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Fortnite: Battle Royaleis a free-to-play, battle royalestyle, massively multiplayer game thats available for the PC, Mac, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite, iPhone, iPad, and most Android-based mobile devices. While the game does offer in-app purchases that are required to acquire a Battle Pass or various (but optional) items for your soldier (such as outfits), it is possible to download the game and play on an unlimited basis, for free.
P retty much no matter where you are in the world, if you strike up a conversation with other gamers, the topic of Fortnite is virtually guaranteed to come up. After all, this game has become a true global phenomenon. So far, its attracted more than 250 million players from all over the planet. When most people think of Fortnite, however, what comes to mind is Fortnite: Battle Royale.
There Are Several Unique Fortnite Gaming Experiences
In 2020 and beyond, you can bet that a version of Fortnite: Battle Royale will be released for newer gaming consoles from Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Google, for example.
Fortnite: Battle Royales Game Play Modes
InSolomode, Fortnite: Battle Royale allows each participating gamer to control a single soldier. At the start of each match, the soldier lands on a mysterious island with 99 other soldiers, each controlled by a separate gamer in real time. The initial objectives are to explore, build up a personal arsenal, build structures as needed, fight, and defeat enemies, while at the same time avoiding a deadly storm thats ravaging the island. A match ends when only one soldier remains alive on the island. The surviving soldier wins #1 Victory Royale. Everyone else must perish!
As you probably know, in addition to theSologame play mode, Fortnite: Battle Royale features other exciting and challenging game play modes, includingDuos, Squads, and limited-time, team-oriented matches. Theres also aPlaygroundgame play mode that allows you to practice and explore without participating in actual matches. In Playground mode, youre able to customize match options, which is especially handy if you opt to visit this area with other gamers to practice your skills while exploring various locations of the mysterious island where Fortnite: Battle Royale takes place.
ADuosmatch allows you to team up with one other gamereither an online friend or a stranger. You must then defeat up to 98 other soldiers on the island during each match. TheSquadsgame play mode involves joining a four-soldier team, and then battling against 24 other four-person squads during a match. The goal is to become the last remaining soldier (or squad) left on the island at the end of a match to achieve #1 Victory Royale.
In Fortnite: Battle Royale, a four-soldier team is referred to as a squad. When playing Fortnite: Save the World, Survivors are placed in Survivor Squads. They then contribute to your main heros power and capabilities, while your teammates are soldiers (heroes) being controlled by other gamers who can help you complete Quests.
At any given time, Fortnite: Battle Royale also offers several limited-time game play modes, which typically include multiple variations of a team-oriented match. These divide 100 gamers into two or three teams that must accomplish a specific objective to win the match. All of the game play modes built into Fortnite: Battle Royale provide a vastly different set of challenges and gaming experiences. Plus, to keep things interesting, every week Epic Games releases a game update (called a patch) that introduces new challenges to the game.
The Solo, Duos, Squads, Playground, and team-oriented game play modes are all part of Fortnite: Battle Royale. However, each time you launch the game, this menu offers two additional options Fortnite: Save the World and Fortnite: Creative.
Design Your Own Fortnite Experience Using Fortnite: Creative
Fortnite: Creative allows gamers to design and build their own islands from scratch, and then determine the rules of engagement for themselves and their friends who participate in matches created using the
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