2013 Michael Marcovici
ISBN 978-3-7322-6822-1
Herstellung und Verlag: BoD Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt
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Well, to be honest, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it. Practically everyone is doing it, you might say but they are not all making money. In fact most blogs will make nothing and many bloggers are not in it for money but for the love of writing or passion about a cause or subject. And there is nothing wrong with that.
But if you are looking to make money from this medium there is a lot of information out there and a lot of things you needs to know and guidance you need to follow from people who have done it and got the t-shirt. Unfortunately you cant just copy their success. Often a blogs commerciality comes from its unique take on a subject or niche area which cannot easily be replicated. And the personality and style of the blogger is crucial and cant be copied either.
You might be a natural at writing so blogging comes easily and your personality and style shine through and make you an instant success. Though this wont be the case for most and you will have to work hard identifying a productive area and developing an approach and style that readers find interesting and engaging. It will help if the subject you decide to blog on is something you are already passionate and knowledgeable about or at least have an ongoing interest in. Not absolutely essential but a good starter.
There are also design and technical issues that you will need to become familiar with and employ to get the optimum effect and impact from your work. This doesnt necessarily mean employing an expensive consultant or software to achieve your aim. There is plenty of guidance and tips on the internet there are even blogs about making blogs and making money from blogs.
The final analysis on this is that, first and foremost, you should do this because you enjoy it and want to do it. If you hit on something that captures the zeitgeist or the public imagination all the better; but dont expect to become an overnight sensation. Even some of the very successful blogs have taken years of hard slog and dedication to get themselves established; their founders didnt get discouraged and kept on creating, innovating, developing their content, style and range until they hit on the right formula or built a substantial following that used its own critical mass and propelled the business forward.
Maybe you could be so lucky. In the meantime enjoy the challenge and express yourself. Thats what it is all about, after all.
By Darren Rowse
Do you want to make money blogging? If you do youre not alone. More and more bloggers are finding that blogging is a profitable medium. Whether it be to earn a few extra dollars a week to feed their coffee habit, or making enough money to stop them having to get a part time job to get through college, or whether theyve got it to a point where they are able to make a full time living from their blogging there are tens of thousands of bloggers who make money blogging.
How to Make Money Blogging
In this page I want to share some information for beginners on how to make money blogging. For a very quick and broad visual intro check out this Make Money Blogging MindMap which visualizes just SOME of the ways bloggers make money blogging.
Firstly lets get our expectations right. Not everyone who tries to make money blogging becomes rich. In fact those who do well from blogging are in the minority. Im sorry if this disappoints you but Im not here to hype this up or make any promises. It is possible to make money blogging but it takes time and a lot of hard work and it doesnt happen for everyone!
For a picture of how realistic it is check out my post Can You Really Make Money Blogging: 7 Things I know about Making Money from Blogging .
Secondly let me start by sharing my own top Money Making Methods but below that point you to some great resources and teaching on how to increase your income from blogging.
What follows is a quick summary of my main income streams from blogging. Before you read it though keep in mind that every blog is unique in how it can make money. Some of the following income streams will work on some blogs a lot better than others the key is to experiment with as many as possible and see what works best for you.
The following income streams (from a number of blogs) have helped me to earn a six figure income each year for the last 5 years from blogging. Ive ranked them from highest to lowest.
I hope you find it useful to see the mix and variety of ways that I earn a living from blogging.
1. AdSense
Despite not using it here at ProBlogger any more ( heres why) I continue to use AdSense with amazing effect on my other blogs. I have them all set to show image and text based ads and find that 250300 pixel ads work best (usually with a blended design). I dont have much luck with their referrals program but their normal ads work a treat and continue to be the biggest earner for me.
2. Affiliate Programs
I run a variety of affiliate programs on my blogs most of which bring in smaller amounts of money that dont really justify a category of their own (but which certainly add up).
These include recommending quality products like these here on ProBlogger: Thesis WordPress theme, Yaros Blog Mastermind Coaching Program and How to Launch the F*** out of your E-Book (and others) as well as some great products on my photography blog including 123 of Digital Imaging, David DuChemins amazing Photography E-Books and Mitchell Kanashkevichs great ebooks .
The great thing about many of these programs is that they are of such high quality that they sell themselves and I am being emailed from readers who sign up to them thanking me for the recommendation!
3. E-Book Sales
Last time I did a wrap up of how I make money blogging this category did not exist for me I didnt really have any of my own products to sell at all. However in the last year or so Ive released 3 E-books 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, The Essential Guide to Portrait Photography and Photo Nuts and Bolts: Know Your Camera and Take Better Photos. While these products all only sell for under $20 they certainly add up and some months this has been my biggest category of income. The reason they were only ranking at #3 in the last month was that I didnt do a product launch (I wrote about one launch which brought in $72,000 in a week here). This is an income stream I see growing as I add more E-books to my range (expect 3 in the coming few months).
4. Continuity Programs
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