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Kathy Andrews - The widow_s horny family

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Kathy Andrews The widows horny family CHAPTER ONE Peggy Winters was on her - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

The widow_s horny family


Peggy Winters was on her hands and knees, her ass jutting into the air.

She had been working on the oven for half an hour, telling herself she would never allow it to become so dirty ever again.

But that was not all on her mind.

She was also thinking of a hard cock.

She had been thinking of hard cocks for weeks now. Each day her thoughts became more and more erotic, tormenting her and making her cunt pulsate and twitch, quiver and become very wet. The sensation was pleasant enough, she enjoyed it when her cunt tingled and burned. But it would be better to have a sweet, hard, throbbing cock fucking into her pussy.

As she leaned over to peer into the oven, scraping at a particularly stubborn spot, her ass arched higher into the air, the back of her skirt lifting.

When she heard the soft gasp, she did not at first associate it with Donny. In fact, she did not associate it with anyone or thing at the time she heard it. Her thoughts were too deep in erotic revelry. But she did hear it plainly when the gasp came a second time.

Turning to look over her shoulder, she found her son, Donny, standing in the doorway, his eyes enormous as he stared at her. Peggy's eyes began to glow with pleasure and a smile of greeting formed on her full, moist lips. Then she realized where her son's gaze was.

Oh, my God! she thought. My dress!

But it was too late flow. The dress was an old one that she wore when she took on housecleaning once a month. It was frayed and faded and a bit too small for her, with a short skirt. Even the skirt was torn with rips in it. But she liked to wear it when she tackled the house.

She knew what her son could see, or thought she knew. Donny could see almost to her ass.

In fact, Donny could see his mother's ass.

He could see the backs of her thighs, the creamy flesh of them, and he could see the bottom portion of her panties. A flush crept over Peggy's face when she realized her son was not leaving, but seemed to enjoy the view. Despite the erotic thoughts she had been having, her first impulse was to sit up and conceal what he was gazing at so hotly. But she couldn't move she felt frozen in that ass-up position. She was trembling, but she couldn't make her arms move, couldn't sit back.

She saw the glowing of her son's eyes, saw his mouth slightly parted. She also saw the delight on his face as he stared unabashedly at her exposure.

Peggy had been worried about this.

She suspected her son had been pecking at her for some time. He was a precocious boy, bold and unafraid. She had seen the way he looked at girls in the neighborhood, his eyes gleaming with desire. She had given consideration many times of having a talk with him, but kept putting it off. It wouldn't do for Donny to start getting his hands on the girls, feeling them up, maybe sticking his cock into some tight cunt. If that happened, the first thing she knew, angry parents would be down on her.

On the other hand, she knew that she would have to do something about Donny sooner or later, probably sooner. She had been watching him develop sexually, keeping her eyes open for any sign of overt sexuality on his part. She knew he was preoccupied with sex; she had seen the spots on his sheets where he had either jacked off or enjoyed a wet dream.

Peggy was not one to attempt to halt her son's sexual nature or anyone else's, including her own. But she did want him to exercise caution.

Another thing that troubled her was his interest in a lovely blonde girl. She had observed them often, and they were quite close. The girl seemed to be equally precocious and had flirty eyes that dared and challenged. The girl went out of her way to make it obvious that she would welcome Donny's attentions. If it were just that, Peggy wouldn't mind if her son fucked his cock into her tight cunt.

However, the girl's parents were not that friendly. They presented an aloof and standoffish manner, seldom speaking to others. They didn't seem at all friendly, and Peggy was afraid that if they found out Donny was doing some exploring of their daughter's succulent pussy, there would be trouble.

Now, with her son's eyes unabashedly gazing at her upturned ass, Peggy watched his expression closely. She tried to sit up, but her arms would not push and her thigh muscles didn't want to work. Since she had been thinking of erotic exercises and her cunt had been steamy, her gaze drifted downward, seeing the growing bulge in the front of his pants.

She felt a catch in her throat as she understood it was her, her ass and thighs, that was giving him this growing, hard-on. She wondered if it was possible that Donny was interested in her, his own mother, that way. If the swelling lump in his pants was any indication, she knew he was interested, very much so.

For just an instant, she felt humiliation, but it was such a fleeting instant that she let it go. It was replaced by a sense of elation, of pleasure. She felt a pulsation between her thighs, the tingle of her cunt becoming more pronounced.

This is silly, she thought. Waving my fucking ass in the Goddamn air and letting my son look all he wants and me staring right at his cock. Silly but kind of nice, too.

Donny never took his gaze from his mother's ass. He could see the slight puffing of her panty crotch. Finally he shifted his eyes and was looking directly into those of his brother. He grinned wickedly, and Peggy gasped when he ran his hand down and cupped his cock and balls, giving his prick a squeeze.

"Donny!" she said sharply, finding the strength to sit on her heels. "What are you doing, young man?"

He ignored his mother and arched his hips forward, his hand still cupping his cock and balls. "Want some, Mother?" he said boldly, then laughed.

"Donny!" Peggy gasped, but her eyes burning as she watched him squeezing his cock and balls.

Knowing she should be angry with him, she found that impossible. On the contrary, watching him so openly fondle himself excited her more than she would have suspected. There was a lurch in and around her cunt, a lurch quite similar to an impending orgasm. She felt her tits swell, and, without looking down, she knew her nipples were pressing against the faded thin fabric. She had no bra on, and her tits were molded by the tightness. Her son's gaze moved to them, and she saw him lick his lips hungrily.

Peggy stood up, her legs shaking as her son continued to look at her, his hand still on his cock. One of her thighs was revealed by a long rip in the dress, and she made no attempt to cover it. It was too late, she thought, Donny has already seen almost every thing I have.

Besides, she wore shorts a lot, so there was nothing wrong with her thigh showing. What was wrong about it was the fact that a smooth thigh was more enticing when seen through a ripped skirt than when she wore shorts.

"You're beautiful, Mother," she heard him say in a strained voice. "You're really beautiful."

She could not answer him, her gaze burning on his hand as he moved it up and down his swollen cock. Her cunt was burning like liquid fire now, and the cheeks of her ass had clenched tightly. She leaned against the kitchen counter, a position that earned her hips to arch forward and her tits to become more taut, her nipples outlined.

"Nice," her son said as his gaze moved over her straining tits. "You've very nice tits, Mother."

She made some small, strangling sounds. "I I have some nice dreams about you." Donny was saying as his gaze moved about her body. "Some really nice dreams. You want to know what kind of dreams, Mother?"

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