Warnings and Disclaimers
The information in this publication is made public for reference only.
Neither the author, publisher, nor anyone else involved in the production of this publication is responsible for how the reader uses the information or the result of his/her actions.
It is assumed that you and your lover(s) are responsible and willing participants and are of sound health and maturity for sexual intercourse. Safe sex practices are strongly recommended by the authors of this publication.
Note: This book is meant for print in shades of gray. The different shades of gray of the illustrations are intentional.
Tantra is a spiritual practice in which connection and the full experience of sex is valued over orgasm. Practitioners combine sexual energy to enhance the connection between them and the universe. You can expect longer sexual interaction and whole body experiences.
When practicing tantra, do it in a space conducive to meditation (see Your Tantric Space). Stay present and pay attention to the feelings in the body, breathing, and the movement of yours and your lovers energy rising up through the body and into the universe. Build sexual excitement, and then move the sexual energy around. Don't get 'lost' in the moment as you would during normal intercourse. When you climax, if you are in full awareness of the state and stay there for as long as possible you can bring yourself to a state of enlightenment.
Tantra is meant to be fun and playful. Some concepts and meditations may be a bit too much for some, but lower your inhibitions and you will discover sexual bliss and a focused spirit. Allow the pleasure to come to you, as opposed to striving for it.
Although the focus of this book is on tantric sex, there are a few non tantric sex exercises. This is because you first need to be in tune with yourself and your partner as sexual beings on a basic level before moving on to tantric sex.
It is, of course, highly possible that since you are reading a book about tantric sex that you are already in tune with your sexual being. Just do whatever you wish to do.
At first, you may feel some of these meditations are too 'out there'. Experiment with what you are comfortable with. After time you may wish to try others. Do what you want, when you want, for however long you want, and have fun doing them.
Some of these meditations can only be done with a partner (preferably a lover), but many of them can be adapted to solo meditation. If you do not have a current lover, or your lover is not open to tantra, try searching online for tantra partners.
Creating a Deeper Connection
When you practice tantra you will connect with the universe in a way most people never imagine. When you practice tantra with your lover, the connection between you will become deeper than ever. When you practice tantra through sex, you will experience the deepest possible physical pleasure.
Some ways to make this connection are:
- Listening to each other with unconditional acceptance and without trying to solve the problem.
- Showing daily physical affection without the expectation of sex.
- Making love with full consciousness.
- Practicing partnered yoga (check out Yoga for Better Sex by Aventuras De Viaje)
- Practicing the many tantric exercises outlined in this publication together.
Being the Witness
While practicing tantra, whether meditative or during sex, observe what you are doing while you are doing it. If you get distracted or anxious, notice these thoughts, then refocus on your breath and the physical sensations in your body.
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Believe you are an erotic sexual being.
Sex is pleasure. It heals and is healthy.
Have an open mind and be open to your lover.
Release your inhibitions and discover what truly makes you feel good.
Devote your whole self, mind and body, to the moment. Give your all to your lover and receive all that you can.
Feel your whole body as opposed to just focusing on orgasm.
There's nothing wrong with having a lot of sex. The only way you can have too much sex is if it impacts your life in a negative way, e.g., you neglect work, family.
You will get the most out of your tantric practices if you have a special space that can accumulate the energy.
This space need not be exclusively for tantric practice, but it should be conducive to the practice. Most, if not all, of your tantric practices should be practiced in this space.
Fortunately, a tantric space is very conducive to other activities of a similar spiritual/healing/calming nature, e.g., massage, meditation, yoga, or sleeping. Many people use their bedroom.
The basic principle is to create the right mood by stimulating the senses, and to have everything you will need within easy reach so as to not disturb the mood.
Here are some examples:
- Make a tidy area with soft pillows and comfortable bed sheets (silk, velvet, satin, cotton, etc.).
- Have fresh flowers and incense (jasmine or musk).
- Light candles and/or use dimmed lights.
- Put on some tranquil or sensual music.
- Mirrors, toys, feathers, silk scarves and massage oil nearby.
- Have things to pleasure the taste buds, e.g., honey, chocolate, or grapes.
Chakras are the energy centers in your body. Ideally, energy flows freely through them and in a balanced manner. When energy is not flowing freely, it leads to illness, emotional upset etc.
When practicing tantric sex and/or yoga, the chakras are often referred to.
From bottom to top are the names of the chakras and where they are located.
1st : Root/Base : Base of the spine.
2nd: Sacral : Lower abdomen.
3rd : Solar Plexus : Upper abdomen.
4th : Heart : Just above the heart.
5th : Throat : Throat
6th : Third Eye : Forehead between the eyes.
7th : Crown : Very top of the head.
The Namaste ritual is a beautiful gesture of respect and love between you, your tantric partner and the universe. Use it to begin and/or end your tantric meditations.