
2013 Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Published by Bethany House Publishers
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Bethany House Publishers edition published 2014
ISBN 978-1-4412-6684-2
Previously published by Regal Books
Ebook edition originally created 2013
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the English Standard Version, Copyright 2001. The ESV and English Standard Version are trademarks of Good News Publishers.
Other versions used are:
KJVKing James Version. Authorized King James Version.
NASBScripture taken from the New American Standard Bible, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
NIVScripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2010 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
To Laura
You are our Sunshine
You are loved!

The Secret to Building a Great Marriage and Family
After writing close to three dozen books, I want to thank a unique group of people who, if they were honest, stand amazed!
To my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Ladd: You gave me the only spanking I ever received in school, breaking a ruler over my behind in front of the entire class. I have two thoughts for you: I am certain I deserved it! and, it all goes to show that you just never know how effective discipline can be! Bless you... you deserve a crown!!!
To my typing teacher, Mrs. Whittington: I thought I outfoxed you by typing 100 words per minute (meriting a speed grade of an A) while making at least 30-50 errors (meriting an accuracy grade of an F), which all averaged out to be a C. This was my goal at the timeto pass your course and graduate. You proved the point that even a student who hated a class can end up effectively using the skills learned.
Thanks to both of you... and forgive me, please. I know I was a pain.
And to Dave Boehi: I wish you couldve known these two educators who preceded you and bore the brunt of my youth. You wouldve liked them both. Thank you for corralling all this material from my writings, broadcasts and other ramblings and ordering them into a devotional that will help engaged couples... thank you! You have been a gift to millions through your skills of writing, editing and organization. Thanks to you and Merry, a lot of marriages and families have been served well over the past 25 years. You are a good man. Thank you!
To Bob Lepine: You had a vision for this devotional before I did. What else is new? Thank you for your friendship and faithfulness.
To Bill Eyster: You are a good man. Period. You know this wouldnt have happened without you. Thank you for being a friend and world changer. And yes, thanks to his bride, Spicy Tracey, for standing by your man... because he wouldnt have ever been here without you!
Thanks to the team at Gospel Light for another great job of serving both the author and the reader. To Bill Greig: You have been a good partner in ministry over the past 2+ decades. To Kim Bangs: Thanks for your servant spirit and all the hard work you and your team of Elizabeth Wingate and Carol Eide did.
And to Michelle, who knows where everything ishow to water our plantsand how to serve really well. Thank you for being a woman who is not merely a survivor, but a woman on a mission. You are amazing.
Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Summer of 2013
Have you ever driven on a big city freewayone of those with about five lanes in each direction? It can be a harrowing experience. You dont like that lane on the far right, because its slowtoo many trucks and too much merging traffic. You avoid it unless your exit is approaching. If youre like me, you stick to a middle lanenot too fast, and you can maneuver more easily.
But lots of people like that lane on the far leftthe fast lane. They are determined to save those extra five minutes, and they dont care about those pesky speed limits. Theres danger in moving that fast, but theyre used to itand they like the speed.
In many ways, you are now living in that fast lane. The months before your wedding are a rush of planning and parties and frenetic activity. You live off emotion and adrenalin.
And then comes the marriage.
Engagement certainly was fast for us. In fact, our entire courtship was spent in the fast lane. Though we had been friends for a few years, our courtship really began in the summer of 1972. We dated for six weeks, got engaged and then were married six weeks after that! We often recommend short engagements for couples, but ours may have been just a bit too quick.
Theres one big problem with life in the fast lane during engagement. Its fine for preparing for a wedding but not for preparing to do marriage. Not for building a relationship. That takes time and thought and communication.
Thats what this devotional is forto help you periodically pull out of that fast lane as your wedding approaches. Even if you cant slow the pace of wedding planning, its still possible to carve out some time together each day to focus on your relationship.
This book is not designed to replace premarital counseling; you need to make sure you spend time with a pastor, counselor or mentor who will help you learn the basics of Gods blueprints for marriage. In fact, we have a great workbook, Preparing for Marriage, designed for that purpose. And if you are really looking for the very finest training that will prepare you for marriage, we recommend that you not only go through that workbook together but also attend a FamilyLife Weekend to Remember marriage getaway before you marry (check it out at
What this devotional will do is offer practical insights into doing marriage Gods way. And it will help you begin to develop your spiritual life togetherreading the Scriptures together, praying and talking about the divine blueprints for building a home and how they apply to your life together.
We suggest spending 20 to 30 minutes on each devotion. Take turns reading aloud to one another; then answer the discussion questions at the end, and conclude your time by praying for one another, asking God to help you apply each truth to your relationship. These spiritual disciplines will be among the most important steps you take as you prepare for doing marriage together. Also note that there are a few devotions specifically for men and a few specifically for women, but even those will conclude by your coming together to share what youve learned.
It is our hope that these devotions will provide a needed rest stop in your daily activitya time to slow down and focus on the wonderful mystery of two becoming one.