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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Names: Kubicek, Jeremie, author. | Cockram, Steve, author.
Title: The 100X leader : how to become someone worth following / Jeremie
Kubicek, Steve Cockram.
Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2019] | Includes
index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2018043695 (print) | LCCN 2018045132 (ebook) | ISBN
9781119519478 (Adobe PDF) | ISBN 9781119519454 (ePub) | ISBN 9781119519447
Subjects: LCSH: Leadership.
Classification: LCC HD57.7 (ebook) | LCC HD57.7 .K81545 2019 (print) | DDC
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018043695
I want to dedicate this work to my dad, Mike Kubicek,
who has constantly fought for my highest possible good.
You are my hero and a leader worth following!
For Helen, Izzy, Megan, and Charlottethank you
for sharing this incredible adventure with me,
with all my love.
There is a people group on this planet known for their superhuman abilities. They can climb at levels unimaginable, while carrying gear and supplies that would make the normal person wince. They are known as the Sherpa, and they are a perfect metaphor to describe a type of superhuman leader that exists on this planet as well.
You may know the Sherpa for their expertise on Mount Everest and throughout the Himalaya mountains. Even more than their physical DNA, the Sherpa tend to have a belief system that is different than the extreme climbers who pay thousands to climb a mountain, seeking mostly the thrill of personal achievement. In contrast, the Sherpa climb out of respect for the mountain and for the chance to take care of their families.
Two types of people climb the mountain for different reasons: one to check off an accomplishment, the other to help people fulfill their dreams. Throughout this book, we use the metaphor of a Sherpa because we feel they are the best example of what it means to truly lead people, modeling perfectly the ability to calibrate support and challenge. We will explain what we mean by a 100X leader in depth and give you many practical tools and examples as we challenge you to live and lead at your full potential. Our ultimate goal is to help you become a person who people want to follow, not one people have to follow. There is a big difference.
Have to versus Want to
Have you ever worked for someone simply because you needed a job or a paycheck? This was a leader that you reluctantly worked for out of duty or necessity, but one you wouldnt necessarily have chosen to work for otherwise.
Mentally, want to versus have to is a very different thing. When we want to work for someone, life is much brighter. When we work for someone worth following, we have a spring in our step, we want to work hard. But, when we are forced to work for a weak leader, even things we like to do become tedious.
In this book we will help you evaluate how others see your leadership and your life, and we will equip you with proven practical tools so that you can become someone people will choose to follow.
We Need Better Leaders
The twenty-first century is a steep mountain climb for todays leaders; the landscape is treacherous and constantly shifting as the complexities of work, culture, and life are changing rapidly in the digital age. Its unrecognizable from 30 years ago! In essence, the terrain has changed drastically, and people are either adapting or not.
Because of these changes we have come to believe that the world doesnt need more leadersit needs more of the right kind of leaders, especially amid the chaos that is constant within global affairs. We need more leaders who people want to believe in, not leaders who people are forced to follow.
The changes in geopolitical realities, global leadership, and technological advancements have also caused a complete shift in the way adults learn. People have changed the way they read and view information and even the way they read books. Social media affects news feeds and attitudes, not to mention the endless options of entertainment. The proliferation of information has forced different behaviors as people try to filter what they want to take in and how much content to digest, whether its audio, visual, or text. This dramatic shift in how we learn affects peoples abilities to become healthy and to train others effectively.
No one has climbed this mountain before. Having worked with leaders around the globe, we know the challenges of todays landscape. The realities that leaders are asked to address require a new technique since the old maps are invalid. Since 2013 we have been working to create new maps for twenty-first-century leadersa people system that actually scales and multiplies healthy leaders. And it has been working, which is why we have built this field guide for transformation and multiplication for you to use.
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