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Kathy Andrews - Coming on mom

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Kathy Andrews

Coming on mom


Susan Newman could hardly believe it, but she was sure Steve was jacking off.

They were sitting in the dark theater, watching a musical, with some very lovely girls prancing and dancing about in very skimpy costumes. Apparently, the costumes exposed enough of the girls' bodies to excite her son. She had to admit there was a lot of flesh to see, but certainly not enough to excite a teen into jacking off inside a movie theater.

He had his jacket over his lap, but she could see in the dim light the way it moved, and she could feel his elbow next to hers each time his fist pumped. She wasn't surprised that he jacked off, just that he was doing it in the theater.

Seeing that creamy juice spurting from their cocks had excited her very much, made her wish her cunt would do that.

It was in the bath when she discovered something else that excited her something she had never told anyone to this day.

It had been accidental, because she had been so and because she still wasn't sure of her feelings, only that she liked them. At times, when she had to piss, it felt as if she was about to come, and vice versa. She had been feeling her cunt. She had shoved her feet up the slippery wall, then pulled her knees down toward her face. In that position, she had played with her cunt, working her fingers into it, rubbing her clit. The sensation spew from her body, and she whipped herself almost into a frenzy of ecstasy.

She thought she was about to come, but, instead, she pissed on herself.

At first she was surprised to see the golden piss spew out of her cunt, then ram back down, running over her stomach and to her tits. It was warm and felt good, and the idea of pissing this way did make her come, and she found that she could piss even as the contractions of orgasm tightened her pussy, making the hot piss squirt and stop, squirt and stop.

She pissed on herself often after that, always with her cunt high in the air, legs wide apart, sometimes with her feet straight in the air, and sometimes with her knees drawn toward her face. She experimented and learned that she had depths of passion that surprised, yet delighted, her.

Now, Susan felt her son should be able to jack off if he felt like it. She knew that no matter what she had said about it, he would jack off, and keep jacking off until he found a place to put his cock instead of his fist.

But she was surprised that he would jack off in the theater, under his jacket, with her sitting at his side. She could understand the effect of the skimpily clad girls in the movie on his impressionable mind, although she knew there were better movies to give a guy a hard-on.

As she tried to turn her attention back to the film, Susan found her cunt becoming hot and wet. If she had worn a dress, she would have placed her jacket over her lap, pull the skirt up and played with her cunt. But she was wearing pants, skin-tight designer jeans. There was no way she could get to her cunt. She could unzip the fly, but the jeans would still be too tight to get her hand on her pussy. Still, she draped her light sweater across her lap and pushed her palm into her crotch, pressing against her cunt. She could feel the heat of her pussy through the jeans, and soon she even felt a moisture coming through them.

This is silly, she told herself. Sitting in this theater, watching this stupid film, and Steve jacking off right there while I try to rub my cunt through my fucking jeans!

She wondered what her son would do if she just sort of slipped her hand under his jacket and felt his cock. She glanced at his face, and in the dim light, she could see his desire, the hunger in his eyes as he watched the jiggling, prancing girls in the movie. She gazed at his jacket, watching it lift and fall as his fist moved on his cock. She listened to hit breathing, her left hand rubbing and pressing at the tight crotch of her jeans. The seam cut against her cunt slit and clit and she writhed her ass in the seat, her asscheeks clenching.

She leaned forward and looked at her niece Judy, who sat on the other side of Steve. Judy was absorbed in the film, her eyes wide as she stuffed popcorn into her mouth. She apparently didn't know that Steve was jacking off under his jacket. Susan wondered if her niece ever played with her cunt. She glanced at her niece's knees. Judy wore a skin, and it came halfway up her slim thighs.

Turning her attention back to her son, Susan watched his jacket move. She moaned softly as she pressed her palm harder into the crotch of her jeans, her tongue licking over her lips as arousal burned between her thighs. She wanted to sneak her hand under her son's jacket, feel what he was doing, maybe close her hand over his and help him jack his hard cock off. But if she had done that, Steve might yelp, then piss in his pants with fear and surprise. But then, she thought with a smile, he couldn't piss in his pants if his cock was out of them.

She was sure he had his cock out of his pants.

She felt her tits swell inside her blouse, felt the lips of her fiery cunt turn puffy as her clit throbbed.

I want to, she thought hotly. I want to see if his cock is out! I want to know!

Being as careful as she could, Susan slipped her hand underneath her son's jacket.

Steve, feeling it, stopped moving his fist, darting a fearful glance at his mother in the dark theater. He started to shove his cock into his pants quickly, but Susan stopped him.

"No," she hissed softly with her lips against his ear.

Steve froze, gripping his cock, afraid to look toward his mother now. Susan placed her hot palm on her son's thigh, near his crotch, and left it there for a long moment. She felt him trembling, and she squeezed his thigh.

Susan didn't move her hand toward his cock, but left it where it was, squeezing his thigh often. At the same time, she kept rubbing her other palm up and down the steamy crotch of her designer jeans.

After a moment longer, Steve began to work his fist on his cock again. He was jerking on it now very carefully.

She heard his breathing speed up, and he was beginning to gasp. She almost giggled at his attempt to keep quiet.

She knew she was going to grab his cock. She couldn't stop herself.

If Steve was shocked, or became afraid, there was nothing she could do about it she had to feel his cock.

Sliding her hand into her son's lap, she heard him gasp. He trembled, but that was the only movement he made, his eyes frozen on the screen. She was sure he wasn't seeing those jiggling girls now, though. The tips of her fingers touched naked cock flesh, and Susan's breath taught. She was feeling her son's cock with her fingertips! There was a lurching sensation between her legs as she had an orgasm. She pressed her palm hard against the crotch of her jeans as she came. The orgasm made the crotch of her tight jeans wetter and hotter.

Very slowly, she exerted pressure against the base of her son's cock with her fingertips. She heard her son gasp, but he sat as still as he could, not looking at her. Encouraged by his lack of movement, Susan ran her fingertips on the shift of his cock, finding his fist there. With only a little effort, she pushed his hand away, then closed her fist around his cock.

She heard him groan, but at least he didn't try to shove her hand away. Gazing at the screen, Susan squeezed her son's cock, feeling it throb so hotly in her hand. She ran her thumb over the smooth, swollen head, finding his piss hole wet. She smeared the juices about the head of his cock, then began to move her fist up and down. She heard her son pant, felt his body shaking, but he sat there and let her jerk at his prick.

Susan found her cunt on fire again as she pressed her palm to the seam of her jeans. She glanced at her son's lap, watching his jacket move up and down, this time by her hand on his cock. Steve's cock was so hard, so hot, that she wanted to pound fast and hard, make him spew his come juice, squirt it out of his balls. Now she refrained from beating him fast, moving her fist up and down slowly, but with a tight grip.

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