Djuna Wojton is a spiritual healer, tarot reader, and astrologer with over two decades of experience. She is the director of the Djunaverse Center for Healing Arts in Philadelphia, which helps clients from around the world through classes and private sessions that focus on personal growth. She also writes weekly and monthly astrology columns, produces weekly video forecasts for and documentary films for her healing arts channel on, blogs on, and contributes articles to She is the author of Karmic Healing: Clearing Past-Life Blocks to Present-Day Love, Health, and Happiness .
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
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Karmic Choices: How Making the Right Decisions Can Create Enduring Joy 2014 by Djuna Wojton.
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First e-book edition 2014
E-book ISBN: 9780738739182
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To Debbie, Helen, Joseph, Maria, and Tasha.
Friendship is sacred.
The exercises and meditations in this book are not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care. The processes are challenging, best accomplished by those who are emotionally well balanced. Please seek appropriate help if you have a problem. If you are currently in therapy, consult with your therapist before exploring karmic choices.
All of the names of the clients and details of their circumstances mentioned in the book have been changed to protect their privacy.
Please note that all parts of this book are copyrighted. You may only record the meditations for your personal use.
: Are You Ready to Shift?
: Choose Now
: Choose Relief
: Choose Growth
: Choose Integrity
: Choose Purpose
: Choose Clarity
: Choose Action
: Choose Love
: Choose Completion
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
You want some kind of change in your life, but you cant seem to make it happen. Maybe you placed your dreams on the back burner so many years ago that youve forgotten what they are. You never ran that marathon, wrote a novel, took a world cruise, or learned to sail.
Or could it be that, after years of marriage, you are unaware that youve drifted apart from your spouse? Or, perhaps, being single for so long, you have resigned yourself to never having a partner?
Or maybe its time for a career change. Youre bored, working at a dead-end job just trying to make ends meet, but havent pursued anything truly satisfying.
Its always easier to find reasons and excuses for why you cant do what you want.
If youre willing to open up to more satisfaction in some area of life, be it in your career, relationships, or self-expression, Karmic Choices will show you how. Youll discover how to get unstuck by healing old issues, connecting with your soul awareness, and designing a plan for a fulfilling future. Its case studies and stories illustrate spiritual teachings and principles that will empower you to get back on track. Questionnaires will prepare you to work on your core issues. Finally, exercises, meditations, and the three-step Karmic Pattern Formula will help you release the blockages and limiting beliefs that keep you immobilized so that you can take the steps you need to create a life you love.
Like an explorer venturing into unknown territory and making new discoveries, youll see the world with wiser eyes, and each chapter will support and nurture your growing self-awareness and confidence. Your experience of who you are will expand as your options increase, and as a result, youll be able to accomplish more and thereby be more satisfied with your life than you ever imagined possible.
Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. Clearly, then, you cant avoid karma, since life is composed of action.
Youve probably heard the saying, What you sow, you will reap. Basically, this spiritual law means that you are responsible for your actions and their consequences. This is the same spiritual law defined by the term karma. With karma, your positive actions have constructive results and your negative actions have destructive results. As such, karma can be viewed as the combined set of circumstances that either allows you to move forward in life or holds you back.
You may wonder why bad things happen to good people and how karma applies to them. Heres where the theory of reincarnation comes into play. Since ancient times, many cultures have believed that birth and death are part of a continuous cycle through which a soul can heal and transform. Buddhism, Hinduism, and many earth-based religions include reincarnation in their doctrines. Past-life expert and best-selling author Dr. Brian Weiss claims that even Christianity embraced reincarnation until Emperor Constantine deleted references of past lives from the Bible in the fourth century.
Reincarnation espouses the belief that your soul chooses to be born on earth to learn and experience, because life offers new opportunities to grow. Sometimes such opportunityas the result of karmacomes in the form of challenging circumstances to help you learn the impact of your past actions on others and thereby balance the scales. In the process, these difficult situations also force you to develop strength or upgrade your character . As such , I call the wisdom gleaned from these opportunities spiritual lessons, as ultimately you are here to discover your true divine nature.
At this moment, your life is a culmination of all the karma created by the consequences of past actions and choices. Thus, the exercises, stories, and meditations in this book will help you to make choices in keeping with the spiritual law that as you sow, so shall you reap. Karmic Choices will help you to become aware that you are not alone, but interconnected to everyone and everything, for it is with such awareness that you will create positive karma for yourself and for the world.