Holographic Healing
5 Keys to Nervous SystemConsciousness
Holographic Healing
5 Keys to Nervous SystemConsciousness
George Gonzalez, DC, QN
Copyright 2012 by George Gonzalez, DC, QNQunatum Neurology Registered Publications
All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission ofthe author.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself or others, which is your constitutional right, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Book Cover design by Cathi Stevensonwww.bookcoverexpress.com
Book Edited by Heather Marshwww.classicediting.com
Interior Design by Rudy Milanovichrudy@wizardvision.com
Soft Cover Book ISBN: 978-0-9855207-0-0Electronic Book ISBN: 978-0-9855207-1-7
I dedicate this book to my family, with the most sincere gratitude. Without them I shudder to think what my life would have been. Through their sacrifice and hard work Ive been allowed to shine. Their unconditional love and support have allowed this work to be accomplished.
The loves of my lifemy wife Lori and my daughter Gabrielle.
My mother and father, Ludivina and Refugio Gonzalez, for without them none of this would exist.
My brothers, who have been my heroes for as long as I can remember: my oldest brother, Refugio Gonzalez, and his children Luke, Emmanuel, Simeon and Danni; and my older brother, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, and his wife Paola and their children Sabrina, Sebastian, Nico and Sophia.
Loris parents, Tina and Vicente Guzman, for treating me as their own child.
And special thanks to Loris brother, whose skills compliment my weaknesses and who has contributed greatly to Quantum Neurology, Dan Guzman, and his wife Michelle and daughters Alexandria and Olivia.
I attribute my skills to hard work and the guidance of my many masters, teachers, family, friends and experiences.
I attribute my gifts to the ability to connect with a consciousness greater than my own understanding. For that reason I would like to thank the Universal Consciousness we share which allows us to have this interaction.
I have so many people to thank its difficult to get started for fear that Ill forget someone. I would like to thank all the doctors that have dedicated themselves to learning Quantum Neurology and providing Nervous System rehabilitation services to their patients. I would also like to acknowledge and thank all the recipients of Quantum NeurologyRehabilitation. It is in their need that these concepts have surfaced.
I would like to thank the present and future Quantum Neurologists for their contribution to Nervous System exploration. I especially would like to thank Dr. David Pascal, who has followed me for my entire professional career. He was my first student, my first Quantum Neurologist, and he is a close friend and confidant. His use of Quantum Neurologyto enhance elite athletic performance has produced medals and world record times in every major track event the world. I would also like to thank Dr. Elizabeth Hesse Sheehan, who was the first doctor to apply our neurological rehabilitation principles to a patient population affected with Lyme disease, chronic illness and Autism Spectrum Disorder; Dr. James Sheen, in his expansion of Nervous System care and healing principals; and Dr. Chris Cormier, for expanding our understanding ofwhat is possible in the endocrine system and applying these principles to new frontiers.
I would like to acknowledge the special people in my career who supported, housed and fed me and my familyall while encouraging me when I did not believe in myself. These people include Dr. Edward Chauvin and family, Dr. Woody & Mary Beck and family, Dr. Ron & Janet
Stellmacher, Dr. Torry & Lexi Hinson, Dr. Chase Hayden and family, Dr. Andrew & Cathy Tolk and family, and Dr. Tom Weiland and his family.
I would like to thank my special friend Angelo Agon, who invested his time in me when I was a student and taught me many of the healing principles and philosophies contained within this book. His guidance through my training with Dr. Bob and Lisa Curry of Standard Process of Southern California gave me a strong healing philosophy in nutrition, whole foods and real vs. synthetic concepts. When I was a student, Angelo guided me to study with the best natural healing doctors in the world. Although at the time I did not realize it, studying with the best early in my career has fostered the growth and skill that I have today.
To all my teachers, masters and mentors, with special thanks to:
Dr. Tobi Watkinson for bringing me back from a near fatal mold exposure and teaching me how to trust the Nervous System to guide the patients care.
Dr. Bob and Lisa Curry for providing a guiding light for doctors to explore the healing powers of the Nervous System available through food, nutrition and natural healing.
Dr. Scott Lander for being a friend and a mentor in chiropractic.
Dr. Michael Dobbins for being a wonderful friend and mentor who has made it his mission to educate doctors on the uses of foods and whole food concentrates to maximize healing.
Drs. Scott and Deb Walker for their support and the gifts they share with the world through their work of Neuro Emotional Technique. The healing available through their work is astonishing. Their kindness in teaching and mentorship has made me a better person, doctor and teacher. Thank you.
Dr. Dick Versendal for teaching me his powerful version of Nervous System guided care.
Dr. Marc Pick, my first chiropractor, who leads by example and taught me the importance of Nervous System based care by being the first to help Lori after her injury.
Kyle Morgan, D.O. and A.J. Deeds for developing a system that has allowed my body to heal after 20 years of struggling with my weight.
Grand Master Gary Lam, through whose training I focused on taking center in my life, health, family and career. His unique and advanced understanding of the Nervous System cultivation and expansion has been a great inspiration to my work.
Grand Master Nene Gaabucayan for teaching me how to personally develop my Nervous System in ways I never thought possible. His mastery of layering the Nervous System in its development is revolutionary.
Suzannah Galland for being such a dear friend. Her life and business coaching have saved me from ruin and steered me toward the life of my dreams.
Marco Aiello for creating the soundtrack of our lives.
Dr. Steve Hoffman for sharing his gifts and talents. This book was initiated by his presentation on the importance of having a book. This process has made me learn how to define myself in ways I could not have previously. Thank you!
Dr. Howard and Christine Cohn for being masters of manifesting health, wealth and love. Thank you for sharing and teaching me how to go for it!
Ed and Mary Miller of Impac Inc. for your support and guidance in this niche industry that we share. Without your help I may have never taken flight.
To my Aikido family
Seiseki Abe Sensei, Take Shigemichi Sensei, Haruo Matsuoka Sensei, Kinoshita Sensei, Kato Sensei and all my sempai and kohai. My life has a special meaning shaped by the experiences we shared together. Thank you for teaching me the beauty and power available through our Nervous System.
To my closest friends
The Striegel BrothersStephen, Shawn and Scott. I thank you for all the love, laughter and support, especially at my lowest moments.