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Kathy Andrews - Getting behind mother

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Kathy Andrews

Getting behind mother


With Tony holding the wire fence for her, Judy slipped between the strands. But just as she expected it to happen, her skirt caught on one of the barbed wires. She was climbing through fast and her skirt ripped from the waist to the hem.

A slight flush crept over her lovely face as she glanced at her son.

Tony didn't see the flush on his mother's face. He was behind her, staring in fascination at her long legs and her pink bikini panties.

"Oh, my!" Judy said, pulling her torn dress together. "I knew I'd tear my dress."

Tony's eyes were hot as he giggled softly.

"You're not supposed to look," she said, her eyes lowering shyly as she held her dress together. "It isn't nice."

"I think it's very nice, Mother," he said.

"What do you know?" she replied, her voice soft. "I didn't think you ever noticed girls."

"I notice you, Mother."

Judy was on the other side of the fence from her son, and she looked at him, her eyes moving from his head to his feet, then up again, stopping at his crotch. Although she tried to stop herself, the words came out anyway; "And I notice you, too, honey."

Her voice was very low, husky. A tremor swept through her body as she heard what she said. She lifted her eyes to his, and saw the expression of yearning on her son's face. They stared at each other, neither speaking, but both acutely aware of what each had said.

Judy finally broke the silence. "Here, let me hold the wire for you."

She placed her foot on the bottom strand, pulling the other with bath hands. The torn skirt parted, and her slender, creamy thigh showed, along with a teasing bit of pink panties.

Tony, halfway through the fence, facing her, paused and stared. Then he moved quickly through the fence.

Hand in hand, they walked over the pasture, through the scattered trees. They had no business being there, except that it was a nice day for a walk. They had been driving about five miles from home, when they decided to stop to enjoy the warm day. Judy usually drove once a month to a nearby farm, where she bought fresh vegetables. The car was loaded, and the vegetables would be cleaned and put in the freezer once they got home.

Judy seldom became too friendly with people, men or women. She preferred her life with her son, without close friends. She was a loner, and had always been a loner. Her son, it seemed, was taking that habit up. Like her, he had no close friends, wanted no close friends. He had told his mother many times he was content to be with her, always with her. He was not athletic, but loved books and was very intelligent. His interests varied, but mostly he liked history. Roman and Greek history. He was an avid reader of mythology, and was particularly interested in the sex-life of the ancient Romans and Greeks.

Judy encouraged his reading, often discussing with him the Gods of old, but would usually draw back when he ventured into the more erotic aspects of those civilizations. But it didn't stop her mind from thinking, wondering, wanting. What it did was make her more aware of her being alone with her son, of her deeply bubbling passions and desires, desires she had never been able to explain, never talked about, even with her long-dead husband. She had been ashamed of those crazy desires for years, but had, in the past year or so, allowed herself to imagine, to fantasize, to wonder what if

She clung to her son's hand as they walked slowly until they were over a low rise and out of sight of the road. She had allowed her torn skirt to flap in the breeze. Tony couldn't see anything; he was on the other side of her.

They paused and sat beneath an old twisted tree. Judy leaned against the trunk, making sure her skirt was tucked to cover her thighs and panties, while Tony sat cross-legged a few feet away, facing her. She studied his face. She could see the desire in his dark eyes, knowing her son wanted to see more of her, but not knowing how to ask. She wasn't sure she could allow him to look beneath her skirt. Judy was afraid she would do more, like grab his cock, take it out and fuck him. For weeks Judy had known she wanted her son. At first it had startled her, but she had to be honest with herself. She could teach him so much, so very much.

Tony looked at her, silent.

She looked back at him, just as silent.

Tony was trying to look under her dress, and he wasn't trying to conceal his interest. It was the fir si time he had looked so boldly at her, his eyes not wavering.

Judy felt her cunt throb inside the tight crotch of her panties. Her tits seemed to swell into a hardness, and her nipples became rigid. She drew her knees back to her chest, hugging them, still gazing into her son's face.

"You're very good-looking, Tony," she said softly.

"You're beautiful, Mother," he replied, but his eyes never lifted.

Judy slipped her right hand don, sliding her fingers along her thigh. She felt the rip of her skirt, and slowly pulled it away. She heard a soft gasp from Tony, and his eyes widened slightly.

"Is this what you're trying to look at Tony?" she asked, her voice whispery.

Tony stared at the back of his mother's satiny thigh, seeing where her tan ended and the white of her hip began. His breathing increased, and Judy glanced at his crotch. She kept her eyes there, and lifted the torn skirt away, fanning it wide.

"Why are you looking at me, Tony?"

"Because Mother, you're beautiful!"

"But why are you looking there?"

"I want to see, Mother," he said, and now Judy noticed his cock starting to bulge in hardness inside his pants.

"We shouldn't," Judy whispered. "I mean, I shouldn't let you see me this way."

"Yes, you should," Tony answered. "I want to see, Mother."

Judy trembled. She wanted to show her son, show her body to him, let him see what she had for him, but despite Tony's burning interest, she had to be certain, completely certain.

"Honey," she said softly. "Would you would you still love me if you saw? You wouldn't hate me?"

"Mother, I'd love you anyway," he replied. "No matter what, I'll love you forever, and want to stay with you forever."

Judy knew he was being honest with her, he just didn't know. She leaned against the tree, her thigh showing, the ridge of her pink panties just visible to her son's hot gaze. Her cunt was burning wetly, feeling as if it would melt the crotch of her panties, and if that happened, she would be sitting there with her pussy on display, deliciously, lewdly, wantonly, exposed to her son.

"You first," she whispered, feeling childish.

"Okay," Tony agreed quickly.

But he remained sitting.

Judy breathed deeply, her tits pushing at her blouse, her eyes seeing his cock starting to strain very hard at his pants now.

"You first," she said again, her voice very low.

Tony stood up, and she stared straight at his cock. It pressed out at his pants, outlined. She could see his cock was not very big, but it was mouth-wateringly beautiful to her. The turning point had arrived, Judy knew. She knew she wouldn't stop now, not now. She wanted to see her son's cock, see it out of his pants. She wanted to look at it and let her pussy soak her panties.

Tony stood straight, his hips arching slightly, as if proud of his hard-on. But he just stood there, not opening his pants.

"You first," Judy said again, her voice barely audible.

"You promise, Mother?" Tony asked, excitement in his voice. "You'll let me see, too? You won't change your mind?"

Judy shook her head. "No, I won't change my mind, darling."

The breeze caught the hem of her torn skirt, lifting it. Her pink panties flashed to her hip.

Tony didn't take his cock out.

He dropped his pants completely.

Judy's breath stuck in her throat. She was staring at her son, naked between his waist and his knees, his cock jutting out with hardness, his cockhead smooth and swollen. She gazed with slitted eyes, seeing his long cockshaft, his round cockhead, his small piss-hole, and his precious balls dangling below.

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