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Kathy Andrews - Hot sucking daughter

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Kathy Andrews

Hot sucking daughter


Peggy Benson sprawled on the lounge chair near the sparkling pool. Her bikini top was undone. The bottoms hugged her tight, saucy little ass, and since the bikini was wet, it was almost sheer.

She rested her arms beneath her head, facing the pool, away from the house. Her long, creamy legs were parted slightly, and there was a tingling pulsation between them. The sun was hot on her body, and she thought maybe that was one of the reasons her cunt was throbbing. It seemed as if she had been born with a throbbing, wet, burning cunt.

Her chestnut hair fanned about her arms, and she sighed heavily as she tried to rid her mind of the erotic thoughts that flooded it. She was always imagining hard cocks, and she felt ashamed of it.

Peggy was not even in high school yet, and already, she was tormented by such strong sexual desires, desires that she felt guilty of. The girls she knew didn't have thoughts like that. At least none of them mentioned such things, not to her. Peggy felt as if she was the only girl in the world who had, such wicked, naughty thoughts in her mind. She felt as if she were a bad girl.

She shivered. If her parents knew that she had fucked her boyfriend two weeks ago, they would think she was no good, shameless. They probably would never speak to her again, ever. She couldn't stand that. She loved her parents and her brother Robert. If they thought she was a bad girl, she would just die with shame. Since she had fucked her boyfriend, she refused to see him again. She was afraid she would fuck him again, and if she did, her mother and father would eventually discover it, and maybe make her go away. The boy called constantly, but she refused to take his calls. She knew her parents were puzzled by her behavior. She had always been a bubbling girl, filled with laughter and pleasure. Now, she was acting as if she were in a deep depression.

Peggy was not in a depression, not really. She was simply tormented by her sexual feelings and the shame she felt, of the hatred her parents would have for her if they knew what went on in her erotic mind. She felt she wasn't old enough to be fucking, but her cunt told her different.

Peggy had been shocked to find that she was eyeing her brother Robert the past two weeks. She had been watching the front of his pants constantly, wishing desperately to see his cock, see it become hard, outlined against his pants. Then she had been further shocked one evening to discover she had been gazing at the front of her father's pants. She was certain her mother had caught her doing that. Anyway, her mother had given her an odd look.

Peggy twisted her hips, pressing her cunt into the pad of the lounge chair. She wanted to jump to her feet, rip her bikini bottom off and shout as loud as she could: "Goddamn it, I want a hard cock, you sonsofbitches! Won't somebody fuck my hot cunt!"

But of course she couldn't do that. The neighbors would hear, and she knew her brother, was in the garage, working on his model airplanes. She thought of Robert. He was two years older than her. She wondered if he had ever fucked a girl. She wondered if he wanted a cunt as much as she wanted a cock. She would bet anything her brother jacked off, just as she fingerfucked her cunt two or three times a day. Sometimes Peggy would thrust her finger into her pussy until her cunt was almost raw, coming and coming and coming.

She felt a presence near her. When she turned her head, Robert was sitting in one of the chairs near hers. Immediately Peggy's eyes went to the front of his cut-off jeans. She thought she could see his cock outlined there, but with her overactive erotic mind, she wasn't certain. But what she was certain of was that Robert seemed to be gazing steadily at either her thighs, or else at the swell of her cute ass cheeks.

She could not help writhing her ass. She strained her eyes at his cut-offs, directly at his crotch. She knew she was staring, knew that Robert probably saw where she was looking, but Peggy couldn't help it. She couldn't take her eyes away. She could feel his eyes caressing her long, creamy thighs, the swell of her saucy young ass. The cheeks of her ass clenched, and she knew he could see the crack through the wet bikini bottom.

Robert's cock was getting hard. She could see it starting to bulge out. She licked her lips as she saw it growing, then a soft gasp escaped her mouth.

The head of her brother's cock slipped from the frayed edges of his cut-off jeans. She could see it so clearly. It was only a few feet away, and she wanted to reach out and touch it. The head was fully exposed to her hot eyes, and it was smoothly swollen. She could see the piss hole, see it starting to drip. Her hand itched with the strong desire to feel it, caress it, hold it and jack it. Her ass twitched and she pressed her cunt hard into the pad, a soft moan bubbling from her constricted throat.

Robert leaned over in the chair, and she knew where he was looking. Her legs had parted, and the tight crotch of her bikini could be seen by him. Then Peggy gasped.

Her brother had reached out and was running his hand along her thigh, fondling her. Her breath caught in her throat and she tried to be very still, but the ripples of sudden pleasure sent chills flooding her flesh, chills that excited her, made her cunt burn fiery hot. Her clitoris throbbed, and she knew her cunt was becoming wetter than ever before. There was nothing she could do about it. She wanted to tell Robert to stop touching her, to go away, leave her alone. But her cunt was telling him to keep on feeling her, telling his fingers to come higher, to press at her steaming pussy.

Again Peggy's ass moved, wiggling as his hand created delicious sensations on her flesh. He was very close to her bikini now, and she knew the curves of her ass cheeks were exposed.

She felt his fingertip probe at the cheek of her ass, very lightly, as if he was afraid she would suddenly twist away from him. Peggy wanted to twist away, but she was frozen there by the ecstasy that was swelling up in the pit of her stomach. Her breathing was now coming in hot gasps of pleasure.

"Peggy, I" Robert stopped. His hands rested now on the cheek of her ass very lightly.

"Robert, please don't," she whispered. But there was no conviction in her voice. Her ass writhed beneath his palm, and she couldn't stop it.

Her eyes burned on the head of his cock, and before she knew it, her hand moved. With dazed vision, she watched her hand reach out, then she was brushing the tips of her fingers along the dripping tip of his prick. She felt the slippery moisture, then her fingers closed about the head of his prick.

"Ooooooh," she whimpered softly.

Robert's hand moved again, and he was feeling all over her swelling ass. Peggy twisted and writhed her ass cheeks against his hand.

She gasped again when she felt her brother trying to tug her bikini bottoms down. Peggy had pulled more of his cock from the frayed edges of his cut-offs, and she now had a tight grip on it. She could feel the powerful throb in her hand, and she began to jack on his cock slowly.

She felt her brother pulling her tight bikini bottoms down, and she felt the hot sun on the naked cheeks of her ass, then the garment was at her knees, then at her feet. Peggy lifted her feet so he could remove them. She watched, dazed, as the bikini bottoms fell to the lawn. She was now naked, lying in the backyard near the pool, in broad daylight, and her brother was feeling her saucy, round ass, and she was pumping on his cock. It was crazy, deliciously wicked.

"Peggy, I've gotta" His voice sounded low and husky. "Oh, Peggy!"

She clawed at her brother's cock, squeezing it hard, thrilled by the way it throbbed in her fist. She wished he was naked, too, so she could play with his balls. But, although she wanted it badly, she couldn't say anything.

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