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Kathy Andrews - Mommy_s horny boys

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Kathy Andrews Mommys horny boys CHAPTER ONE Joanie sat on the lounge near - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Mommy_s horny boys


Joanie sat on the lounge near the pool, knowing they were looking at her.

Her brief bikini concealed hardly anything, but that was the way she wanted it. Leaning back with her eyes closed, auburn hair loose about her shoulders, her slender body glistening in the sun, Joanie was beautiful. They weren't the only ones looking at her, Joanie knew. Many people looked at Joanie, men and women. But she wasn't interested in any of the other tenants of the apartment complex.

Joanie's rounded, up tilted tits strained at the halter, even though she was leaning back. The soft under curve was visible, somewhat whiter than her golden tan. Her waist was small, then rounded out to lovely hips that flowed into long, sleek, graceful thighs and curvy legs. Her feet were parted at the end of the lounge chair, pointing toward the window of her apartment.

Inside, Joanie had covered the window with a plastic sun shield. You could see out, but not in. Before the window stood Gary and Randy, her two young sons.

They were looking at their mother.

She knew they were looking at her.

They enjoyed this small game.

Joanie knew but her sons didn't know she was aware of them looking at her. Joanie loved to be looked at by her sons, it made her shiver and tingle all over. Everyone else in the apartment complex was at work. She and her sons were the only ones home.

Joanie's bikini was bright red, a sensuously sexy scarlet. The small triangle covering her cunt was hardly adequate and the fabric bulged out with the puffy lips of her cunt. Shifting her rounded, tight ass, she let her feet drop over the sides of the chair, exposing her crotch.

Joanie had a very hairy cunt and the dark curls stuck out teasingly from the material. Gary and Randy saw it, both of them grinning from ear to ear. Their cocks were hard, bulging inside swim trunks. Every time they peeked at their mother, they got hard-ons.

"I'm gonna fuck her," Gary groaned, rubbing at his straining cock. "I'm gonna fuck her!"

"You're gonna do just like I do, asshole," Randy snorted. "Jack off."

Randy, being the oldest by a year, usually led his brother. Gary was not passive, but it seemed that Randy should be the leader. Both boys were equally interested in fucking their mother but neither had ever felt a wet, hot cunt wrapped around their cock. They were much too young, but they still wanted to fuck very much. Randy could make his cock come, squirting out the thick juices. Gary was still trying.

As they watched their mother, Joanie swung her legs open and closed, spreading them very wide, enjoying the hot sun on her body. She wondered if Gary and Randy had nice hard-ons. She tried to imagine their cocks, seeing them in her mind, so long, thick and strong. A tingle burned around her clitoris, a tingle of desire. She moved her hand up and down her thigh, caressing the soft skin and sliding her fingers along the creamy inner surfaces. She had never gone this far in her teasing game before, but she getting anxious. The boys didn't seem to be getting the message so she was going to hurry things along.

She moved her fingertips lightly upward, stroking along the tight edge of her bikini crotch. She could almost hear her sons panting and gasping and feel their hot, young eyes on her. Very slowly she dragged her palm up and down the bulge of her cunt. Up and down, up and down, feeling the moist heat on her hand. She wiggled her hips slowly, twisting them as she rubbed at her hidden cunt. Her hunger to have Gary and Randy fuck her was becoming stronger and she could almost feel those cocks pressing into her pussy, spreading the fiery lips and going in deep.

Joanie's body shuddered as she made herself come. Sometimes her orgasms were wild but sometimes they almost shattered her to pieces. She never had problems coming. She came so easily; she could come just by looking at her sons, and come hard if she saw the outline of one of those young, sweet cocks.

Gary and Randy saw their mother shudder, but they didn't know she had come. They became very excited while watching her rub between her legs.

"You see?" Gary said. "Mom's hot, Randy. She's a real hot piece! If she's gonna touch her cunt that way, that means she's hot, doesn't it?"

"I guess you're right," Randy replied. "But that don't mean you're gonna fuck her. She's your mother, asshole."

"I don't care if she is," Gary replied. "I wanna fuck her so bad."

They fell silent, watching Joanie again.

Joanie turned onto her stomach, her tight, rounded ass swelling up enticingly. The bikini, so very small, exposed the lower half of her creamy ass cheeks. Gary and Randy looked at her for a while longer, then left the apartment.

Joanie heard them coming and lifted her head, smiling brightly at them. "Well, it's about time you two decided to come out. Why don't you swim a while? The water's wonderful."

Her eyes flicked over the fronts of their shorts. There was nothing to see. She decided to buy them each a pair of tight, elastic trunks, the kind that would mold and cup and expose their cocks and balls.

The boys dove in, racing the length of the pool. Joanie turned back onto her back, letting her legs dangle over the sides of the lounge chair. She watched her sons as they splashed water, and since she was close to the edge, she got wet, too. Laughing, she watched them as they rested their chins on the edge of the pool, both of them staring at her. She was amused because they tried to keep from looking between her legs. But Joanie teased them, writhing her ass, trying to draw those young eyes to her crotch.

Suddenly, she sat upright. "Move over. I'm coming in."

She dove over their heads, cutting the water neatly.

"Can't catch me!" she laughed. "I bet you can't catch me!"

Gary and Randy started after her. They raced from one end of the pool to the other. Finally Joanie slowed and let them catch her, and when one of her sons accidentally closed a hand about her tit, she became weak. The hand was jerked away as if it had been burned. Joanie smiled at Randy, the boy who had touched her tit.

"For shame," she murmured.

The quick feel of his mother's tit caused Randy's cock to lurch into hardness. He turned to swim away and Joanie deliberately swung the back of her hand along his front. She felt his hard-on, and smiled wider. Gary came up behind his mother and she felt small hands sliding up the back of her thighs and very briefly touching the cheeks of her ass.

Joanie shot Gary a grin over her shoulder.

Gary, catching his mother's grin, pinched her ass.

"Is that nice?" Joanie asked, her voice a throaty purr. "Pinching a girl?"

Gary nodded at his mother, grinning with shining eyes. Joanie saw the desire in her youngest son's eyes and could not help shoving her ass against his front. It was a quick shove, but enough for her to feel his cock, sweetly hard, against her ass. Gary did not miss the significance. He reached for his mother's hips, managing to get his hands on them before she wiggled away.

Joanie laughed as she climbed from the pool, standing with her legs parted, tossing her wet hair back. Water streamed from her, and Gary stared up between his mother's long legs. It looked to him as if she was pissing right through that bikini. He saw the dark cunt hairs along each side of the crotch. Joanie watched Gary's reaction and then suddenly, impulsively, she did a very slow bump and grind, then shot her hips forward in a lewd invitation.

Gary gulped loudly, his eyes enormous.

"Well," Joanie laughed, "that's what you wanted to see me do, right?"

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