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Kathy Andrews - Loving mom_s lips

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Kathy Andrews

Loving mom_s lips


The wildness was starting again.

The wild, restless pacing of that insatiable thing inside her was on the loose. She could feel it gnawing in the pit of her stomach, almost hear the animal-like roar as it grew hot and radiated throughout her body. The itch between her thighs could not be scratched, could not be relieved. It never could

.. never.

When it started, Karen Kyle thought she

would go out of her mind, tormented until she wanted to claw and tip the sheets to shreds, tear at her flesh, pull that raging fire out of her body.

Instead, she sprawled across her bed with her face buried in a pillow, sobbing in frustration.

When this almost unbearable heat came over her, every inch of her body seemed to be seared away from her bones, her nerves screaming for elusive release.

It had started the day she had discovered her son, Brett, was fucking his girl friend.

The heat, the mindless raging beast grew inside her body, demanding. satisfaction and never getting it. It grew more powerful each day, controlling her, moving her emotions and screaming demands that horrified her.

Even Brett was looking at her in a funny way, as if trying to decide if she were losing her fucking mind! And she thought, at times, that she was losing it. She was getting absentminded about certain things, things she had always been so careful about before, things such as making sure she was fully dressed. Now, to her horror, she found that she would forget to put her bra on, and a few times she had actually forgotten to put panties on, of all

things. Things such as sitting with a leg cocked, her thighs spread wide, and with her son around, peering at her, seeing her crotch.

Karen was miserable when she realized what she was doing. Never in her life had she been that sort of girl, the sort who was unashamed, wanton. She had always been what was called a "nice" girl. Nice girls didn't forget to wear a bra, or panties, and they didn't sit in ways that let anyone peek, under their dresses.

Not that Karen was sexless, without that special urge that made a person enjoy fucking. She did enjoy getting fucked, but it had been so long, so very long. She had shoved those desires down, covered them up, forgot about them. She had never been exceptionally passionate, she felt, but just average. There had been some things she would not do when she was married-she would not take a cock into her mouth, nor would she accept one into her ass, nor would she get into any of those lewd positions. She always had to fuck on her back, legs spread, with her husband on top of her. That was the way she fucked and no other way.

She had avoided looking at the many magazines her husband had bought, and threw them out after the divorce without so much as looking at the covers. As far as Karen was concerned, a man's cock was to be put in only one

place, up a woman cunt. Only to her was it never cock, but penis, and not cunt, but vagina.

Now those two words seemed to be burning inside her mind constantly, over and over.

Cock cunt cock cuntcock on and on and on. Lately the word fuck had joined those, and often she could almost hear the words.

The beast within had been growing more restless and demanding daily, and soon she could hear it saying, "Get fucked get fuckedfucked"

And the image.

The image of her son fucking his girl friend. It grew steadily until the vision was always in her mind.

Karen had heard the noises late at night, and, getting out of bed to investigate, she had found her son and his girl in the living room. They had not bothered to turn off the lights. It was after midnight, and she had not heard him come home. Usually she waited up for him, but that night she had been tired from spring-cleaning. She had tried to prevent him from dating and, failing that, had tried to convince Brett to date different girls. But her son dated only one, a lovely girl about his age, who should not have been dating yet either, the way

Karen saw it.

But the girl was a lovable little creature, with sparkling blue eyes and a ready smile with dimples in her cheeks when she smiled, which seemed to be all the time.

But the night Karen saw Brett and Sally fucking there had been no dimples nor sparkling eyes. Sally's eyes had been closed, her bottom lip gripped between her even white teeth. She had been on the couch, all right, but with her little ass lifted into the air, her knees drawn beneath her body, her face turned toward the edge of the couch. Her skirt had been flipped to her waist, and her panties dangled from one slim ankle. Brett was on his knees behind the cute little girl, fucking his cock in and out of her cunt.

Karen grabbed her throat when she came upon the scene, mesmerized and frozen to the spot, unable to enter the room fully.

And the words.., oh, those words!

"Fuck me, Brett," Sally said, her voice low, just loud enough to reach Karen's burning ears. "Fuck me ohhhh, fuck me good, Brett!"

And her son. Hot cunt hot pussy.. tight twat.

His lower body was naked, his tank top on his upper body, his young ass naked and

plunging back and forth. Karen could actually see her son's cock sliding back and forth; fucking into Sally's cunt relentlessly. Sally's surprisingly creamy and shapely little ass wiggled and twisted with him.

Karen's eyes became glazed as she watched, glued to the way his cock fucked in and out of that cunt, watching them fuck, watching, feeling a mixture of horror and unwanted excitement and desire. There was a twitching between her thighs, a wetness unlike any she had ever felt before. Even her inner thighs became slippery from the oozing fuck juices of her suddenly boiling cunt.

Brett's cock, so long and thick and hard, was fucking in and out of Sally's slippery young cunt. He was fucking her and gritting his teeth and saying, "You're some fuck, Sally! A really great piece of ass. Your cunt is tight and hot and wet! Wiggle your ass, Sally! Ahhhh, wiggle your pretty ass for me!"

"Yes," Sally hissed with a hot sound. "Fuck me and I'll wiggle my ass! Oooo, your cock is so hard, Brett! You fuck me so deep! I love your cock when it's hard fucking my cunt!"

The words, although said in half-whispers, seemed to leap about the roam, screaming into Karen's ears. Her legs became weak, shaking

as she stood in stupefied fascination, watching and listening.

Sally's smooth little ass shook and her back bowed, plunging back and forth with Brett's cock. The moist sounds of his cock fucking in and out of the gripping tightness of that cunt seemed to be explosion after explosion in Karen's ears.

It seemed to go on and on, without end. Karen's body felt like liquid, fiery liquid, and there were spasms between her thighs, the lips of her cunt clenching as her clit swelled into a painful knot. She was coming with unusually gentle spasms, but the spasms were growing hotter and tighter until her stomach was taut, her thighs pressed tightly together. And she stood and watched, unable to take her eyes off them, off her son's hard cock fucking into that eager cunt, that wiggling, thrashing little ass of Sally.

She saw her son's naked ass speed up, heard the moist slaps of his stomach beating upon the cheeks of Sally's ass. She could even see his balls swinging back and forth as both her son and Sally began to moan and gurgle.

Then, abruptly, her soil's cock came out of Sally's pussy, sliding up the crack of her ass, come juice spurting from the tip and splashing over the smooth ass and bowed back of the

trembling girl. Spurt after spurt of creamy come juice seemed to fly endlessly from her son's piss hole. Karen had never seen a cock squirt before, and there was an eruption in her cunt that almost doubled her over.

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