Other Books by John D. Grainger:
Ancient History:
The Ancient Sea (forthcoming, Hambledon Continuum)
Alexander the Great Failure (Hambledon Continuum, 2008)
The Cities of Seleukid Syria (Oxford 1990)
A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer (Brill, 1997)
Seleukos Nikator (Routledge, 1991)
Hellenistic Phoenicia (Oxford 1991)
The League of the Aitolians (Brill, 2000)
The Roman War of Antiochos the Great (Brill, 2002)
Nerva and the Imperial Succession Crisis, AD 9699 (Routledge, 2002, paperback 2004)
Modern History:
Cromewll Against the Scots (Tuckwell, 1997)
The Battle of Yorktown 1781: a Reassessment (Boydell, 2005)
The Amiens Truce, Britain and Bonaparte 18011803 (Boydell, 2004)
The Royal Navy in the River Plate (Navy Records Society, 1996)
The First Pacific War, Britain and Russia 18541856 (Boydell, 2008)
The Maritime Blocade of Germany in the Great War (Navy Records Society, 2004)
The Battle for Palestine, 1917 (Boydell)
Published by
Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK
Oxbow Books and the individual author, 2009
ISBN 978-1-84217-334-3
EPUB ISBN: 978-1-78297-295-2
PRC ISBN: 978-1-78297-296-9
This book is available direct from:
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Grainger, John D., 1939
The cities of Pamphylia / by John D. Grainger.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-84217-334-3
1. Pamphylia (Turkey)--History. 2. Pamphylia (Turkey)--History, Local. 3. Cities
and towns, Ancient--Turkey--Pamphylia. 4. City and town life--Turkey--Pamphylia
-History. 5. Political culture--Turkey--Pamphylia--History. 6. Pamphylia (Turkey)
-Social conditions. 7. Pamphylia (Turkey)--Politics and government. 8. Greeks-
Turkey--Pamphylia--History. I. Title.
DS156.P27G73 2009
Printed and bound by Hobbs the Printers Ltd,
Totton, Hampshire
List of Figures
ABSA | Annual of the British School at Athens |
AE | Anne pigraphique |
AJA | American Journal of Archaeology |
AMS | Asia Minor Studien |
Anat. St. | Anatolian Studies |
ANRW | Aufsteig under Niedergang des Rmische Welt |
ANSMN | American Numismatic Society Museum Notes |
AST | Arastirma Sonuclari Toplants |
BAR | British Achaeological Reports |
BCH | Bulletin de Correspondence Hellenique |
BE | Bulletin pigraphique |
Bean | G. E. Bean, Inscriptions in the Antalya Museum, Belleten 22, 1958, 2170 |
Bean, TSS | G. E. Bean, Turkeys Southern Shore, 2nd ed., London 1979 |
BJ | Bonner Jahrbucher |
Blumenthal, Siedlungscolonisation |
E. Blumenthal, Die altgriechische Siedlungscolonisation in Mittelmeerraum unter besondere Berichigung der Sdkuste Kleinasiens, Tbingen 1963 |
BMC | British Museum Catalogue |
Bosch/Atlan | E. Bosch and S. Atlan, Epigraphica: Antalya Kitabaler, Belleten 11, 1946 |
Brixhe, Dialecte grec. | C. Brixhe, Le Dialecte grec de Pamphylie, Paris 1976 |
DOP | Dumbarton Oaks Papers |
Ep. Anat. | Epigraphica Anatolica |
FGrH | Fragmente Greichische Historiker |
Foss, Cities | C. Foss, The Cities of Pamphylia, in Cities, Fortresses and Villages of Byzantine Asia Minor, Aldershot 1996 |
GGM | Geographi Graeci Minores |
Haensch, Capita | R. Haensch, Capita Provinciarum, Statthaltersitze und Provinzial-verwaltung in der rmischen Kaizerzeit, Mainz 1997 |
Head, HN | B. V. Head, Historia Numorum, London 1911 |
Hiepp-Tamer, Phaselis | C. Hiepp-Tamer, Die Mnzpragung de Lykischen Stadt Phaselis in Greichischen Zeit, Saarbrucken 1993 |
IG | Inscriptiones Graecae |
IGCH | Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards |
IGRRP | Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Pertinentes, ed. A. Degrassi |
I. Perge | Inschriften von Perge, ed. J. Merkelbach |
I. Side | Inschriften von Side, ed. J. Nolle |
Ist. Mitt. | Istanbuler Mitteilungen |
JHS | Journal of Hellenic Studies |
JNG | Jahreschrift fr Numismatik und Geldgeschichte |
JRS | Journal of Roman Studies |
Kaz | Kazi Sonuclari Toplants |
Merkelbach and Sahin | R. Merkelbach and S. Sahin, Die Publizierten Inschriften von Perge, Ep. Anat. 11, 1988, 97169 |
Num. Chron. | Numismatic Chronicle |
OGIS | Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae |
RE | Real Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumsissenschaft |
REA | Revue des Etudes Anciennes |
Rev. Num. | Revue Numismatique |
Robert, Docs | L. Robert, Documents dAsie Mineure mridionale, Paris 1966 |
Schafer, Phaselis | J. Schafer (ed.), Phaselis, Tubingen, 1981 |
SEG | Supplementum Epigraphicarum Graecorum |
SNG | Sylloge Numorum Graecorum |
TAM | Tituli Asia Minoris |
TAPA | Transactions of the American Philosophical Association |
TIB | Tabula Imperii Bizantini 8, ed. H. Hellenkamper and F. Hild, Vienna 2004 |
YCS | Yale Classical Studies |
ZPE | Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigrafik |
Pamphylia is that part of modern Turkey which faces south into the Mediter ranean and is hemmed in by mountains in all other directions; its main centre is now Antalya, the former Attaleia. To the west are the Lykian Mountains; to its east are the hills of Rough Kilikia, and these two highland areas are joined to the long high range of the Taurus Mountains on the north. The sea, the Bay of Antalya, or Pamphylian Sea, is to the south. On the map, especially a contour map, the region looks well defined, and this is also the case on the ground, where the mountains rise abruptly from the plain; its eastern and western boundaries along the coast are not so clear; ancient writers never agreed on where they were.
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