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Kathy Andrews - What a hot mother

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Kathy Andrews

What a hot mother


Ann stood watching from behind the doorway entering the garage.

Her daughter, Misty, was sitting on an old mattress that had been stored there. She was in the middle of it with her dress bunched about her waist. Misty's legs were spread out wide before her, her panties dangling at her left ankle. She sat sideways to Ann's line of vision, and it was obvious to, Ann that her daughter was playing with her pussy, agitating her clit with her fingers. Soft gasps of pleasure came bubbling from the girl.

Directly in front of Misty sat Gloria, Misty's girl friend. Gloria, too, had her dress about her waist, but her panties were completely off. Like Misty, Gloria's legs were spread. Ann saw that Gloria was plunging a finger in and out of her cunt, finger-fucking with more enthusiasm than Misty. The girls were watching each other intently, gazing hotly between the other's thighs, excitement hot in their shining eyes.

Ann's first impulse was to enter the garage and scold the two young girls. But she was held in place by the sudden, unexpected throbbing in her own cunt.

Her legs began to shake and become weak as she saw her daughter slip her middle finger in to her cunt and move it in and out. She had fucked her cunt many times with her finger when she was Misty's age. If Misty wanted to finger-fuck herself, she didn't care; she could fuck her cunt with her finger all she wanted. But she wasn't sure about Misty doing it with another girl. Yet, there was no denying the increasing pleasure she, herself, felt by watching the two girls jacking off.

Ann's hairy cunt began to twitch with a steamy heat that she had not felt in a long time. The sensation in her pussy was almost enough to make her press a fist against her pussy and rub it.

"Lemme feel your pussy," Misty said to Gloria. "I'll play with yours, and you play with mine, okay?"

Ann's eyes went wider as she watched the girls take their fingers out of their cunts. Misty reached between Gloria's thighs and, for a moment, felt her wet cunt lips. Then she stabbed her finger up Gloria's cunt. Gloria shoved her finger into Misty's pussy, and the two girls began to vigorously finger-fuck each other.

Ann wondered how long this had been going on. Listening to them, she thought it must have been for some time. This was not, obviously, the first time they had explored their hairless cunts.

"Wanna make each other come?" Misty's voice sounded low and husky. "Let's finger fuck each other until we come. Okay, Gloria?"

"Let's do that!" Gloria replied.

Misty giggled and began to thrust her finger into Gloria's cunt faster and more eagerly now. Ann saw her daughter was also playing with Gloria's tiny, hard clit with her thumb, making the girl twist her naked little ass about. The two girls began to pant with increasing pleasure as they finger fucked each other, their eyes hot as they gazed between the other's thighs. Ann was shaking with bubbling desire as she peeked at them.

Misty's small body was shaking, her soft, slightly lewd squeals and giggles were evidence of her enjoyment. If the two young girls had not been so absorbed in fucking each other, they could easily have seen Ann. Ann, however, was not seen.

Watching the two girls finger-fucking each other, their skirts about their small waists, their legs spread wide, Ann thought it was one of the most erotic sights she had seen in her entire life.

All her life Ann had allowed her inhibitions to prevent her from enjoying certain aspects of her nature. Although she had never discussed her thoughts with anyone including her deceased husband she was constantly bombarded with erotic images and thoughts visions of such intense desire and eroticism, she could actually come just by thinking about some of them.

Unlike like daughter, Ann had finger fucked herself in privacy, never indulging with another girl or even a boy. She had gone to her husband, although really cherry, with a cunt that had never been felt or entered by anything except her own fingers. Unfortunately, her husband had been an unimaginative lover, fucking her routinely but leaving her in a state of unsatisfied frustration.

The one time in her life that another girl had wanted to finger fuck her, Ann had refused with a great deal of blushing. She had gone into her marriage without knowing what a cock really looked like.

She had wanted to experiment and explore and find exciting things to do with her husband, but he had been quite dominant with his narrow views and she had been unusually timid and afraid to talk openly with him about fucking. He was the type of man that would consider her to be perverted or disgusting.

Then, too, Ann was a shy woman. If she was approached by strangers who asked her for directions she would blush furiously and stammer her replies. This shyness had affected her all her life, and she hated it with a passion. Even after her husband had passed away, she found it difficult to punish her two sons and daughter. But in this she had been a fortunate woman. They usually obeyed her without question.

Now this.

Ann knew she was going to have to have a girl-to-girl talk with Misty. She was going to have to find the courage to discuss what she was seeing. She would have to shove aside this irritating shyness long enough to have a sex talk with her daughter.

But not right now.

She would wait until Misty was in her room. Then she would go to her and tell her what she had seen. Just what she would say, she didn't know. At this moment, she was watching the two girls finger fucking and feeling her own passions flaring inside her body. Her cunt, encased by her tight bikini panties, throbbed and swelled, and her clit was tingling.

Ann had not experienced many orgasms during her thirty-three years of life, but right now her cunt felt as if it was going to make her come strongly. Even her tits had become swollen. Her nipples were very hard and rubber-like in the tight confines of her bra.

"I think I'm gonna come!" Misty gasped. "I feel it, Gloria! Move your finger faster because I think I'm gonna come!"

"Ohhh, me, too!" Gloria moaned, wiggling her naked ass on the mattress. "Oh, yes I'm gonna come, too, Misty!"

From where she stood, Ann saw her daughter's finger thrust faster, driving in and out of Gloria's cunt. The sighs and hot moans, the shaking of their bodies, told Ann of the intensity of their orgasms.

As soon as they relaxed, Misty pulled her finger from the lips of Gloria's cunt, and Ann moved into the garage.

"Oh!" Gloria gasped, seeing Ann first. She quickly shoved her dress down and closed her legs with a snap.

Misty turned and looked over her shoulder, and a deep flush crept, over her face. She jerked her skirt down and, as Gloria had done, clamped her knees together.

"I think you should go now, Gloria," Ann said in a shaking voice. "Misty, go to your room, please."

The girls scattered, Gloria running from the side door of the garage and Misty walking swiftly to her room. Ann went into the kitchen, and sat at the small breakfast table, her chin cupped in her hands as she thought.

Misty had been embarrassed at being caught, that Ann knew. The girl's face had become pink, but her eyes had shown Ann she had not been embarrassed. Ann sat at the table for some time, thankful that Eric and Marty had not been home at the time. If they were here, Ann was not certain what would have happened if it had been one of her sons, or both of them, who had caught their sister finger fucking She could put it off no longer.

Getting to her feet, she started down the hallway to her daughter's bedroom. She did not know, yet, what she would say or do, but she had to do something. She could not let this continue.

Ann paused outside Misty's door, still undecided how to best handle the situation.

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