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Kathy Andrews - Mother with the hots

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Kathy Andrews Mother with the hots CHAPTER ONE The water was slightly above - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Mother with the hots


The water was slightly above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

She sat in it to her neck, feeling the sensual heat wash about her. Leaning her head back on the deck, her arms up, Marilyn sighed in pleasure.

Around her were the tall pines and the green, rolling hills. There was even a small stream a few yards away. Birds chirped and sang in the tree branches.

And Marilyn's cunt was hotter than the water.

She was naked as usual. She loved to sit in the hot tub on fine spring days and especially enjoyed being outside without clothes on. It gave her a sense of freedom and, she admitted to herself, a glorious feeling of wickedness. No one could see her they were miles from any other home here in the foothills. No one ever came around, not even hunters. There was no game here to attract them and the only road nearby was the one leading to their home.

Marilyn had gotten this house in her divorce settlement, along with alimony for two years. Also, she had custody of her son, Donny. Her ex-husband had not fought very hard and for that she was glad. The divorce had been almost friendly. But any love she had for her husband was long gone, as his was for her. As usual, they never learned what went wrong.

Six months was a long time for Marilyn to do without a cock. If she had her choice she would fuck every day morning, noon, and night. But now she had no choice. She did, however, have her hands and fingers.

As the early afternoon sun burned down onto her, she shoved a hand along her swelling, shapely tits just beneath the hot water. Her flesh was very smooth, like satin. Cupping her tit for a moment, she squeezed the firmness, feeling her nipple press into her palm. A tingle of pleasure rippled down her stomach to her cunt and she felt her clitoris swelling.

Moving her hand downward, she ran her fingers through the bushy thickness of her cunt hair. Parting her thighs, she probed lightly upon her knotted clitoris, sliding her finger down and into the slippery tightness of her pussy.

Marilyn loved to caress herself this way, outside in the hot tub with the sun hot enough to make her sweat. She loved feeling and probing her body with the fresh air around her.

Yet, if she had a choice, she would prefer a man's hands moving about her sensitive flesh. A man with a beautiful cock she could massage, squeeze, and stroke into lovely hardness, watch the head become round, the piss hole dripping against her palm.

But there was no man here or anyplace else.

The only male around was Donny, but he didn't count. He was too young in the first place and in the second place, he was her son. That was the order in which she assigned him first too young, second being her son. She never thought it strange to think of Donny that way but nothing would ever happen between them. Donny really was too young to be interested in girls and he was much too involved with his butterfly collection.

She could sit naked in the hot tub all day and her son would never see her body, not even if he stood next to her. That is, she didn't think so. Not that Marilyn had any intention of doing anything with her son. But if she were so inclined they were certainly in a remote enough area for it.

She slipped her finger into her cunt and sighed, her eyes closed as she leaned on the deck. Moving her finger in and out of her tight cunt, she fantasized about a man, any man, coming upon her and fucking her.

From an upstairs window, Donny was peeking down at his mother, unknown to her. Maybe she thought he was too young, not interested in girls, but Marilyn was wrong. Feeling the first stirrings of sexual desire, Donny peeked at his mother all the time. He enjoyed looking at her, it made his cock hard.

He could barely see the outline of her tits under the clear water, and his cock was pressing against his shorts with tingling hardness. He didn't know what she was doing with her hand under the water, but he imagined she was sticking a finger into her pussy. He liked to think of his mother doing that when he watched her in the tub. When he thought of his mother shoving her finger up her cunt, he didn't feel so guilty about jacking off. To his way of thinking, if his mother could do it, so could he.

He had never really seen his mother naked. She was always in the water before he saw her. But he knew she was naked though, because he could always see her tits shimmering under the surface. Still, no matter how hard he tried, he could never catch her naked.

Donny had seen a girl naked before though. She lived a mile and a half away in another house almost as isolated as this one. She enjoyed having him look at her body, but they had never had the nerve to touch each other.

With the desire to see his mother's body, Donny went downstairs and out onto the redwood deck. He sprawled into one of the chairs near a table, looking at his mother.

Hearing her son come out, Marilyn quickly removed her finger from her gripping cunt and smiled up at him. He sat with his legs wide, his ass shoved down on the chair. Marilyn almost asked her son to get into the hot tub with her before she remembered she was naked.

It had become a habit not to wear any clothes and a few times she had completely forgotten about it.

She smiled at him, her eyes seeing his young, handsome face with the deep brown eyes. As young as he was, he was tall and had a good body. His shorts, the loose-legged type, rode low on his stomach. As she looked at him, she allowed herself a tantalizing peek between his thighs. A light glowed in her eyes as she thought she could see the tip of his cock. She strained here eyes, and a soft gasp bubbled from her.

That was his cock she could see!

Her eyes unfocused for a moment as a tingle rippled up and down her body. When her vision cleared she gazed at her son, seeing the head of his cock clearly. She wondered if Donny knew what she could see, if he had sat that way deliberately. He had his hands behind his head and face was turned into the sun, eyes close. But they weren't closed all the way, he was peeking at his mother from slitted eyes, and he knew where she was looking.

Marilyn gazed at the head of her son's cock, believing his eyes were closed. She looked openly, desire coming into her eyes. She gasped again as she saw his cock starting to swell. The head seemed to poke out a bit farther until she saw every smooth bit of it. There was a churning sensation between her thighs and she moved her hand back under the hot water and to her cunt. Gazing at the head of her son's cock, she began to rub her hand up and down her cunt.

Marilyn began to experience small but very pleasurable orgasms as she peered at Donny's cock. She could see one of his precious balls there too and this increased her burning desire. A finger slipped into her cunt and she hid to stifle a groan of delight.

After a few minutes she thought Donny had fallen asleep. He had often dozed out here, and the way his chest rose and fell evenly now she was sure he was sleeping. She wanted to get out of the tub for a while, but as long as Donny was there she couldn't. She had not brought her robe out with her, and her large towel was on the table at his side. She couldn't possibly get to it before he woke up.

Suddenly, with a silent giggle of wicked pleasure, Marilyn decided to take the chance. Even if Donny wasn't sleeping, it wouldn't matter. If he saw her naked body, it would make no difference. He was still almost a baby, she thought. Even if his cock was almost hard, he was still a baby to her.

Being as quiet as she could, not splashing any water, Marilyn lifted herself from the tub.

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