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Kathy Andrews - Mother needs it hot

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Kathy Andrews

Mother needs it hot


Hanging onto the strap, swaying with the motion of the subway car, Susan stared at the crudely drawn graffiti on the wall. It excited her, like everything depicting fucking excited her lately. Even the bodies pressing around her excited her.

It was the rush hour, and normally she would not be riding the subway, but today she was on it. The crush of bodies, warm, vibrant bodies, against her, felt good. Maybe that was because she had not, had a human contact body against body in a very long time. Whatever the cause, her body was vibrating with long-suppressed hungers. Her tits were pressed against the broad back of a faceless stranger, and it felt good. She didn't try to draw away; it wouldn't have been possible anyway.

She felt a delicious stinging between her thighs, a certain throb about the lips of her cunt. Her clit was trying to swell and strain against the crotch of her panties. Susan ran her tongue over her lips, her eyes half-closed and starting to glaze with a dreamy expression.

It had been so very long since she had felt this way. Always before, she would fight the feelings down, bury them. But not now. She allowed those feelings to surface, enjoying the sweetness, the itching of her cunt. Maybe that was why she didn't try to pull away when she felt something hard pressing against the cheek of her ass. The hardness was throbbing, and whoever it was kept pushing just a bit harder against her.

There were some weird people who rode the subway, she knew. She had heard about some men who got their jollies by rubbing against a warm woman. Perhaps the man behind her was one of those.

Most women might have become frightened, fought through the crowd to get away, but not Susan.

Susan had erotic feelings, very strong erotic feelings. For many years she had suppressed them, because all they did was torment her. Despite her many opportunities to get laid, to feel a hard cock shoving into her cunt, she resisted. Not because she didn't want to get fucked, but because she was somewhat particular about whose cock went into her cunt. Yet for some reason, this time, as she felt the throb of the hard cock on her ass, a quiver went through her, and she could feel the crotch of her panties becoming wet. The wetter they became, the better it felt to Susan. She gripped the strap hard as she swayed, and with just a slight adjustment of her ass, she made sure the cock was pressing at her asscrack. She heard a soft sigh behind her, and grinned to herself. She flexed the cheeks of her ass, and heard the sigh of pleasure again. She could turn her head and see who it was, but she didn't want to see what he looked like.

Feeling his cock throb at the crack of her ass, Susan let her imagination flow with the images of who she really wanted to fuck. It was her secret, and had been her secret for two years. She never felt guilty or ashamed of her erotic fantasies. They felt too good to cause her shame or guilt.

With a slight wiggle of her ass, she pretended it was Tommy's cock pressing against her. She closed her eyes as the image grew, and writhed her ass, flexing her ass cheeks as the cock throbbed between them. In her mind, Tommy's cock rubbed up and down her ass, so very hard and hot. She wasn't dressed, in her mind, but wearing panties. Thinking this way, she could almost feel the cock better. Whoever it was behind her was rubbing up and down, sliding his hard-on along the crack of her ass. Susan kept tightening her ass cheeks, letting them relax, then tightening them again.

The subway stopped, hut Susan stood where she was. A few people managed to get off the train, and a few more squeezed in. The man behind her was pressed tighter, and his cock seemed to slip between the cheeks of her ass, through his pants, and her dress and panties. It felt like an enormous cock, but it was difficult to tell for sure.

She arched her ass back a little, and felt the returning pressure. A soft sigh came from her mouth as the cock throbbed more and more. She lifted up and down on her tiptoes, sliding the crack of her ass on the man's hard-on. In her mind, Tommy's cock was sliding up and down, and she could practically feel the hard flesh of his cock against the nakedness of her flesh. She imagined she was naked, with Tommy's cock sliding up and down the crack of her smooth, rounded ass. Her cunt throbbed and burned, her cunt pressing at the crotch of her wet panties.

The man pressing up against her ass was jiggling up and down, dry-fucking the crack of her ass. He was encouraged by the sharp backward press of her ass and the way Susan squeezed her asscheeks together. She wondered if it would be possible to get fucked on a crowded subway car, with no one knowing the difference. Crushed so lightly, she felt it was possible. Neither would have to really move, she decided. The sway and jolting of the train would do the work for them.

The gasping behind her was increasing, and Susan wiggled her ass as best she could. It amused her to think she could make this man, this person behind her, come in his pants. He would be satisfied, and although she wouldn't, it would feel good to cause his cock to gush into his pants. It wasn't really a cock tease this way, because the man would get something out of it. And it wasn't as if she was being fucked.

Her station was coming up, and she felt she had to hurry if she wanted to accomplish this. She pushed her ass backward as hard as she could, and felt the return pressure of that throbbing hard-on. Her panties and skirt were right in the crack of her asshole now, and she could actually feel the unknown cock throbbing against her assbud.

Then it happened. The man gave a strangling gurgle, and Susan felt the spasms of his cock between the cheeks of her ass. She hoped he didn't come so much it seeped through his pants and got her skirt wet.

It was over just as the doors hissed open, and Susan squeezed past the bodies and outside. Without looking back, she began walking to the stairs. Reaching the turnstile, she saw people being helped over, while others climbed the steel railings.

"Careful, Ma'am," said a man. "Damn thing is broken. I'll help you over."

Susan allowed the man to take her arm and help her. She swung her leg over, and caught sight of a young man sitting off by himself, leaning against the wall, watching. His eyes gleamed as Susan lifted her leg, and she knew he had positioned himself to see up all the dresses of the women being helped across the turnstile. She impulsively gave him a fine peek at her crotch, and winked at him as she hurried past. The man returned a grin, and she noticed he had a hard-on bulging up from his pants.

Some people got their kicks in strange ways, she thought.

Walking quickly, her heels tapping on the sidewalk, Susan didn't delay on her way home. Tommy was there, and she was anxious to be with him. It was getting to the point where she hated to go to work and leave him in the apartment alone. Not just when he was alone, either, for she hated to be away from for any length of time.

Men gazed after her as she walked, her rich brown hair dancing about her shoulders, her tits jiggling tightly inside her blouse. Her ass rippled and twisted as her long legs made quick strides.

Today was the day her sister was to arrive. Susan had been looking forward to her sister coming. She had not seen her sister in almost two years, and wondered how she was now. She had agreed with reluctance to let Wanda stay with her and Tommy, and had agreed to help her get a job. But she felt Wanda would be a hindrance to her.

For the past few months, Susan had felt a growing change between her and Tommy. The atmosphere between them was taking on a new meaning, and Susan was waiting almost breathlessly to see what would happen. She had felt such tension between herself and men before, and knew it was erotic. This feeling was different only in that Tommy was her son.

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