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Kathy Andrews - What a susking mother!

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Kathy Andrews What a susking mother CHAPTER ONE Laura Nichols could see the - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

What a susking mother!


Laura Nichols could see the crotch of the girl clearly.

If she could see so could Mike. Glancing at her son, she saw his eyes gleaming. He was peeking without shame between the smooth knees of Janey. The glance was quick. Mike sat beside Laura at the small table of the ice cream store. Janey was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl.

Laura watched Janey closely, and soon realised the girl was fully aware of her exposure. Not only aware but intentionally making it obvious. She would laugh and giggle and squirm in the small white chair, spreading her knees in a way that would, to some, appear accidental in her exuberance. But Laura had seen those sparkling eyes peek at Mike.

Her son was fascinated with Janey, Laura knew. He had been for some months. It was easy to see why he was fascinated.

Janey was a beautiful girl, slender with honey-blonde hair and creamy skin. She was popular in school and seemed to be friendly with everyone. Her personality was bubbly and outgoing. Janey was the typical California girl, perhaps a bit more. She was well tanned, and her body exquisite.

At the moment, Janey wore a very tight light-blue T-shirt. Her succulent tits were moulded, outlined by the garment, and from the way her nipples protruded, Laura knew very well that she was not wearing a bra. Her tits were sweetly shaped. The skirt she wore must have came from the sixties, it was so short. But then, if any girl had the body for a micro skin, it was Janey. Her legs were long, slender, inviting the eye. The golden color of them testified to her love of sunshine.

Yes, it was understandable why her son was fascinated by Janey. Any boy would be, especially at Mike's age when the juices were running, his desires growing.

She vaguely wondered if Mike had ever fucked a girl. He was, to her, still quite young.

Gazing toward Janey, she saw the girl pretend to lose her balance on the chair. One leg shot out, and the whole of Janey's crotch became blatantly visible. The crotch of her panties seemed as tight as her T-shirt, Laura thought. Her panties were a pale green.

Before she could stop herself, Laura glanced down at her son's lap, and noticed his cock was straining at his pants. An unexpected ripple moved up and down her spine, and she recognised it as erotic excitement. Shivering, she pulled her eyes from Mike's crotch and looked boldly at Janey.

Janey was the same age as Mike. They had grown up with each other, practically. Although they had not been all that close, each with separate friends, Laura saw the attraction between the two now. She thought Janey was somewhat of a tease, wearing her short shorts and those T-shirts that left nothing to the imagination. But she could not help liking the girl anyway. No one could help liking Janey.

The problem was, Janey's parents, who lived almost a block from their house, thought Laura was a wicked person. It was ridiculous, of course. Janey's parents were old-fashioned and, to them, any divorced woman was wicked. Their attitude failed to disturb Laura, however. On the other hand, it was this very attitude that seemed to keep her son and Janey apart.

Laura would not mind if her son had a girlfriend, a sweetheart. Puppy love could be so wonderful, she knew. So far, Mike showed no interest in any girl except Janey.

Laura found herself gazing steadily into the girl's dark eyes. There was heat in those eyes, she realised, and she wondered if Janey was really the tease she appeared to be. Those eyes were unashamed, quite bold. Janey moved the pink tip of her tongue over her full lips.

Laura shuddered and turned her eyes, finishing her ice cream and saying to her son: "Ready to leave, honey?"

Obviously Mike was not ready to go, but he obediently stood up and walked with her to the car. The shopping center was huge, and the parking area even larger. Laura felt her hand brush the back of Mike's as they walked, and a distinct tingle went through her.

Laura's skirt hiked up past her knees as she got in the car, and she left it there. She was not a prude, not by any means.

Mike was more preoccupied, than usual as they drove home. Laura knew very well he was thinking of Janey. And she could still see that crotch in her own mind. She was only slightly disturbed that she felt excited by it. The fact that her nipples were hard, her cunt pulsing gently between her thighs because of seeing Janey's crotch, was not in the least troublesome to Laura.

After arriving home, Mike immediately walked off down the sidewalk, mumbling about seeing some friends. Laura watched her son go, hands stuffed into his pockets and his head down. She knew he wanted to be alone, to think and possibly dream about Janey.

The house was comfortably cool, and she prepared herself a glass of instant iced tea. She was sipping it and twisting the dial on the radio when the knock on the door came.

"Why, hello, Janey," she said, surprised to see the girl. "If you're looking for my son, he ran off down the block someplace."

"Will he be home soon, Laura?" Janey's voice was soft, almost in a whispery, musical way.

Laura had always loved her voice. She wasn't sure when Mike would come home, but found herself saying: "Probably very soon. Would you like to come in and wait for him?"

"If it's no trouble."

"Trouble? Come on in and have some iced tea with me."

She fixed a tall glass of tea for Janey, feeling a strangeness within her, a warmth that was at the same time alien and exciting. When she returned to the living room, she found Janey sitting on the floor going through Mike's collection of records. Her legs were crossed, the creamy thighs revealed. Laura found herself sitting on the floor with Janey, and once again they gazed boldly at each other.

"You like me?" Janey asked in a whispery voice.

"Of course I like you, honey," Laura replied. "Just because of what your parents think of me, well"

"They're a couple of old farts," Janey said.

"I'm sure they're"

"No, Laura," Janey interrupted. "Everyone says it. They're so damned old-fashioned, they try to make me wear Mother Hubbard dresses. They have a fit when I wear this." She indicated her T-shirt and short skirt.

"I think you're lovely," Laura said, her voice oddly throaty.

"I saw the way you looked at me in the ice cream parlor, Laura," Janey said with that disturbing voice, her dark eyes bold as ever.

Laura jumped.

Janey had placed her palm on one of Laura's knees. She dropped her eyes down, looking at it, shivering. The hand felt unusually hot, as if it were searing her flesh.

"You liked what you saw," Janey said, making it a statement, and at the same time sliding her hand past Laura's knee. "So did Mike."

Laura felt herself trembling with a desire that was strange, a heat that grew inside her. She watched Janey's hand move higher, caressing in circles on her thigh now. There was an increase in her breathing rate, and she heard the gasping sounds of Janey's breath.

Janey then took Laura's hand and drew it toward her golden thigh. As her palm was placed halfway up that thigh, Laura felt a sudden lurching between her legs. Her cunt had swelled and was moist now, her clit throbbing. Janey was holding her wrist, moving her palm up and down the thigh.

Laura saw the crotch of those tight panties again, and heard the girl's soft sigh. Janey released her wrist, but Laura left her hand on that hot thigh, moving it slowly by herself now. They continued looking into each other's eyes, and Laura moved her hand higher. She felt the tight panties with the tips of her fingers, and Janey uncrossed her legs and spread them widely, leaning back and bracing herself with her hands.

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