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Kathy Andrews - Hot foxy mother

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Kathy Andrews

Hot foxy mother


Brenda spread her legs wide, puffing the crotch of her panties away from her pussy. She had bunched her dress around her waist, and lay back on her bed, her head on the pillow.

With her left hand holding her panties away from her cunt, she held the vibrator in her other hand. She felt it humming as she moved it toward her open thighs, and anticipated the sensations she would soon feel. She ran the smooth vibrator along her inner thigh, teasing along her hairy pussy lips for a moment, then placed it against her clit. A shock of pleasure exploded there, and she let out a soft cry.

Dragging the vibrator up and down the silt of her pussy, she mewled as the pleasure increased. Inserting the end of the vibrator just inside her cunt, she fought to hold her hips still, the urge to plunge the vibrator deeply into her cunt strong. Very slowly, she pressed the vibrator inward, feeling the lips of her pussy opening for it. She sighed with delight as the vibrations tingled through her body.

At the foot of the bed she watched her reflection in the mirror. It was not a large mirror, but she could watch herself well enough. She could see the soft curls of her pussy, the wet pinkness of her cuntlips, and her knotted clit, even the curvy cheeks of her shapely ass. She loved to watch herself when she used this thing, despite her preference for a hot, hard cock instead. There were plenty of cocks she could have if she wanted them. The problem was, Brenda didn't want them, and she wanted younger cocks. For some strange reason, she was only really interested in fucking young men.

Maybe it was because she could control them. Maybe it was because she didn't have to pretend shyness with a young cock. Men, most of them, wanted a woman to be reluctant and hesitant, but not boys. Boys didn't know; they were only interested in getting their cocks into something hot and wet. Maybe it was because she felt more comfortable with a boy. Whatever the cause, Brenda wanted young cock and she wanted it badly.

She hated the games adult men and women played, hated the attitudes of men toward a woman once they fucked her. Men didn't seem to understand a woman had desires and hungers and erotic responses just as long as they did. But a boy, jacking off in secret, looking at a picture of a naked woman that was what excited her. Not because the boy was jacking off, but because she could probably do anything she wanted with such a boy, give him pleasure without being shy or embarrassed.

Brenda had nothing to be embarrassed about. She was tall and beautiful, rich chestnut hair and green eyes. Her body was slender, but her tits were shapely and pointed. She had a small waist with rounded hips and graceful, slim thighs. Her ass smelled out sweetly and made the mouth water. And her cunt her cunt was juicy and hot and ever so ready to fuck. The dark curls fanned out toward her hips, thick and lush, curling along her swollen pussy lips and licking neatly toward her asshole.

She had men, if she wanted them, plenty of them. But she wanted Joey!

The name shook her, and the vibrator pulled from her cunt.

Joey was her son, her young son. He was in school and would be home in about half an hour. Joey who excited her more than any other boy or man she had ever known, Joey, her son, who collected colorful magazines of naked women, Joey, who jerked off behind the closed door of the bathroom every day after school, and then at night in bed. Joey, who was jacking off while she used this fucking vibrator!

Joey, jacking off she fucking herself with the vibrator. They could be fucking each other!

Brenda dropped the vibrator, no longer wanting to use it. She sat up on the bed, swinging her lovely legs over the edge. Would Joey do it she wondered. Would it embarrass him? Would he feel ashamed of her?

Brenda stood up, her legs weak. She smoothed her dress down, then realized her parities needed adjustment. She lifted her skirt again and placed her panty crotch over her cunt. She looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the slight bulge her cunt made in her tight, nylon panties. She could see the outline of her dark pussy hair through them.

She heard the front door open and close and quickly smoothed her skirt down. She thrust her shoulders back, watching the way her tits strained out, her nipples making twin points against the white fabric. She listened to her son move through the house, knowing what he was going to do because she had listened many times before. She waited, hardly breathing, until she heard the door of the hall bathroom close. She listened closely but didn't hear the lock snap. She grinned to herself. That meant Joey was in a particular hurry today. He must have seen something at school that excited him tremendously.

Not wanting to wait too long in case her son was overly excited and jerked off fast, she slipped into the hall and tiptoed to the bathroom door. She heard her son breathing hard behind it, and her cunt responded with a hot twitch. Not sure of his reaction, Brenda found it impossible not to put her fantasy into action. She turned the knob silently and carefully, knowing he would be absorbed in the pictures of his magazines. She opened the door a crack and peeked in.

Joey was sitting on the toilet, a magazine spread out on the floor at his feet. He had his cock in his fist, and was pounding on it wildly, gasping as he stared at the pictures.

Brenda shoved the door open and stepped into the bathroom.

"Mother!" Joey yelped, trying to shove his cock between his thighs and kick the magazine shut at the same time.

"Oh, don't stop!" Brenda gurgled, her eyes bright. "Please, Joey, don't stop."

"But but"

"Oh, hush!" she said, her eyes blazing with heat as she stood next to him. "I know you've been doing this for weeks."

She looked down at the open magazine, seeing a picture of a beautiful woman about her own age, naked, holding her tit in one hand and her tongue licking at her sweetly pink nipple. The woman's other hand rested in the thick hair of her cunt, and her pussy was open, her clit exposed.

"Lovely, isn't she?" Brenda said softly. "I guess she makes you excited, huh, Joey?"

Joey was blushing; his thighs squeezed tightly, his cock pressed between them. He had lost his hard-on when he saw his mother coming into the bathroom, and he felt ashamed of himself. Brenda ran her fingers through her son's hair.

"You're going to need a haircut soon," she said, sliding her hand onto his check, then his chin.

She lifted his face upward, and saw the embarrassment in his young eyes.

"It's okay, baby," she said softly, "I used to do that when I was a little girl, too. All boys and girls do it, you know."

Joey's eyes shifted to his mother's tits. He saw her nipples pointing against her blouse, the darker shadow of them. His cock was hardening again between his thighs, and he pressed them tight so it wouldn't jerk upright.

Brenda knew what he was doing. She smiled down at him, holding his chin in her hand.

"Let it go, baby," she whispered in a throaty voice. "Let it stand up. Let me see it."

But Joey held his legs together.

Leaning down, placing her hand on his shoulder, Brenda shoved at his knees, opening them. Her son's cock jerked straight up, half-hard and becoming harder as she stared.

"It's beautiful, Joey," she said, breathless. "My God, it's so beautiful!"

Brenda's cunt throbbed wetly as she gazed at her son's hard-on. His pants were at his feet, and his t-shirt was high on his stomach. His cock was not huge, but a lovely, perfect size. It was straight, with a swollen, smooth prick head slightly larger than the shaft. A bead of liquid clung to his piss hole, and she wanted to run her finger over it, wipe it away, taste it.

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