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Kathy Andrews - Coming mother

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Kathy Andrews

Coming mother


Shellie lay on the small deck of the houseboat, the hot sun burning into her already golden flesh.

She rested on the foam mattress, on her stomach, her bikini top untied and her tits smashed beneath her. The bottoms of her bikini were so skimpy that the luscious sweetness of her swelling ass was half exposed. The sun heated her body, and she writhed sensually, opening her legs to allow the rays to touch her inner thighs.

Shellie was slender, like a fashion model. But still, even though she was slim, she had curves and hollows that excited the beholder. She had rich, dark-brown hair reaching to her shoulders. She was tall, an inch or so above the average woman. Her face was exquisite, her flesh the creamy smoothness that made other women envious.

Shellie's tits were rounded and firm, the valley between them narrow. They were full tits, yet tilted at the tips, her nipples arching toward the sky when she stood. Her tits had always been firm, tight, and round. Her waist was quite small, easily spanned by the hands of a big man. Her stomach was flat, with only a hint of roundness below her dimpled belly button. Her hips were curvy, flowing into exceptionally long thighs and curvy legs. Perfectly shaped, her legs were outstanding in her bikini or shorts. Her ass, although small, was tight and rounded, the cheeks flawless, the crack deep and tantalizing to the watcher.

Below her belly button was a thick mass of curly, soft hair that excited anyone lucky enough to view it. The lips of her cunt, puffy and tight, were almost hidden by the hair, especially with her legs closed. The only problem with Shellie's cunt, if such could be called a problem, was her unusually long clit. It was a good inch in length, and she knew there weren't many women with such a clit.

Although the size of her clit had never caused her a problem, it had caused her ex-husband to complain that it was like a very tiny cock, and he refused to suck or lick it for that reason. But Shellie's clit was the most sensitive part of her pussy. Not that her cunt itself wasn't sensitive; it was. She could easily come with a cock inside her cunt, the friction of a hard cock sliding in and out of her wet cunt lips crating a wonderful spasm of orgasm in her. But if her clit was sucked or licked, Shellie would often go out of her mind with ecstasy, and come many times before the spasms would fade away.

Shellie enjoyed her clit.

When she was aroused, her clit swelled and bulged out almost an inch long. She loved to hold it between her finger and thumb, and work it up and down. She had allowed her husband to watch this once, and he had made fun of her, saying it was the same as a boy jacking off. Needless to say, his attitude cut into their relationship, and soon they were sleeping in different beds, and no longer fucking. Since her divorce, Shellie had been stroking her clit and making herself come as her sole means of gratification.

And hating it.

She writhed beneath the hot sun, almost asleep. The background noises were soothing. The soft lapping of the waves against the hull of the houseboat was peaceful, and the soft clatter of her son inside the boat was a comfortable, familiar sound. The river was wide, and clean, not muddy and dirty like so many rivers. The banks were lined with shrubbery and trees, and she had steered into this very small cove and docked for the rest of the afternoon.

The divorce settlement had come at the end of the school year, and now she and her son, Jay, had three wonderful months to enjoy the river before he would return to school. Maybe they would find a nice place to live on the houseboat where he could attend school, too.

The houseboat wasn't large, but quite luxurious. It contained only one bedroom, but there was fold-out bunk over the queen-sized bottom bed.

"Mom, where's the damned tea?" Jay called.

"Honey," Shellie called back in a lazy voice. "You know I don't like you to use such language. And the tea is on the top shelf above the refrigerator."

"You want a glass, Mom?" he called, paying not the slightest attention to her very mild complaint.

"That would be nice," she replied.

She thought of Jay, realizing he was growing up. When her husband had drawn away from her, she had turned her affection toward her son, and Jay accepted her hugs and caresses willingly.

As they drifted down the river that morning, they had passed a smaller houseboat, with three girls, all in very skimpy bikinis. Jay had stared at them with glowing eyes. Shellie had glanced at the front of his swimming trunks. She smiled to see his cock straining in hardness.

She heard her son come out of the cabin, and looked up at him without raising her head. She took the tall glass of iced tea and, as she lifted her arm, the curve of one tit showed all the way to her nipple. She heard her son gasp, but she said nothing. While Jay sat in a deck chair, Shellie put the glass next to her head. She looked at her son with slitted eyes.

He was looking at her, too. She didn't mind him looking at her; she was used to being looked at, and her son was a man. Well, a boy, really, but he was showing a very intense interest in girls, lately.

The sound of a motor came near, and she lifted her head to see a cruiser slowly going past. It was filled with young girls, all of them wearing practically nothing. One of the girls waved, and Jay waved back. Shellie saw her son watching them.

The girl who had waved stood up and turned her back toward them, sliding her bikini bottoms down and flashing her pretty ass. The girls hooted and hollered, thrusting their middle fingers in the air with the obscene gesture of fuck you.

"They're not very nice, are they?" Shellie said, sipping her iced tea.

Jay had seen the girl flash her cute ass, but now he was looking at his mother again, his eyes widening slightly as he saw one of her tits. He saw the light-brown nipple, and made a noisy, gulping sound.

Shellie glanced down at herself, then laughed softly. It was okay if her son saw her tit, she felt. Even though she was his mother, her tits were no different from those of any other woman, although firmer and much prettier. She wiggled her hips into a more comfortable position. Her long clit had begun to throb and swell, and it pushed at the pad beneath her.

Jay watched his mother's ass wiggling, and again he made a swallowing sound. He had caught a glimpse of his mother's crotch.

Shellie knew what he was seeing, but she didn't close her thighs. With her unusually long clit swelling into hardness, she found herself becoming excited, her cunt turning wet. With very gentle, almost subtle, movements, she squirmed her crotch at the mat, knowing her son was watching.

Jay was, indeed, watching. He saw the cheeks of his mother's swelling ass clench in tightness, saw the way she pressed her crotch at the mat. His cock began to throb, and he made no effort to conceal it. Shellie, with her eyes slitted again, peeked at him, watching his cock press at his wide-legged swim trunks. She found herself growing warmer with desire, and her hips seemed to move of their own accord.

Suddenly Jay turned away and entered the cabin.

Shellie was disappointed in him. She knew she had been teasing her son sexually, making his cock hard, doing things to draw his eye. She considered her actions, and discovered she wasn't in the least ashamed of it. Her son was interested in girls, and she was girl, although his mother. She closed her eyes and found herself wondering about Jay's cock, his balls, his young ass. That he was a virgin, she knew. He was far too young to have become close enough to a girl to fuck her, she was sure. She began to see her son in her mind, without his trunks on, his cock and balls exposed to her. She started writhing her ass, pressing her swollen clit at the mat, her cunt bubbling with sweet, wet heat.

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