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Copyright 2014 by Alecandra Baldec & Juliana Baldec
Copyright 2014, Daily Meditations: Basic Meditation Techniques & Meditation Affirmation + Meditation Prayers (Perfect Meditation Gift For Meditation Beginners including Beginner's Meditation Techniques & Exercises from A to Z like Christian Meditation Techniques & New Age Meditatione Techniques)
3 In 1 Box Set Compilation:
Book 1: 11 Advanced Yoga Poses You Wish You Knew
Book 2: Daily Meditation Ritual
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Table of Contents
Book 1: 11 Advanced Yoga Poses You Wish You Knew
Welcome to 11 Simple Yoga Poses For Beginners You Wish You Knew!
My name is Juliana Baldec and I have been inspired by my sister Alecandra Baldec to get started with this wonderful discipline of Yoga.
I have been applying my daily yoga ritual for about three months now, but I still consider myself a Yoga beginner. I am so happy that I followed my big sister's suggestions to get started with this daily yoga ritual because it truly transformed my lifestyle, health and happiness.
I enjoy doing it so much that I decided to motivate and encourage other yoga beginners to get started with their own daily yoga ritual and routine, too.
Practising yoga does not take much time out of your schedule, and if you'd like to learn some cool time management tricks that apply to a healthy lifestyle that includes disciplines like yoga and/or meditation then I highly recommend my sister's book series that you can find on Amazon as well.
She calls it her Daily Ritual Yoga and Meditation Lifestyle series. You can check it out right here:
Alecandra Baldec's Yoga & Meditation lifestyle books here
She also was the one who inspired me to write this yoga position book for beginners because beginners are always asking her for the best poses that a beginner should get started with. She writes books that are targeted to more advanced yoga and meditation techniques so this is how I got involved in this exciting picture book project.
There are other books that talk about yoga poses, but the focus of this book is different because it does not talk about a specific yoga pose in a boring and long winded way. Who needs the whole story and history of a yoga pose anyway?
A beginner of yoga only needs a short and inspirational how to instruction so that he or she is enabled to apply the beneficial yoga pose ASAP.
This book is designed for busy yoga beginners who like to get started with some yoga poses that are specifically beneficial for beginners. The book gives a beginner the 11 essential yoga poses that are best to get started with. It also talks about the benefits of each yoga pose so that a beginner learns from the start why a specific yoga pose is good for their health and mental condition. These benefits are the true reasons a newbie needs to know about because this is the stuff that makes a newbie stick to the matter.
Each yoga pose includes some inspirational stories that I personally associate with each yoga pose, the instruction itself (think of it like a quick and to the point recipe preparation), and the specific health benefits.
I only include my favorite yoga poses that I am enjoying on a daily basis as a beginner myself and that I am having the best successes with and that I am personally feeling connected to. These are the specific poses that are giving me a healthy body and a happy mental and emotional state.
I hope you enjoy the book and I hope that you will get lots of inspiration and stimulation out of the book in order to be able to take advantage of the ulimited benefits that you can achieve with these yoga positions that you are going to discover as you go through the book.
There are seven yoga poses for beginners that are the most important to learn: the Downward Dog, Child's Pose, Bridge, Cobra, Triangle, Mountain, and Warrior Pose. Each of these poses are the building blocks for future yoga sessions and are essential to beginners. Some of these poses seemed to easy to me, but, after my first few yoga sessions, the results speak for themselves
Each and every yoga pose has its own benefits.
Enjoy your journey through the wonderful world of yoga positions!
My Favorite Yoga Quote
Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God. ~ Krishnamacharya
The Butterfly Pose
Yoga is all about uniting the mind and the body. Yoga allows us to strengthen our awareness and quiet our minds.
Being new to yoga, I like to start with the Butterfly Pose.
This pose is especially useful for starting my hectic day.
This is how the Butterfly Pose is done correctly:
Sit on your yoga mat with your back straight and your shoulders away from your ears.
Next bring the soles of your feet together, and allow your knees to fall to the floor.
Hold your feet or ankles and close your eyes.
Try to flatten your knees down toward the floor to increase your hip's flexibility.
Focus on your breath and stay in this position until you feel yourself relaxed.
I have found that allowing my mind to quiet in this position will improve my focus for the remaining positions. When I first started, my knees would stay up off the ground, but with more practice, I have been able to increase my flexibility and open my hips.