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Kathy Andrews - Hot, hot mother

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Kathy Andrews

Hot, hot mother


At first, Lisa wasn't sure it was happening.

But the sounds were unmistakable.

She tried for a long time to ignore it, but there was no way she could push aside her excitement.

The cross country bus was darkened, but her reading light was on. She was alone in her seat, as was the man behind her. The other passengers appeared to be sleeping. The bus hadn't been crowded to begin with and now there were hardly half a dozen people left after the many stops.

She sat toward the back of the bus, with the other passengers in front of her. She and the man, a boy really, were the only ones in the back. The rustling had started almost fifteen minutes ago, disturbing her reading. Then she heard the soft sound of flesh sliding on flesh and the soft grunts the boy made.

Trying to peek over her seat without the boy noticing, she saw, between the crack of the seats, she had been right.

The boy had his cock out and was slowly jacking off!

Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him. The head of his cock was swollen and when he pressed his fist downward, it seemed to bulge up, his piss hole opening. Although the reading light was dim, it was bright enough for her to know she had not been mistaken.

Lisa felt the familiar burning sensation between her thighs and her cunt started becoming wet. She twisted her ass on the seat, knowing she should turn back around and let the boy jack off in private. Yet, she couldn't. She was drawn to that cock, drawn to it the way she was drawn to every cock that she saw exposed.

That was the cause of her leaving her husband. Lisa wanted cock constantly, always wanting to try new things with her cunt and a cock.

Her husband had become disgusted with her hungers and she had to move away to satisfy her raging takes.

She had only been gone from home three mouths, but they had been the longest three months of her life. She had satisfied some of her desires, but found most men to be like her husband. They wanted to control her and her body. They didn't care what she wanted and they thought only of their own selfish needs.

All bullshit, she thought. The boy behind her was apparently traveling alone. She felt guilty, watching him jacking off, but not so guilty that she turned away. As often as she fucked, no man had ever jacked off in front of her. It was one thing Lisa had always wanted to see.

Her cunt was starting to burn with that inner fire as she watched the boy's fist moving up and down his cock. She glanced about the darkened bus, sliding her hand under her wrinkled skirt. She rubbed lightly at her pantied cunt at she watched the boy. It excited her the way he moved his fist slowly, giving his cockhead a twist with his fist.

Her clitoris turned rigid, swollen with desire. She slipped her finger under the crotch of her panties, gently stroking a puffy, hairy cuntlip then probing the tip of her inflamed clitoris. She tried to control her breathing but that was impossible.

The boy jumped and quickly stuffed his cock into his pants, pulling the zipper up with a loud snick. He sat upright in his chair, looking over the tops of the seats guiltily.

Lisa was disappointed. She had wanted to see him come. She moved her hand from her panties, smoothing her skirt back down over her knees. She picked up her book and tried to read, but all she saw was the boy's throbbing cock, his fist sliding up and down it. She wondered if his balls were hurting with frustration. She cursed herself for not being able to control her loud gasps.

She had about an hour to go before she reached her destination. Before she had been bored, but now she twitched on the seat, her mind dwelling on the boy behind her. She glanced at her wrist watch twice and each time only a minute or two had passed.

She couldn't get the boy out of her mind! Twisting about in her seat, she looked back at him.

"Can't you rest?" she asked in a soft voice.

The boy shook his head.

"I can't either," Lisa whispered, not wanting to disturb the rest of the passengers.

Lisa noticed his hard-on and smiled. She placed her palms on his knee, leaning closer to his ear.

"I bet you missed her an awful lot," she whispered, moving her palm up his thigh. She felt his body trembling. "I saw you, you know. I saw what you were doing, Tod." She slipped her hand higher, pulling at his thigh, uncrossing his legs.

She whispered in his ear, the tip of her tongue darting out and licking him lightly. The boy shivered, making a moaning deep in his throat.

"I understand how it can be, Tod. I understand it very well," she said sexily.

She had her hand resting on his cock now. She felt it throbbing through his pants. She pressed a bit harder, rubbing his prick. The boy stiffened and she chuckled throatily.

"Don't be afraid, Tod," she whispered, stroking his cock. "I do that sometimes, too. I understand how it can be when you're hot."

She began puffing at his zipper, tugging it downward. Once she had his pants open, she placed his hand on her knee. Then she pulled it slowly under her dress, far up to the tops of her nylons.

"Doesn't that feel good, Tod?" she whispered, moving his hand along her bare flesh. "Doesn't it make you shiver?"

She snaked her hand into his pants and pulled his cock free. She gasped as she closed her fingers about it, squeezing him.

"You have a very nice cock!"

She pumped her fist up and down his cock a few times, then squeezed to make the head bulge out.

"You know what I'd love to do with this?" she mewled against his ear. "I'd love to get it inside me. You know, fuck you."

Tod gasped loudly.

"But we don't have much room, do we?" she said, jacking him again. "These seats are so close together. I'd love to have this in me, real deep in me. I bet you come a lot, don't you? I just love a cock that comes a lot. There's nothing I like better than a hot, thick load of come juice!"

She felt the excitement rumbling through the boy and felt his cock throbbing. He didn't say anything to her and she knew it was partly from fear. The poor boy probably was scared shitless, she thought. He was quite young and she doubted he had much experience.

Feeling intensely aroused, Lisa stroked his cock, then slipped her hand into his pants and pulled his balls free. She cupped them gently.

"Ohhhh, such nice balls. So precious, and they feel so full. Do they hurt, Tod? Do you want to empty them come?"

Tod groaned as her fist came back to his cock, jacking him with short, jerky motions.

"I wish we could get your cock in me and fuck me," she hissed. "If only these fucking seats gave us more room! But since we can't fuck, I'll have to do something else."

Tod's fingers dug into her thigh hard. She knew he wanted to feel her cunt.

"It feels good to have my hand jacking you, doesn't it?" she whispered. "I can make you come with my hand, Tod, but there are other, more delicious ways. You know?"

She felt him shaking almost violently. She wished he would talk to her and tell her what he wanted. But all he did was sit stiffly, shaking, letting her jack on his cock.

"I could use my mouth," she whispered.

"Ahhhh," Tod groaned.

"Yes, I could use my mouth on you," Lisa went on. "I could suck you suck you off. Would you like that, Tod? Would you like a nice, wet blow-job?"

Tod gulped.

"I think you would," she giggled softly. "Have you ever had a blow-job, Tod? It feels so good, the wetness of a mouth around your cock. I can suck very good, too. And I just love to have a hard cock in my mouth."

She slipped her head downward, feeling the boy shaking harder. She licked at her lips, her breath held in her throat. The anticipation was great.

Then she kissed the tip of his hard cock, kissing at his seeping piss hole. Holding the base of his cock tightly, Lisa closed her lips around his prickhead, licking his piss hole. Tod shook with the sensation.

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