20 Creative Problem Solving Strategies
Visualize & Realize Ideas, Smart Creativity Techniques, Create Concepts, Be a Change Maker, Shape Innovation in Upheaval successfully
Simone Janson (ed.)
Published by Best of HR - Berufebilder.de
The German National Library lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at https://dnb.dnb.de.
ISBN of the German eBook edition: 9783965960800
ISBN of the English eBook edition: 9783965960817
German website of the publisher: https://berufebilder.de
English website of the publisher: https://best-of-hr.com
Overcoming creative blockages: 6 tips for better work
// By Sarah Hbinger
Many designers and authors are struggling with creativity by themselves, but sometimes they are just stuck. Here we want to present you six tricks, which help to overcome a creative blockade.
1. The tried and tested Brainstorm
The first help with a creative blockade is usually a brainstorm. Such a flash of light can help you to lure all ideas, but can also be pure torture if there is no inspiration. Try to get some colleagues or friends to move along.
Begins to write down all the obvious ideas. Talk about it and ask the others for suggestions. Next, concentrate on the stupid ideas for your project. Find the most absurd concepts and write them all down.
Look at all the ideas. Normal or strange, obvious or strange. Then try to summarize some ideas. A landscape with helicopter dogs! A health campaign with marsemans as a mascot! A dress design inspired by a river trout! Your first results will probably be totally ridiculous, but one of them might be the inspiration that sets your creativity in motion.
2. Change the environment
The fastest way to wipe away the spiderwebs in your brain is to get up and go somewhere else. Many creative professionals remain stuck when they see the same workspace every day. So go out: to get coffee in the cafe around the corner or to visit a nature museum and to see the dinosaur exhibition.
No chance to leave the office behind you? Find a sunny corner and place your chair there. A look out the window at the world out there could already be enough to divert the thoughts.
3. Freestyle letter
This is a great exercise you can do on your new favorite place. Authors probably know them, but it is also a good technique for artists and designers.
The first thing to do is grab paper and pencil. Then let all stress drop off actively from you. For the third part, you need a pure table both mentally and materially: now you should only write. Simply the words that come into your head, no matter which, and simply write further. Do not try to form sentences, simply write words. Do this for about a minute and then look at what is written on the paper.
You will probably find a confusion of comic words and expressions, but in this constellation there might be an idea hidden deep within your brain. Freestyle writing is perfect to lure buried ideas that are stuck in your head. Do the same a few times and look at which new thoughts are crystallizing out. You will be surprised.
4. Get inspired by the Internet
The Internet is a cornucopia of inspiration and also distraction. Restrict yourself to short browsing sessions, not to push your work before you. Attempt 15 minutes for all 45 minutes, or log in for a half hour only at the beginning of the project.
Also take the Muse to look at other websites than just visit your tribe pages. Try a new blog or watch a cooking video on YouTube. Move out of your comfort area and see which new ideas can inspire browsing.
5. Think around the corner
You know your workplace as well as your own bed? (Well, maybe you're working from the bed!) You know all the corners better than anyone else? What if he were a stranger to you?
For this exercise you must try to see your environment with the view of a complete stranger. Do as if your child lasts, or an alien, or a monk from the 15. Century. Sketches (or describes) your environment through this filter and explicitly emphasizes the changes in the view. A revolving chair could be a carousel for a child. A cell phone might look like an old communication device from the 50 years for an alien. You never know how a new perspective can look.
6. Put the thing aside
If everything does not help, there is one last possibility: to cancel the matter for later. First work on another project, the day free, a short vacation leave. Distant from the project for a short time and return with a fresh look.
This technique unfortunately does not help much if you have a fixed dose, but is a simple solution to leave the stress behind and recharge the batteries. Always keep in mind: Your project has to be finished sometime.
The post is a crosspost of http://www.shutterstock.com/de/blog/kreative-blockaden-uberwinden
20 Creative Problem Solving Strategies
1st edition, 27.11.2019
2019 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR Berufebilder.de
Duesseldorf, Germany
Conception, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson
Cover design with Canva
We make the working world more humane and ecological with our Foundation, e.g. through our well documented Engagement for Climate Protection. As Book Publisher Best of HR Berufebilder.de with a unique Book Concept and eCourses we offer over 20 years of experience in Corporate Publishing - with Clients like Samsung, Otto, Governmental Institutions. From the Top 20-Blogger Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, ZEIT, WELT, Wikipedia .
Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
All books published by Simone Janson | Best of HR Berufebilder.de are available in German and English language. Please read the notes on machine learning translation at the end of the book.
All works of the publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR Berufebilder.de, including their parts, are protected by copyright. Any use outside the narrow limits of copyright law is prohibited without the consent of the publisher and the author. This applies in particular to electronic or other duplication, translation, distribution and public disclosure.
Creativity in Business: Why We Do not Need Creativity Courses
// By Wolfgang Traub
Creativity is demanded vehemently in everyday working life and at every opportunity, but - as usual for believers of any color - rather reluctantly actually practiced.
Shamans of creativity
In order to participate in the creativity and the expected blessing of economic success through innovative superiority, the believer strives for professional support to overcome the supposed personal "uncreativity".
The Adept finds this support in professional shamans of creativity, a kind of "priestly caste", if you like, that this cult has produced.
The intensity of the rituals is important
As we know from other religions, these shamans exert a great authority and are less measured by the success of their actions than by the intensity of their rituals.
It was thus observed that deserved decision-makers with serious faces and an unwavering firm commitment to the highest performance go into the hands of high priests of creativity.
Creativity Techniques - Faith Moves Mountains?
Willingly, they undergo rituals with frightening names such as "brainstorming" and "constellations" and can be "headstand" and "negative methods" systematically rob the mind - for a handsome fee, of course. Faith is known to move mountains ...