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Kathy Andrews - Coming onto mom

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Kathy Andrews Coming onto mom CHAPTER ONE Joan sat in the waiting room with - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Coming onto mom


Joan sat in the waiting room with her son, Billy. It was time for his annual checkup. There was nothing wrong with her son that she could see, except he was growing like a weed.

They were the only ones in the waiting room now, and Billy was getting restless. After the last patient had left, the secretary relaxed. She sat behind her desk filing her fingernails, apparently finished with her work for the day. The desk was open in front, and Joan found herself looking at the girl's knees.

It brought back an old memory of when she was a kid. A cousin had spent the night with her, and as girls will, they had begun touching each other, exploring and experimenting.

Gazing at the secretary's knees, Joan recalled the feel of her cousin's body, but especially the smoothness of her thighs, the tightness of her ass, and most of all, the soft wetness of her cousin's cunt.

The girl behind the desk began to squirm her ass on the chair, opening her knees a bit. She didn't give any indication of awareness, Joan thought. She could see between the girl's thighs now almost to her crotch the girl kept filing her nails, and her knees kept opening slowly. Joan felt excitement bubbling between her own thighs. She was wearing jeans, and her legs were crossed. She felt the wetness starting in her own cunt, and began flexing her thighs, creating pressure on her cunt.

She became aware that her son was no longer squirming about restlessly, and glanced at him. Billy's eyes were big, and he, too, was seeing between the girl's legs. For a moment Joan blushed. She had saw the lifting of his cock inside his pants. Turning her eyes back toward the girl, she felt her breath catch in her throat. She could see the girl's panties now, the expanse of her crotch. The girl had opened her legs wide, scooting her ass to the edge of her chair, still filing away at her nails.

Surely the girl realizes she's exposed, Joan thought.

She glanced at her son again, feeling as if she should nudge him, make him stop staring so openly. Yet, she didn't. There was a perverse sensation of pleasure in knowing her son was looking up the girl's dress. She felt her cunt bubbling wetly, and the urge to swing her foot back and forth, bring her cunt to orgasm, was getting strong.

She glanced at her son's lap again, and his cock was now bulging out with an intense hard-on. She had never seen his cock this way before, and she felt a shiver rippling up and down her spine. Her feelings were confused about it. In a way it thrilled her, and in another she felt ashamed. Not ashamed because he had a hard-on, but ashamed because it excited her.

The girl behind the desk held her legs wide apart, her white uniform skirt halfway up her thighs now. Joan gazed into the girl's crotch with burning eyes. She could almost see the outline of her cunt. As it was, she saw dark blonde hair curling from the tight panties, and that caused her emotions to flare with heat. The fact that her son was seeing what she was looking at caused her to tremble.

The office door opened and the doctor stepped out.

The doctor was an exceptionally beautiful woman. She had long hair, a deep auburn color, that swirled about her shoulders. She wore a white smock that hung to her knees, buttoned up. Her tits strained at the smock, but the material was too thick to outline her nipples.

"Ah, Billy," Doctor Nancy said, pleased to see him. "It's been six months already?"

Joan smiled nervously. She noticed the girl behind the desk didn't close her knees, or stop filing her nails.

"Is this your annual, or is something wrong?" Doctor Nancy asked.

"His annual," Joan replied, her voice oddly husky.

"Well, bring him in and let's check him over, Joan"

Joan was embarrassed for her son when he stood and his cock bulged out in hardness. But Doctor Nancy smiled and stepped aside to allow them into her office. Billy jumped up on the examination table as usual, knees apart, feet swinging.

"Now, Billy," Doctor Nancy said. "You know better than this. You always undress first."

Grinning, Billy removed his shirt, then jumped to the floor and slipped his pants down, taking them from his feet. He wore Jockey shorts, and his cock strained at the white fabric. He showed no embarrassment whatsoever.

Doctor Nancy grinned, then said to Joan: "Maybe it would be best if you waited outside, Joan. Billy is getting big, it seems, and we don't want to embarrass him."

Joan had been gazing at her son's cock as it pressed against his shorts. A small tremor went through her. She turned and walked back into the waiting room, taking her same seat. The girl was still filing at her nails, still with her knees apart, still exposing the tight crotch of her panties.

Now the girl smiled at Joan.

Joan smiled back, a bit nervously. The girl began to swing her knees, never closing them completely. Joan's eyes burned between those creamy thighs, and she swallowed, the sound seeming awfully loud in the small waiting room.

The girl stood and went to the door, turning the lock. "If I don't lock the door after hours," the girl said, "we get people trying to come in."

She went back to her desk, again opening her legs. Only this time she didn't file her nails. She stared at Joan, running her tongue suggestively over her lips.

"Your son had a hard-on," the girl whispered.

"What?" Joan asked, jumping from the bluntness of the words.

"I said, your son's cock was hard." "Oh! Oh, yes, I suppose it was." "Hey, come on," the girl grinned. "All the boys get a hard-on once in a while. It's no big deal."

Joan felt faint. Why was this girl talking to her this way? Why was she exposing her cunt this way? What was going on, anyway?

She had been in this waiting room many times, but the girl had never acted so brazenly before. She didn't even know the girl's name, for that matter.

"You're showing yourself deliberately," Joan blurted.

"Of course I am," the girl said with a lewd grin.

"But why?" Joan asked.

The girl slipped her hand under the desk and openly caressed the tight crotch of her panties. "Because I enjoy it. I can make the little cocks become very hard that way. Most of the mothers never notice. But you did."

The girl's voice was low and suggestive. She ran her palm up and down the crotch of her panties. They gazed at each other for a tense moment.

"I'm a cunt licker," the girl said.

Joan jumped, her eyes widening.

"What what did you say?" she mumbled.

"I said I'm a cunt licker," the girl said firmly. "I eat cunt. You know what that means, surely."

Joan found herself nodding her head. This was crazy, she thought. But the tension of sexual desire seemed heavy in the small waiting room. Her cunt was burning as it never had before. She wanted to fling her legs apart and claw at her own cunt, and if it had not been for the tight jeans, she suspected she would have done so.

"You want to get sucked?" the girl asked bluntly. "I suck cunt real good."

"No no, thank you," Joan whispered politely, wondering what was wrong with her.

She saw the girl slide the crotch of her panties to one side, showing her cunt. It was beautiful, Joan thought. The cunt hair was silky and thick, the lips of her pussy thick and wet. The girl used both her hands to part the hairy cuntlips, showing her steamy, rigid clit. She slipped a finger into her cunt and began to finger-fuck slowly, without any shame on her face.

"Are you sure?" the girl whispered. "The doctor will be some time with your son, and I especially love to suck a mother's cunt."

Joan didn't reply. She was fascinated to see this pretty young girl fingering her pussy.

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