Robert Levy introduces a fresh and intuitive look at Reiki energy healing offering unique perspectives and useful information for beginning and advanced practitioners alike. He integrates additional effective tools that are designed to enhance your hands-on practice and encourage a personal, creative connection to the Universal Life Force Energy.
Llyn Roberts, M.A., award winning author of Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness and coauthor of Shamanic Reiki.
In his book Reiki: Empowered By It, Embraced By It, Claimed By It, Robert Levy elegantly escorts us out of the box of traditional Reiki techniques and teaches us how to develop a deep learning relationship with the Divine intelligence of Reiki itself. Mr Levys valuable work helps make Reiki more accessible and user friendly to all.
Brett Bevell, M.A., author of the books New Reiki Software for Divine Living, Reiki for Spiritual Healing and The Reiki Magic Guide To Self Attunement
Looking Forward
The purpose of this book is to allow you to:
be empowered by Reiki.
be embraced by Reiki.
deepen your connection to Reiki.
relate to Reiki on a personal level.
claim Reiki as Universes true gift to you.
Within its pages, you will find:
your Reiki,
not my Reiki,
not your teachers Reiki,
not anyone elses Reiki.
Your Reiki, and
it will be in complete harmony
with your higher self and your divine soul.
First published by Ayni Books, 2013
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Text copyright: Robert Levy 2013
ISBN: 978 1 78279 065 5
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There is a concept that all the people we meet on our lifes journey are in some way our teachers. I wish to thank all of my teachers who helped me evolve into the Reiki practitioner that I now am. These include my Reiki teachers, my students, my clients, and the friends I made (and lost) who are also Reiki practitioners. They include the many people who I have met along the way who are part of other healing modalities but added to my knowledge of Universe and her generosity to us. To name them all would be impossible. To all, thank you!
To Maria Watson, my editor, my thanks for your trust that what I said should be heard, and for helping me say it in the best possible way.
To my wife, Shigeko,
for being my wife,
for being my rock,
for being my reason.
Without you, nothing would be possible.
Many Reiki practitioners become disillusioned with Reiki early on in their Reiki career.
They are filled with self-doubt.
They wonder if Reiki is valid.
They wonder if Reiki works.
To those of your who have felt like that or to those of you who wish to look at Reiki from a different light, a light that begins within the Heart of Reiki and shines directly on you, filling you with her wonder, her energy, her love, her compassion and her understanding, this book is dedicated.
In the memory of Ipupiara Makunaiman.
Authors note:
Material in this text is for informational purposes. Reiki and medicine are two different modalities. Reiki should be used only as a complimentary discipline. In case of serious illness, please consult a medical practitioner.
B eware - you are about to read a book on Reiki like no other you have read before because I may blatantly blaspheme some of the tenants of Reiki taught by many Reiki Masters. I ask you to read this with an open mind, and if you will, by the time you finish, I promise that the Reiki you practice will not only be more powerful, but it will be completely personal. It will be YOUR Reiki. Not my mine, not your teachers, but yours. And there will be no attunements and no extra fees, except purchasing his book.
I am sure everyone who is reading this knows that many medicines come in two forms, brand names and generic names. Though most of the time the generic medicines work with equal effectiveness, sometimes they dont and the brand name, selected by a physician on an individual basis, may. Generic may not be for every one.
Reiki can also come in two forms. Generic Reiki, the one everyone learns, and, instead of using the words brand Reiki, I will use the term Personal Reiki, the Reiki prescribed to you alone.
But first, a quick review of Reiki, which I explain as follows:
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Universal Life Force Energy, a healing gift from Universe to all of us. It requires very little training in the simplest level. It can be performed by anyone who has been attuned and is painless, never harming, and, in my opinion, always relaxing. Though many people consider and refer to Reiki as an alternative medicine, I chose to speak of it as complementary. Alternative can be interpreted as instead of modern medicine and complementary would be used in harmony with modern medicine.
How Do You Perform Reiki?
The Reiki practitioner holds his or her hands either slightly above or gently on, the person receiving Reiki. The practitioner then connects with the Reiki Energy using only the power of his/her intent. The Reiki Energy enters the practitioner, goes through him/her and exits through the hands. The energy then enters the client. But it doesnt stay where the hands are. People from different Reiki schools of thought may argue over many things, but one thing that all practitioners agree on is that Reiki is an intelligent energy. It ought to be since it is a gift from Divine Universe. Therefore, once the energy enters the body, it goes where it is needed. I tell my students that it goes to the place that will give the clients higher self the most benefit.
Reiki was discovered or rediscovered by Dr. MIkao Usui. There may be many stories about how this actually transpired, but the one I was told when being attuned to the first level was Dr. Usui went on a mountain and fasted for twenty-one days. He was searching for an ancient hands on healing system long forgotten. On the last day, as he was about to end his fast, a light appeared in the sky, sank down and entered him through his crown Chakra. Within that light were four symbols. Dr. Usui intuitively knew what the symbols meant and how to use them. He achieved divine enlightenment and was attuned by Universe into Reiki. On that day, modern day Reiki was born.
Some argue that this was the true beginning of Reiki while others say that Universe showed him the healing method used thousands of years ago by ancient Buddhist healers. Modern Reiki practitioners love to nit-pic. I dont, and I dont care which answer is correct. It doesnt matter to me because Reiki is Reiki. It exists.