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Kathy Andrews - Horny mother for all

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Kathy Andrews

Horny mother for all


Mary sprawled back on a padded lounge and gazed over the huge pool. The hot sun glistened down, making the water sparkle. Beside Mary was her best friend Carol.

Both were single, divorced about the same time, and each struggled to raise a son. They were close enough to talk about their troubles, and they visited each other almost daily.

But now, taking their first vacation since divorce, they didn't seem to have much to say.

Perhaps it was the languid atmosphere of the beach-side resort. Or perhaps it was because, for the first time in a long time, they felt relaxed.

Each wore quite attractive bikinis. Both women had the bodies for bikinis, and, drew the eyes of many male vacationers. They were both aware that almost any man here was theirs for the asking. Yet they wanted nothing to do with the men.

"That idiot son of mine is going to break his fool neck," Carol murmured lazily.

Mary glanced at the high diving board and saw Carol's son, Tom, ready to plunge from the springy tip. Tom was a good swimmer and was developing into a diver, so she saw no danger in his actions. Carol wasn't really concerned either.

"Why do you say idiot, Carol?" she asked, smiling at her friend. Carol had this habit of talking frankly at times, but Mary knew it was for shock value only.

"Because the shit is getting interested in girls," Carol replied. "And being interested in girls is making him show off, take chances."

Mary saw three or four girls watching Tom. She understood quite well. She had dreaded the day her son, Steve, became interested in girls. She felt a protective need to keep him as long as possible. She didn't want him to grow up, to leave her. Steve was all she had in the world.

Mary looked about for her son, spotting him across the pool. She frowned at the sight of him talking with a girl, a girl who appeared to be captivated by his good legs and strong body. She had to admit the girl was a beauty.

But girls, for a boy Steve's age, could cause many complications like fucking him. Mary didn't want her son to stick his cock into one of those cunts. Not that she was overly jealous, she wasn't.

At least Steve wasn't a show-off like Tom. He wouldn't risk injuring himself just to impress some girl, she thought. Mary was so deep in thought, she did not see her son climbing the ladder toward the high board until Carol brought it to her attention.

"Now Steve is doing it," she heard Carol say.

Mary looked, and her eyes burned with anger. Steve was not a good diver, and she feared for him. Beneath the board stood the girl he had been talking to. She wanted to call out to Steve, make him come down, but didn't want to embarrass him either.

She watched, afraid, as Steve dived. He sliced into the water fairly well, and she held her breath until his head emerged. The girl was clapping her hands. Mary shot her a dangerous glance.

"That's enough of that," she said, swinging her long legs over the lounge and standing up. "I'm going to beat his ass good."

"Bare-assed?" Carol wanted to know, asking in her usual blunt manner.

"Just maybe bare-assed," Mary replied, squatting on the deck of the pool. "Steve!" she called, waving a hand. "Come here!"

She noticed apprehension in his eyes, as he became aware of her voice. When her son clung to the deck, looking up at his mother, Mary's breath caught. Steve was not looking at her angry face, but between her legs. She glanced down, and a flush colored her cheeks. The crotch of her bikini was stretched, exposing dark-brown cunt hair. She stood quickly.

"I want to have a talk with you, young man," she said sharply.

Turning, Mary knew her son would follow her. What she didn't know was, as he followed her, Steve's eyes were on the tight jiggle of her bikinied ass. She was angry enough to walk stiffly, causing her ass to tighten and sway more than usual.

She walked directly to their room on the far side of the pool. Unlocking the door, she stood to one side so the boy could enter. He brushed against her, leaving water on her thigh. The water didn't matter, but Mary was startled to find a rippling tingle in her body. Steve stood in the large room, looking at his mother. She was almost a foot taller than he, and glared at him.

"I'm in trouble, huh, Mom?" he asked.

"You damn well are," she said in tight voiced anger. "What were you trying to do out there break your silly neck?"

"Aw, I just wanted to try the high board," he whined, shuffling his feet.

"Don't try to lie to me, young man," Mary said. "I saw that little twit watching you. You were showing off, that's what you were doing. Trying to break your neck just because some little tease is impressed. I'm going to paddle you, Steve."

"Mom, I'm too old for that," he exclaimed, but there was fear in his eyes.

"Who says so?"

He couldn't meet her gaze. For a moment Mary almost gave in, but she felt he had to be punished. Before she realized it, she commanded: "Drop those trunks."

Steve looked at his mother, wide-eyed.

"That's right," she said. "On your bare ass, young man."

"I'm not a baby, Mom," he protested.

"That's what you think!" she snapped. "Drop them now!"

She stood rigid, watching as he turned his back and shoved the wet trunks down. Her expression softened as his ass was exposed. Steve had a finely shaped ass; Mary wanted to caress it instead of spank it. When he stepped out of the trunks, she ordered, her voice trembling: "Lean over the bed."

Steve looked at her over his shoulder, embarrassed to be naked in front of her. But he obeyed. Mary stood behind the boy, her eyes now hot as she gazed at his ass. There was a strange, bubbling sensation between her thighs, and she knew the sight of her son's young ass was the cause of it. She bent over, raising her hand, but didn't bring it down on his naked ass. A glimpse of his balls kept her hand poised in mid air. She became breathless with sudden desire.

Mary's hand fell now, but in a caress. She gasped aloud as the heat of his ass against her palm forced a throbbing flex of her cunt. Steve held his body rigid over the bed, waiting for a hand to descend with a loud smack upon his naked ass.

But Mary moved her palm across his bare ass, feeling the flesh and becoming intensely excited. She dropped to her knees behind him, peering between his thighs at his dangling balls. She drew her hand down his ass lightly and prodded a fingertip against his balls. Steve moaned, and his naked ass shivered. But he remained perfectly still.

"Oh, God!" Mary mewled. "I can't."

She brought her hand back up to the cheek of his ass and rubbed. Mary's other hand moved to her tits, digging fingers into the tit mounds through the bikini halter. She felt her son's ass shake underneath her hand. Impulsively, she leaned down and kissed his ass cheek, finding her lips burned with desire.

A glassy expression came into her eyes, and a slight flush of excitement suffused her lovely face. She could not rise from her knees or release her eyes from his cock. She knew it would be best to at least turn her face, but she couldn't do that either.

Steve's cock was swelling before her eyes, becoming hard. Her hand was still gripping her tit, and he saw it. What fear Steve had of being spanked was gone, replaced by a burning interest.

Mary could not stop her hand from exploring.

It moved as though separate from her body and her mind. She trailed a fingertip along his thigh, over his balls, and up the rigid shaft of her son's cock. She brushed the finger lightly over his swollen cockhead. Soft moans rose from her, but she wasn't aware of them. Her fingertip burned as if it had been shoved into boiling water. And she couldn't pull it away.

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