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Kathy Andrews - Mom_s golden shower fun

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Kathy Andrews

Mom_s golden shower fun


Barbara peeked out the window of her bedroom, watching as Cindy squatted near the fence.

Cindy's shorts were pulled to one side, along with her panties; her pink little cunt was showing and she was looking down between her thighs at it.

Cindy's soft sigh came through the screen, bringing Barbara's eyes back to her. The golden stream of hot piss was splashing onto the grass and Cindy looked as if she felt a great relief. This was the second time Barbara had seen the little girl pissing there. And, just like the first time, it excited her. It was not necessarily watching her piss, although that was exciting, too, it excited her to see that succulent young cunt, the pink lips, the very tip of Cindy's tiny clit. There was something appealing about Cindy's cunt, something that created a deep, hot reaction inside Barbara.

As she watched, her nipples distended into swollen tips, and there was a tingling pleasure between her thighs. She felt her pussy becoming moist as she watched. The first time, her response had not been this great. But today, she was responding with an almost-unbearable urge to squeeze her cunt.

Cindy was still gazing between her slim thighs as she pissed, her finger hooked into the crotch of her shorts and panties, but still she was getting wet. Cindy didn't seem to mind. Once, she lifted her lovely little face, almost as if she could see Barbara watching her. Her blue eyes were half closed yet a sparkle could be seen in them. Her pouty lips were half parted. Then Cindy dipped her head again, watching as she pissed.

Barbara sensed Cindy enjoyed pissing. There was something about her eyes, the expression on her face. The pleasure Cindy received from pissing wasn't all due to relief, Barbara suspected. Cindy needed to achieve some kind of sexual pleasure by pissing. And in public, or semi-public! Maybe she enjoyed pissing in private, too.

Barbara had never particularly enjoyed taking a piss. It had been something she had to do, but it was not particularly something that turned her on. Still, watching Cindy piss was doing something to her, something delicious. Her cunt became hot and wet. Her clit tingled and began to swell. She slipped a hand downward, pressing it into her dress, pressing hard upon her cunt as she watched. The tip of her clit pressed against her pylon panties, the feeling sending a ripple through her tall, slender body.

Cindy finished pissing, sending a final squirt into the grass. She adjusted her panties and shorts and she was getting to her feet.

Barbara saw her son, Bobby, stepping into view. Cindy was now on her feet, but there was a moist spot on the crotch of her shorts. The little girl flashed a half-shy smile at Bobby, nodding her head. The two ponytails in her blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight.

"I don't know why you won't go inside," Bobby said. "My mother won't mind."

"I don't want to bother her," Cindy said, her shy, sweet voice sounding almost musical. "I don't mind doing it out here. You didn't hear me, did you?"

"No," Bobby replied.

"I got my shorts wet," Cindy pointed out. Barbara thought that was strange. Why would Cindy call attention to that? Any other girl would be embarrassed, but Cindy didn't show it at all.

Barbara thought she knew the reason.

Cindy wanted Bobby to see her wet shorts. And if she wanted Bobby to see that, what else did she want Bobby to see? Barbara watched the young girl with a different eye, seeing something in the girl that she had not seen before. Apparently Bobby didn't know what Cindy was hinting at.

As the two went around the building, Barbara stepped from the window, her mind whirling with what she had learned. She sat on her large bed, elbows on her knees, chin cupped in her hands, thinking. The more she thought, the more excited she became. She kept seeing Cindy's succulent cunt, the golden piss flowing from it.

Lying back, Barbara threw one arm over her forehead, allowing her other hand to move about her body. She was only half aware that she was caressing one of her tits. Her palm rolled the rigid nipple about beneath her dress; making it grow harder. Digging her fingers into the firm, spongy shape, Barbara squeezed. With her eyes closed, seeing Cindy squatting and pissing, the sugary pink lips of her cunt, Barbara moved her hand down to her stomach. The muscles there were trembling, and her knees parted.

She worked her fingers lower, pressing them onto her cunt through her dress and panties. Her hips began to twist. She opened her knees, drawing her dress upward. Her thighs were slim and shapely. The flesh was like satin to the touch, and quite warm. Her hands moved beneath her skirt and rested upon the crotch of her panties. Barbara began to mewl softly, rubbing her fingers up and down her panty crotch, feeling the outline of her cunt lips. The heat that came past her nylon panties was a moist heat.

Writhing her hips, she lifted her feet and placed than on the edge of the bed, her knees wide apart. She rubbed at her pantied cunt, her other hand now massaging and squeezing at her tits. She closed her eyes, still seeing Cindy, her young cunt exposed, golden piss spewing from it. Her clit began to swell into a painful knot.

Barbara worked a finger into the tightness of her panty crotch, feeling the silky strands of hair. Pushing her finger farther, she stroked along one puffy cunt lip, and then touched her clit. She rubbed along the side of her clit, feeling it throb. She revolved her hips gently.

So much pleasure could be gotten from touching herself this way, so much pleasure that Barbara wanted to come. The heat in her cunt was growing, the wetness seeping, dripping down toward the crack of her ass. She stroked slowly downward, rubbing the lips of her cunt with a feathery touch. She felt the slit of her pussy, and she wormed her middle finger inside. A soft murmur came from her as her finger slipped deeper in. When it was inside as far as she could get it, Barbara wiggled the tip. Her cunt reacted by closing, tightening around her finger. She shoved her other hand inside her dress, clutching at her firm tit. Moaning softly, she moved her finger in and out of her cunt. Slowly, gently, she finger fucked herself, her hips moving up and down in a fucking motion.

"Ohhh, damn, damn!" Barbara whimpered, pulling her finger from her cunt and almost tearing her panties from her body.

She fondled herself steadily now, stroking her tits and her cunt. She liked playing with her body this way, taking her time, enjoying it.

Time passed without her being aware of it. Bobby came into the house, searching for his mother. He soon found her in her room. Deep with erotic thoughts, Barbara did not realize the door was open.

Bobby almost stumbled into his mother's bedroom before he realized what she was doing. He stopped in his tracks, amazed at what he saw.

Barbara's legs were toward the door. Bobby saw the long thighs, the feet on the edge of the mattress. He saw his mother's cunt in a mass of tangled hair. He saw the pink of her pussy, the glistening wetness of it. He saw the way she was caressing her tits, one hand inside her dress, moving as she fondled and squeezed than. He saw her rounded ass when she lifted it and her hand move through the mat of dark hair, spreading the lips of her cunt. He saw her long clit bulge out.

Bobby's cock became hard, straining inside his pant. His prick was stiff and throbbing. He saw his mother rub her cunt, then she traced the outline of her cunt slit, his eyes opened wide as he watched her slowly slip her middle finger deep inside her cunt, working it in and out.

Barbara, unaware that her son was watching, sighed with pleasure, her ass moving up and down, fucking at her finger.

The wet sounds of finger fucking came to Bobby's ears. His cock surged inside his pants, his balls swelling. His knees trembled with excitement. He felt as if he would come off in his pants, but the feeling was so good, he didn't care if he did. His excitement was enormous as he stood watching his mother. He had never seen anything like it. He had never seen a cunt before not with all that hair around it. He had peeked when Cindy pissed, but Cindy didn't have hair on her cunt.

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