A Poets Collection:
Love Chronicles
Zoe Williamson Order this book online at www.trafford.com
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Fragments Of A Song In dedication to my Rose No other rose blossoms as you do in your colours. 06/15/2012
www.trafford.com North America & international toll-free: 1 888 232 4444 (USA & Canada) phone: 250 383 6864 * fax: 812 355 4082 Contents Back To 1984
Fragments Of A Song In dedication to my Rose No other rose blossoms as you do in your colours.
My love poems encapsulate many lovers from the past including those I have been locked in via letters across the waters. And I gather my love of foreign lands where the cultural magic still resounds in me as do the amazing people I met. I have woven many experiences together and write with great love and nostalgia and warmth of all these men whom loved me and I, them. Some of them still share my affection but as is with my strange nomadic tread it was always necessary to move forward, but my gratitude remains with them. My inspiration and injection of muse and excitement. Also I write of my practice with the SGI and how my spiritual development has enables me to come to terms with several aspects of my life.
These experiences I feel especially when I chant for long periods and understand the beauty of Nichiren Buddhism, how philosophy and study and dialogue give sustenance to a deeper understanding of life in general. More and more my friends have become like spiritual family and have gained deep respect and love from me and influenced how I perceive the world and moreso how I write about it. I have always seen my self as an optimist but it can be difficult when obstacles arise from seemingly nowhere, and must be surmounted. This of course is where my life stands now. I have included one or two verses that struggle with a darker side of my life that I suppose inevitably happens to those of us whom intend to grasp what it truly means to suffer and struggle. This realization makes it easier for us to understand the suffering of others and search the optimistic outcome.
My second book delves a little deeper into this subject with as ever an optimistic outcome. I am a woman, I am a mother, I am a Buddhist I am a writer. I write verse filled with passion and love, pyschic awareness, spiritual. inspirational love poems that incorporate the magic of dreams, intrigue, and possibility. Perhaps the greatest inspiration of all is that of my four children whose radiant affections make each future day a possibility. It is my children that teach me how to love and when all seems lost, how to believe again.
ZOE WILLIAMSON. An invisible link began across the the Atlantic for so many and for me too, once or twice, But not quite like him, like moments now but it changed everything around and life became a different place to be. When a silent, intangible affair began across magnetic electro waves just for a while, its when the world stops familiarizing itself with you, when you have to start again Its when insecurity cannot separate the harsh agonies of reality and the comfort of a cushioned romance and when finally relief is found on a path forward appearing almost from nowhere . I was told once true faith begins from nothing and from this, something will find a way through I have travelled miles and miles upon a mystical thread And journeyed a hundred lifetimes Knowing, in innocence, I would find you. I knew my nomadic tread would prevail opening a pathway To be at your side. I traced your face in my childhood dreams And I listened to the whisperings sewn into the wind.
With diamond strength I held onto you Even when I no longer have you I am ever shining, your lantern, as darkness once more Descends over you As shadows haunt your form I can still feel you but Return safely to my naivety What a brave place is this that you leave me Realizing the wisdom I have heard Was all around me, all along! I had travelled miles of mystical thread to be with you I succumbed graciously to your sweetness and music Yet touching you is no longer an option I have learned to tread far deeper, more treacherous waters than these you plunge me into but I bathed in you once I am your memory No matter how much you discharge me My words found you I was radiant and precious against your skin And I can shine again, in an instant I am your comfort I am your fortune I hang on tightly to the golden moon above you. The stage was set We had rehearsed these scenes over and over Countless lifetimes ago And you You watched from the wings Eyes upon me A leading lady in pain You were my friend in that life of friendship everlasting Hed told me he loved me Hed told me he missed me Hed held onto me, called out to me Then as if by unexpected news that pulled him away It all stopped. No more dialogue He sailed home and left me, abandoned, bewildered Then he wrote And his love began again. His letters I left unread and tossed them to the winds Watched them fly out like birds Flocking and circling The sea took them in. Now they belong to the waters Our stage long disintegrated Swept out over ill tempered currents in the heart of all the seas. Foaming seahorse manes Plunder as they pull mightily the waves Untamed by half crazed winds Rolling surfs beating hard upon the sandy floor.
Battered by the rocks in juts and crannies Crying misdirected passages Of unenlightened sailors to their fates Sirenas wail in mourning over love lost Greedy to pick at sodden papers filled with affections Impassioned by infidelity Appearing in jest before them. Their slippery hands unwrap Wet parcels filled with lost words Soaking the contents and leaking them into cruel waters Waves winding fearsome surfs miles high Crashing against each other Hurling into the curl of another Grey blue lions with washed white manes It seems. You my friend It was you I loved I realize now You were the man I loved. You did not romance me and You are not mine. Your hands clasped another at some altar many years before Your heart beats inside me though And I pain no more I do not ache him now I do not yearn him now I love you I know And this for me Is enough. I feel the beauty you see inside me I love and am love you pour into me.
I lay against my pillows Ready to close my eyes surrender the night Only to search the shadows unrested and know The silhouette whom haunts me took form And took flight across the quiet, treacherous ocean Following the embers flickering From the burning sun as it descended the horizon It left incense in the air Pulling back covers His body wrapped into mine And moved slowly Magic rained against us My eyes widened and then closed And I sighed in rhythm with him The air was so sweet to breathe And he disappeared Vanished into the crashing waves of the ocean And I drifted with no effort Into oblivious sleep The suns horizon a few hours away My head rests upon your chest Your soft words blanket me In miles and miles of nightime My hair strewn about your shoulders And my hands reach across your sheets We sleep a journey of absolute possibility I breathe to your heartbeat I share your breath I move to your pulse I sleep in your dreams The embers of sunset settle and shine colours Only lovers can see You can see into the morning But I can reach much further than you believe Close your eyes on the rest of night I will return when you are once again young. My lips rest upon your lips My eyes gently close My hands rest on your chest And my fingertips tap into your heart beating Your heart quickens My breath deepens.. My hair is soft around your neck And I breathe you in I breathe your breath There are limitless possibilities For us to encounter And on the next windrush Feel my embrace around you Shared with a million others Faith companions strike hard With unyielding strength And urge peace Resolute and honest As we are to each other This is my devotion Upon the beauty of The lotus Flower Evergrowing against the mud it was born into Forever in blossom am I too And you also. There are the eight winds that blow unceasingly But there are the cooling westerly breezes That brush past me and refresh me. They float into my very being It seems Interweaving my spirit Before releasing headfirst towards the brilliant sun I can feel its cool from the mountains west Through the hills Waving the long grasses Its gentle, silken touch Filling spaces between trees Travelling the valleys Responding to my voice My prayer I am part of the beauty This breeze I am the living sun On my shoulders Over my skin. Only a fools love goes unnoticed Who does not possess courage enough To brave the response That belongs to the face Shining, beautiful Who smiles for him Only a fool fails to realize True beauty When it shines before him.
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