Abbe, Tim
Abundance factors. See Dams; Habitat; Hatcheries
Acid rain
Adams, John
Adaptation by salmon
Afognak Island, Alaska
Agricultural development
early native cultures
Japanese fishing in
prehistoric salmon abundance
salmon identification
salmon refuge
threats to Alaskan salmon runs
Aldwell, Thomas
All Year Round magazine
Alsea Valley Alliance
Amazon basin
American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations
American Fisheries Society
American Revolution
Anadromous Fish Conservation Act (1965)
Ancient civilizations
Anderson, Alvin C.
Angell, Homer D.
Anne, queen of England
Appert, Nicholas
Army Civil Works Appropriation bill
Army Corps of Engineers
Columbia and Snake River basin development
refusal to implement fish passages
Ashworth, T.
Asian salmon
Atkins, Charles
Atlantic salmon
18th century abundance
evolutionary path
natural selection
New England
surviving spawning
See also England; New England Atlantic Salmon Conservation Plan
Atlantic Salmon Conservation Trust
Atwater, Brian
Bacon, Francis
Baird, Spencer
Bancroft, Hubert
Barnes, Kathleen
Bartram, John
Basket fishing
Beckham, Dow
Bell, Frank T.
Bella, David
Bell's Life periodical
Beothuck people
Bering, Vitus
Bigdirt project
Birket, James
Blockages. See Dams
Blue-back salmon
Boats, commercial
Boethius, Hector
Boldt, George
Bonneville Dam, Columbia River
Bonneville hatchery
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
Bonneville Project Act (1937)
Booke of Fishing (Mascall)
Boxberger, Daniel
BPA. See Bonneville Power Administration Breeding. See Hatcheries; Spawning
Brice, J.J.
Bristol Bay fishery
Britain decline of salmon population
pressure to stop ocean fishing
relinquishing Washington State, See also England; Scotland
British Columbia, Canada
Brown, William Compton
Buck, Richard
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Burial practices
Bush, George W.
Bush, Owen
Cabot, John
cross-border conservation issues
declining salmon populations
impact of Danish ocean fishing
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
river of origin theory See also New England
Canned salmon
extinction of Northern California salmon
Hume brothers
introduction of
open-ocean fishing
Puget Sound and British Columbia
using hatchery salmon
Cannon, Clarence A.
Cartier, Jacques
Cartwright, George
Cascade Range, Washington
CASE. See Committee on the Atlantic Salmon Emergency
Catlin, George
Cedar River, Washington
Celilo Falls, Oregon
Ceremonial celebration of salmon returns
Channel straightening
Chehalis River, Washington
Chichigof Island, Alaska
Chinook language
Chinook salmon
Columbia River's depletion
early nomenclature
ESA listing
illegal dam construction on the Elwha River
New Zealand
Queets River
spawn cycle
temporary recovery of
Chorpening, C.H.
Chum salmon
Clatsop people
Climate change
Closed seasons
Coastal fishing
Cobb, John
Coho salmon
Columbia River's declining population
early nomenclature
ESA listing
hatcheries and increased decline of population
impact of logjams on spawning and migration
salmon speciation
spawn cycle
Collins, Brian
Colors, artificial
Columbia Plateau, Washington
Columbia River
annual salmon catches
chinook depletion
dam construction
early Europeans and
industrialization and
irresponsible behavior over increased harvest
maintaining runs through restraint
Native American population
Commercial fishing
banning as step in restoration
early European settlers
Greenland's ocean fishing
impact of dams on
Middle Ages
regulation of New England's
versus native fishing practices
Washington's overfishing
Committee on the Atlantic Salmon Emergency (CASE)
The Compleat Angler (Walton)
Congress, U.S.
ban on Danish ocean fishing
Ice Harbor Dam
Northwest Power Act
Connecticut River
Conservation efforts New England
Washington State initiatives
See also Restoration programs
Continental Congress
Coos Bay Logging Company
Coos River, Oregon
Coos River Boom Company
Cordilleran Ice Sheet
Cornish, J.
Corps of Discovery
Corte-Real, Gaspar
Cowlitz River, Washington
Craig's Pond Brook, Maine
Crawford, John M.
Crosby, Bing
Crowley, Bruce
Cushman Dam, Skokomish River
Dalles Dam, Columbia River
altering operations to accommodate fish passage
Columbia River and Snake Rivers
demise of Maine's salmon population
England's mill dams
English regulation of
history of salmon decline
Hume's early criticism of
illegal construction on the Elwha River
illegal English dams
impact on migration patterns
inability of hatcheries to compensate for
leading to flooding
New England
New World salmon
splash damming
Stone's hatchery, See also specific dams
Darwin, Charles
Darwin, Leslie H
Davis, Jefferson
Dee River, Scotland
Defense Appropriations Act (1940)
Defense contracts
Defoe, Daniel
Deforestation England
industrialization and
New England
Pacific Northwest
to prevent logjams
Dempster, George
Denny, Arthur
Denys, Nicolas
Department of Fisheries (Washington state)
Depression, Great
Deschamps, G.
Descriptive Sketches of the Maritime Colonies of British North America (McGregor)
Development agricultural
Columbia and Snake River basin development
in floodplains
Seattle area
Dickens, Charles
European introduction of human disease
from fish farms
from hatcheries
DNA sequencing
Dog salmon
Domesday Book
Douglas, David
Douglas, William O.
Drake, Francis
Drift netting
Drying fish
Dunfield, R.W.
Duwamish River, Washington
Eagle River, Canada
Eastern Seaboard
Echo sounders
Economic issues
cost of hatcheries
development of Seattle area
economic impact of recovery programs
fish farming
Edinburgh Review
Edward I, king of England
Elwha River, Washington
Emergency response
Encyclopedia of Fishes (Walbaum)
Endangered Species Act
Atlantic salmon decline
Bush's lack of support for
Columbia and Snake Rivers
hatcheries and
Native American treaties and
political and policy crisis
Sacramento River chinook
salmon decline despite
abundance of salmon
history of salmon regulation
overfishing and decline of the salmon population