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Kathy Andrews - Daughter comes first

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Kathy Andrews

Daughter comes first



Diane thought her daughter was appropriately named. She had been watching the changes come over Pepper during the past few months. In fact, she had been waiting for the changes.

Pepper was a small girl, almost tiny. She was delicate, energetic, bubbling with cheerfulness, outgoing in personality. Everyone was a friend of hers, whether she knew them or not.

Pepper was hot. She was like the seasoning, and she seemed to be getting hotter with each passing day. Her curiosity was unbounded on the day she had come running home, so excited she could hardly talk. Her light-green eyes sparkled with delight, and her body actually shook.

She had seen a young couple on the beach, partially concealed by the old, rotting pier. The couple, of course, had been naked. Pepper had seen the girl fondling the boy's cock, and it had fascinated her. To her young eyes, his cock looked like a monster. And she had seen the enormous balls dangling between his legs. Her eyes were huge as she watched them. She had not been close enough to hear more than sighs and gasps, but those sounds, coupled with what she was seeing, had been enough to create a strange feeling between her golden, slender thighs.

She had seen the girl spread her legs without shame and the girl's hairy pussy had fascinated her. When the boy started touching the girl between the legs, it felt to Pepper as if he was touching her that way.

The boy and girl were so absorbed in their desire they never saw Pepper watching. There had been a lot of kissing going on, an awful lot of touching. But the part Pepper had liked best of all was when the boy rolled onto the girl and shoved his enormous cock into the girl's hairy cunt. The girl had yelped in a soft way and wrapped her arms around the boy's back, lifting her legs and locking her ankles about his naked ass. They had squirmed and writhed together as if they were wrestling, but Pepper knew there was more to it than that. She had wrestled many times with boys, but they had never stuck their cocks into her.

She watched the boy's naked ass bounce up and down, hunching faster and faster. His balls swung while the girl clawed at his back, urging him on with mewls and grunts. She did not understand when the boy rolled off the girl and they both lay there, side by side, breathing heavily. It seemed to Pepper that, after such an exciting thing, there should be more than just heavy breathing.

She had run home, her legs shaky, breathing hard. She raced into the house and began chattering to her mother about what she had seen, not making much sense to Diane.

"put it in, Mother," she bubbled, dancing about with excitement. "I saw him do it! Honest I did!"

"Slow down, Pepper," Diane had laughed. "You're getting away with yourself. Slow down and make sense."

The relationship between Diane and her daughter had always been an unusual one. There were hardly any secrets between them, and they talked to one another like very close friends, or sisters confiding in one another. As Pepper became older, it was common for Diane to comment about the appearances of some young boy or man they saw. She encouraged her daughter to speak about her innermost desires, her dreams and wishes.

When Pepper mentioned a young boy she thought was cute and that she was in love with him, Diane was quick to tell her daughter to go ahead and kiss the boy if she wanted to. She urged her daughter into close relationships with her young playmates. It not only amused Diane to see her daughter grow, to watch her develop an interest in boys, but it excited her to think of Pepper in sexual situations with them.

She had told Pepper bluntly that day her daughter had just seen a boy and girl fucking. "They were fucking, baby," Diane said. "He put his cock in her pussy and they fucked."

"Fucked?" Pepper repeated.

Diane had to hold back a delighted laugh. Pepper had looked so sweet and innocent. Yet, it was exciting to Diane, thrilling to hear her daughter saying the word fuck.

And now, since that day, Pepper often sprinkled her conversation with the word fuck every chance she had. She used the words cock and pussy almost constantly when she talked to her mother.

Also, since she had seen that young couple near the old pier, Pepper had been determined to get fucked. And today was the day, she told herself.

Pepper had gotten out of bed this morning with a tingle in her slender, yet very shapely, body. She had met a boy her age on the beach the day before. She thought he was the best-looking boy she had ever seen, and he was interested in her. She had let the boy kiss her, and it made her lips warm. The boy lived in the city, and he seemed to know more about fucking than Pepper did. She didn't really know anything except that a cock was supposed to go inside her pussy. But this boy seemed to know all about it from the way he talked.

She hurried through breakfast and was out the door before Diane knew what was going on.

Pepper wore her small polka-dot bikini, her slim thighs flashing in the warm sun as she ran down the beach where she had agreed to meet the boy. Hardly anyone was on the beach this early.

The boy was not there, and she felt disappointed. Sitting on the warming sand, she thought about kicking him in his balls when he showed up. She had heard her mother tell her father that one time and she liked the way it sounded.

She had a sandcastle started by the time the boy arrived, and all thoughts of kicking him in his balls evaporated.

"Hi," she said, almost shyly.

"I had to eat breakfast," the boy said, making a face. "I hate breakfast, don't you?"

"I like it," Pepper replied.

They were quiet for a while, the boy fidgeting and Pepper anxious. Neither seemed to know how to start this off. Finally, the boy said: "You didn't change your mind, did you?"

"No, did you?"

"Then you still want to do it?"

"That's what I came for," Pepper replied.

"Let's go."

They held hands shyly, walking toward the rotting pier. They walked beneath the pier until they were concealed. They stood in awkward silence, each waiting for the other to do something.

"Aren't you suppose to take your bikini off?" the boy finally asked, blushing and not looking at Pepper.

"Don't you know?" she asked. "You told me you did it before."

"I lied," the boy confessed.

"Do you know what we're supposed to do?" Pepper wanted to know.

"I thought you did," he said, shuffling his feet in the sand.

"We're supposed to get naked. You do it first," Pepper said.

"Aw, you go first," the boy replied, shuffling his feet nervously. "You do it first, then I will."

"Okay," Pepper agreed.

She untied her halter, letting it fall to the sand. The boy tried not to look at her.

"You're supposed to watch me get naked," Pepper told him.

He looked then, his eyes wide, his mouth open. "Golly!" he gasped.

Pepper had small titties with pink nipples that were already hard with excitement. She opened the tie strings at her hips and the skimpy bikini bottom fell to her feet. The boy's mouth was hanging open as he stared at her.

She had a light growth of dark fuzz on her cunt. Her pussy lips were swollen now with excitement as she stood before him. She was waiting for him to undress. The front of his trunks had something bulging at them.

"Are you going to just look at me?" she said. "You're supposed to be naked, too. Take your trunks off. It's not fair for you to see me and I can't see you."

The boy was nervous as he slipped his trunks off. Pepper gazed at his cock, thinking it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. He didn't have any more hair there than she did. His prick was not as big as the one she had seen a few days ago. Her heart started beating hard, and she shivered with a thrilling sensation. Her cunt burned and her clitoris was so swollen that she couldn't keep her legs together. Her eyes burned as she looked at his cock, and her hand itched to touch it.

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