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The fall of the house of labor
The fall of the house of labor
The workplace, the state, and American labor activism, 18651925
![EDITIONS DE LA MAISON DES SCIENCES DE LHOMME Paris CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/110404/images/00005.jpeg)
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, So Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
With Editions de la Maison des Sciences de lHomme
54 Boulevard Raspail, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:
Maison des Sciences de lHomme and Cambridge University Press 1987
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 1987
First paperback edition 1989
Reprinted 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 9780-52122579-3 Hardback
ISBN 9780-52137982-3 Paperback
Transferred to digital printing 2010
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The research for this book was made possible by generous grants from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Whitney Humanities Center of Yale University. Typing of the manuscript was assisted by an A. Whitney Griswold Faculty Award at Yale University.
Many people have taken an interest in this research over the years and have suggested ideas or guided me to sources that have contributed significantly to my understanding of the topic. Among them are James Barrett, Neil Basen, John Bennett, Iver Bernstein, Jeremy Brecher, Cecelia Bucki, Paul Buhle, Mark Erlich, Dana Frank, Patrick Fridenson, Carter Goodrich, Andrea Graziosi, Julia Greene, Maurine Weiner Greenwald, Gregory Kealey, Patrick Lynch, Martel W. Montgomery, Priscilla Murolo, Bryan Palmer, George Pearlman, Michelle Perrot, Lewis Perry, Linda Pickard, Gordon E. Sands, Steven Sapolsky, Ronald W. Schatz, Joan W. Scott, Erroll Wayne Stevens, H. Shelton Stromquist, and Paul Worthman. David Brody, Eric Foner, Steven Fraser, Peter Friedlander, Herbert Gutman, James Hinton, and E. P. Thompson all offered valuable criticisms of early drafts of the manuscript. Portions of later drafts benefited from the comments and advice of Barbara J. Fields, Priscilla Murolo, Margaret Nelson, Steve Nelson, and Donald Tormey. The entire manuscript was read critically by David Brody. I am deeply grateful to all of them for their suggestions, even those with which I continue to disagree.
Without the help of able archivists and librarians, no historical research could be brought to a successful completion. Among those who lent special assistance to this effort are Philip Mason, Dione Miles, and George Tselos of the Archives of Labor History and Urban Affairs at Wayne State University; Moreau B. C. Chambers of the Department of Archives and Manuscripts of the Catholic University of America; Sandra Keith, Lynn S. Toscano, and Rudolph Vecoli of the Immigration History Research Center in St. Paul, Minnesota; Joseph Howerton of the National Archives of the United States of America; the staff of the Manuscripts and Archives Division of the New York Public Library; Josephine Harper of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin; and Susan Steinberg of Yale Universitys Sterling Memorial Library.
Special thanks are due to Sheila Brewer, Sheila Klein, and Mary Whitney for their able contributions to the typing of the manuscript.
Abbreviations used in text and notes
ACWA | Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America |
AFL | American Federation of Labor |
AIU | American Industrial Union |
ARU | American Railway Union |
ASE | Amalgamated Society of Engineers |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
BLE | Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers |
CCF | Central Competitive Field |
CFI | Colorado Fuel and Iron Company |
CIA | Citizens Industrial Association |
CIO | Congress of Industrial Organizations |
CND | Council of National Defense |
CPI | Committee on Public Information |
CPPA | Conference for Progressive Political Action |
FMCS | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service |
GE | General Electric Company |
IA | Iron Age |
IAM | International Association of Machinists |
IBEW | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers |
ILA | International Longshoremens Association |
ILGWU | International Ladies Garment Workers Union |
IMU | International Machinists Union |
ISR | International Socialist Review |
IWA | International Workingmens Association |
IWM | Interchurch World Movement |
IWPA | |
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