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Gordon - Lives like loaded guns: emily dickinson and her familys feuds

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Gordon Lives like loaded guns: emily dickinson and her familys feuds
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Lives Like Loaded Guns ... reads like a fabulous detective story ... [Gordon] takes us into undiscovered territory.--The Washington Post In 1882, Emily Dickinsons brother, Austin, began an adulterous love affair with the accomplished and ravishing Mabel Todd, setting in motion a series of events that would forever change the lives of the Dickinson family. Award-winning biographer Lyndall Gordon tells the story of the feud that erupted-and that still continues today. Making unprecedented use of letters, diaries, and legal documents, Gordon proposes a groundbreaking new solution to the secret behind the poets insistent seclusion, presenting a woman beyond her time who found love, spirituality, and immortality all on her own terms. The first major biography of Dickinson in nearly ten years, Lives Like Loaded Guns is a highly acclaimed story of creative genius, illicit passion, and betrayal that will forever change the way we view one of Americas most important literary figures.

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Lives Like Loaded Guns

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Copyright Lyndall Gordon, 2010

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Pages viii-x and 474 constitute an extension of this copyright page.


Gordon, Lyndall.

Lives like loaded guns: Emily Dickinson and her familys feuds / Lyndall Gordon.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

EISBN: 9781101190197

1. Dickinson, Emily, 1830-1886Family. 2. Poets, American19th centuryFamily relationships. 3. Amherst (Mass.)Intellectual life19th century. I. Title.

PS1541.Z5G66 2010




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Lives Like Loaded Guns




Also by Lyndall Gordon







My Life has stood a Loaded Gun


It was a devilish situation for everyone concerned


In memory of

Diane Middlebrook,

biographer and friend

EndpapersManuscript of My Life had stood a Loaded Gun : by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University
Map of Amherst: from A Topographical Map of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 1856
Figures from Edward Hitchcocks Elementary Geology. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Floor plan of the Dickinson Homestead. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Mabel Todds painting of Indian Pipes: Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Gilbert Montague: Montague-Collier Family Papers. Manuscripts and Archives Division. The New York Public Library.

Portrait of the Dickinson children: by Otis A. Bullard. Dickinson Room, by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Edward Dickinson: MS Am 1118.99b (16), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Mrs Dickinson: Monson Free Library

Dickinson family home (1840-55): MS Am 1118.99b (89), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Daguerreotype of Emily Dickinson, c. 1847: Amherst College Archives and Special Collections

Mary Lyon: by Joseph Goodhue Chandler (American, 181384), oil on canvas, not dated, probably after 1849. Source and date of acquisition unknown. Mount Holyoke Art Museum, South Hadley, Massachusetts

Professor Edward Hitchcock: from W. S. Tylers History of Amherst College. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections

Austin Dickinson: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Susan Gilbert: 2001 Barton Levi St Armand

The Dickinson Homestead: lithograph by John Bachelder, 1858. Jones Library Inc., Amherst

The Evergreens: Jones Library Inc., Amherst

James Jackson: Harvard Medical Library in the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine

Emily Dickinsons conservatory: Jones Library Inc., Amherst

The poets writing table: photograph by Jerome Liebling, from Liebling et al, The Dickinsons of Amherst

Lavinia Dickinson: Amherst College Archives and Special Collections


Mabel Loomis Todd: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

David Peck Todd: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Austin Dickinson: Brown University Library

Mabel Todd with Ned and Mattie Dickinson: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Gib Dickinson: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Kate Scott Turner: from Richard B. Sewall, The Life of Emily Dickinson

Samuel Bowles: MS Am 1118.99b (6), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Otis P. Lord: MS Am 1118.99b (55), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Mary Bowles: MS Am 1118.99b (5), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Maria Whitney: Historic Northampton

Elizabeth Holland: Amherst College Archives and Special Collections

Dr Josiah Holland: Amherst College Archives and Special Collections

Thomas Wentworth Higginson: MS Am 1118.99b (45), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Helen Hunt Jackson: Getty Images

Thomas Niles: Louisa May Alcott Memorial Association

Mabel Loomis Todd: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

The Dickinson servants: Jones Library Inc., Amherst

Lavinia Dickinson: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Ned Dickinson: Brown University Library

Millicent Todd with Mabel: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Millicent Todd: Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives. Yale University Library

Mattie Dickinson: Brown University Library

Emily Dickinson daguerreotypes: MS Am 1118.99b (23), by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University

Brittle Heaven: photograph courtesy of Bodleian Library, Oxford University

Poems: photograph by Julie Ainsworth. Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC

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