked at some recognizable companies including AT&T and SAP, in a range of industries from government contracting to education and casino gaming. In his spare time, Philip enjoys alpine skiing, playing board games with friends, and making video games for his website, www.MrPhilGames.com. Philip is currently working on a game about building railroads called Iron Roads.

Pedro Machado Santa is a 29-year-old Portuguese digital crafter and relentless hacker who has a software engineer title in his diploma. He holds a Masters degree in Informatics Engineering from the University of Coimbra and was an R&D research grant holder in 2011 at Instituto Pedro Nunes working in the fields of design science research, augmented reality, interaction design, and game authoring tools.

He previously worked as a mobile game designer and developer at HumanSpot (http://www.humanspot.com), a small technology and media services company based in Coimbra, Portugal. Currently he is based in the United Arab Emirates working at Sports Stars Media (SSM, http://www.sportsstarsmedia.com) where he participated as game designer and Unity3D developer on the official mobile soccer game and augmented reality app for the Mourinho and The Special Ones franchise. He continues to perform both as a web and mobile developer for other present and future SSM projects.

I can't go without thanking Paula for her relentless support and encouragement in all my projects, to my Sports Stars Media teammates Joel and Jos for the exciting and sincere enthusiasm they always showed during our lengthy discussions about the best Unity3D solutions and strategies, to Sergey for heartily attending to all my comments, and to all the nice staff at Packt Publishing, especially to Jomin and Aurita for the invitation to review this book.

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Historically, game design has been a broad term. It is still often associated uniquely with creating the rules of a game, establishing a system, defining what the game will be in broad brushstrokes and then creating particular gameplay scenarios or levels. Sometimes, we go a little farther and endow game designers with the power to define how the game's universe and aesthetics will work. Broad as this definition might seem, it remains very limited in one area, and that is technology.

As the game industry moves toward its maturation, many small studios begin to emerge, often teams of one, two, or three individuals, attributing their success to the new generation of tools now available to game developers. While the larger game companies employing hundreds of developers have mostly been able to stand their ground, in this new landscape, the focus has already shifted toward polyvalence and self-sufficiency.

Game designers have always wanted more control over the games that they make, and, for the first time in history, there is no reason why they should not reach out and take it. Knowing how your game works on the inside means having more control and creative freedom. It also means more effective communication with other members of the team, provided there are any. It empowers you to go ahead and simply make the game on your own, be it a mere prototype, a game jam project, or a full commercial release.

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