Text copyright 1988 by Diane Stein
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except brief excerpts for the purpose of review, without written permission of the publisher.
Crossing Press
an imprint of Ten Speed Press
P.O. Box 7123
Berkeley, California 94707
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stein, Diane
[Stroking the python]
All women are psychics / Diane Stein.
p. cm.
Originally published: Stroking the python. St. Paul, Minn.:
Llewellyn, 1988.
eISBN: 978-0-307-78376-9
1. Parapsychology. 2. WomenMiscellanea. I. Title.
BF1045.W65S74 1999
For my grandmother Anna Backman
who never told me she was psychic
All Knowledge of Fate comes from the female depths; none of the surface powers know it. Whoever wants to ask about Fate must go down to the woman.
Helen Diner
Mothers and Amazons:
The First Feminine History of Culture
I would like to thank all the women who wrote to me, who answered my ads and questions and contributed their psychic lives and life stories to this book. Without them, the writing would not have been possible. I would also like to thank all the women who are writing about being psychic, within and without Goddess spirituality. Their books, interviews, stories, and methods are made available for all to read and learn from, and the teaching that they bring us all is vital.
Thanks, too to the women who have helped in the writing: Antiga for her review of the crystal gazing section, Gail Fairfield for reviewing the chapter on channeling, Dawn Richards for correcting my grammar and Theosophy, Lee Lanning and Nett Hart for editorial comments, and Maggie Tongue for comments. Their help and time have been given with generosity and love, and are deeply appreciated. Thanks, also to the several publications who ran my ad gratis, asking women to send me their psychic stories. No book is written alone, and these are some of the women behind the scenes.
Chapter One. Other Realities
Altered States of Consciousness and Psychic Experience
Matriarchal Reality, Simultaneous Time, Coincidence, Intuition, Brainwave States
How To: Mediation
Chapter Two. The Invisible Woman
Auras, Chakras, and Psychic Bodies
Prana, The Four Bodies, Eight Aura Layers and Chakras, Thought-Forms, Science and the Aura
How To: See Prana, The Etheric Double, The Emotional Aura, and Thought-Forms
Chapter Three. The Root Chakra
Reincarnation: How Many Lives?
Reincarnation, Karma, Soul Mates, Simultaneous Lives, Prebirth Regression
How To: Past Life Regression
Chapter Four. The Bell Chakra
Astral Projection: Women Flying
Astral Projection, Kama-Manas, The Emotional Body, The Silver Cord, Flying Dreams, Conditions and Types of Travel, The Process of Astral Projection
How To: Astral Travel
Chapter Five. The Solar Plexus
Dreamwork: Women Dreaming
Dream Herstory, The Solar Plexus, Stages of Dreaming, Dream Cycles and Menstruation, Interpreting Dreams, Psychic Dreams, Lucid Dreaming
How To: Dream Recall and Interpretation, Lucid Dreaming
Chapter Six. The Solar Plexus
Manifesting: Mind Over Matter
Creating Reality, Thought-Forms, Coincidence, Psychokinesis, Poltergeists, Apparitions
How To: Affirmation/Visualization, Psychokinesis, Perceiving Apparitions
Chapter Seven. The Heart Center
Women Healing: Giving From the Heart
Healing vs. Cures, The Heart Center, Mind and Body, Self-Love, Psychic Healing, Laying On of Hands, Spritism/Spirit Healing
How To: Psychic Healing, Laying On of Hands
Chapter Eight. The Throat Chakra
Telepathy: Sending and Receiving
The Throat Chakra, Thought-Forms, Types of TelepathyEtheric, Emotional and MentalSenders and Receivers, Animals
How To: Group Telepathy, Emotional and Mental Telepathy, With Children, With Animals
Chapter Nine. The Third Eye: Clairvoyance
Women Knowing
Definitions, The Third Eye, Types of ClairvoyanceSimple Clairvoyance, Clairvoyance in Space, Clairvoyance in Time, Spontaneous and Intentional, Precognition, Retrocognition
How To: Enter Past and Future, Make Predictions, ESP Testing
Chapter Ten. The Third Eye: Divination
Crystal Gazing and Psychometry, Tarot and I Ching
Divination and Clairvoyant Divination, The Third Eye and Solar Plexus, Scrying, Psychometry, and I Ching
How To: Crystal Gazing and Psychometry
Chapter Eleven. The Crown Chakra: Mediumship
Spirit Guides and Channeling
Spirit Guides, The Crown Chakra, Mediumship and Channeling, Channelers: Eileen Garrett, Jane Roberts, Sheila Reynolds, Gail Fairfield
How To: Contact Your Guides
Chapter Twelve. The Crown Chakra: Mediumship
Ouija Boards, Automatic Writing and Seances
Spiritualism, Connecting the Planes, The Crown Center, Ouija Boards, Automatic Writing, Seances, Great Women Mediums
How To: Use a Ouija Board, Do Automatic Writing, Hold a Womens Spirituality Seance
Chapter Thirteen. The Transpersonal Point
Death and Beyond: Near Death Experiences
What is Death?, The Transpersonal Point, Witnesses at Deaths and From Women Dying, Information Through Mediums, Near Death Experiences, The Four Worlds, The Process of Death, Rebirth
How To: Living Well
Chapter One
Other Realities:
Altered States of Consciousness
and Psychic Experience
Because the nature of our inner dimension is qualitatively different from the material world around us, we have no framework for understanding what we experience when working with it. Theres a vulnerability, an insecurity, that you feel when working with the innerconsciousness, for there is no objective world to knock up against so you can know your position and what youre dealing with When you understand the dynamics of innerconsciousness you will find yourself more able to trust and work with your own inner powers.
As a young child, I had the feeling that there was more than I could see. I asked questions, too many of them for grownups comfort sometimes, and often received no answers, or unsatisfactory ones. Lying in bed at night, Id wonder what was real, if what I was told or saw for myself was the whole story or if there might be more. I knew that there was another reality, something beyond what I could see or find out about, but that all the answers were there. Id imagine what that other reality was like, where it existed, and create the possibilities in my mind. At times I knew Id been there while dreaming, and waking had answers I couldnt logically have known. My parents reactions to this, if I talked about or let slip what I knew, were often to punishthey thought Id been listening at closed doors.