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Kathy Andrews - Mom_s hot loving

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Kathy Andrews

Mom_s hot loving


Marian's cunt was on fire.

It was jealousy, she knew. Sheer, idiotic jealousy.

But she couldn't help it. Ever since that little girl, Judy, had moved into the neighborhood, her son had been acting like a fucking fool!

Jack had never shown interest in a girl before. Marian felt he was far too young for girls. Until now, his interest was in mechanical things, or a few of his buddies. But in just a few short weeks, that pretty blonde girl had him head over heels.

Jealousy was something new for Marian. She had never experienced it when her husband was alive and she had never experienced it with Jack until the past few days.

The fact that her cunt was burning came as a total surprise to her. She had not thought her jealousy could be sexual, at least not for, her son. But there it was, throbbing and pulsating and yearning. As she went about her daily housework, Marian tried to understand her growing sexual desire for her son.

She had not experienced it until his interest in cute, little Judy became obvious. She recalled how uninhibited Jack had been. He seldom closed the bathroom door and only two weeks before she had passed the door and seen him standing, his cock out, pissing into the bowl. Now he was shutting the door and even locking it, when lit was in the bathroom.

That wasn't like Jack at all.

But was she jealous just because he was closing the door? Or was it because he was sticking his cock into pretty little Judy's pussy? The very idea of her son fucking the girl caused a shock of jealous anger to flow through her.

But along with the jealousy, there was also a bubbling, steaming heat between her thighs. Even as she felt the swelling of her cunt lips inside the tight crotch of her panties, she also felt her tits swell and her nipples become like hard rubber. Her clitoris throbbed for a touch, a caress.

Still, she could not really blame Jack for his interest in the girl. Judy certainly was a cute thing, with her flowing, honey-colored hair and sparkling mischievous blue byes. The girl looked at others in such a sweet, innocent way. The expression on her face was what Marian called "innocent sexuality". Judy's lips were full and moist, set in a small, childish pout that gave her an appealing look. And, Marian thought in total honesty, Judy's body was sweetly succulent.

Most of the time, during the hot days, Judy dressed in either skin-tight shorts and a middy blouse, or else she wore sun dresses or sun suits. Her legs were extremely long, finely shaped, and the flesh delicately textured. Her body was tanned in a light golden tint. Apparently Judy took delight in showing off her burgeoning tits, holding the small mounds out proudly. Her cute little ass was tightly rounded and her tight shorts outlined the inviting crack and creamy curves where those succulent ass cheeks tucked neatly into her thighs. Marian envied the little girl her boldness in wearing such revealing shorts. She had seen other girls, and even women her own age, wearing shorts that revealed a teasing portion of their ass cheeks, but she had not had the nerve to wear such a thing yet.

With the air-conditioner humming silently, Marian finished up in the kitchen. She stood at the sink and looked out at the well kept back yard. Vaguely she noticed it was time for the gardeners to work on it again.

It was not yet noon and she was still in her robe. Marian preferred doing her chores in her robe first thing in the morning and then bathing and dressing for the day. But the robe was in need if minor repair. The belt, for one thing, would not stay tied and the front of the garment kept falling open.

Wandering into the living room to pick up yesterday's accumulation of daily mess, she saw Jack sprawled on the couch. She looked at him with a slight frown. At least he had his shoes off, she saw.

"Are you sick or something?" she asked. "How come you aren't outside with Brad or Judy?"

"It's too early, Mom," he said, not looking at her. "They have things to do before they can run around."

"Perhaps I should assign you a few chores around here," she, smiled fondly at him. "It would help keep you out of misehief."

She leaned over to pick up the scattered newspapers and her robe parted, exposing her tits. When she straightened up, she found Jack staring at her. She could almost feel his eyes on her tits and for a moment she stood with them exposed a steamy sensation between her thighs. Jack lifted his eyes to hers and she saw the hot interest in them. Finally she pulled the robe together, covering her tits.

"I've got to fix this damn robe one of these days," she said, her voice unusually husky.

"I saw your tits, Mom!" Jack laughed.

"Jack!" she gasped, a warm flush spreading over her face.

"Well, I did," he grinned impishly. "You know, Mom, you've got real pretty tits."

"You're asking for a slap across the mouth, young man," she said. But there was no force in her words. Her legs began to shake and she suddenly felt weak.

Turning, she walked on her shaking legs to the over-stuffed chair and sat down. She gazed at her son, her eyes sweeping to the front of his pants. Like most boys his age, his jeans fit tightly, and she saw the slight lump of his prick. Immediately her mind began to visualize him pissing then the mental picture changed. She saw her son standing at the toilet, his cock very hard. The fantasy grew and she saw him jacking off. So involved in this fantasy, her eyes remained on the front of his pants, the picture growing until she could see him comming, the thick, white come juice spewing from the head of his cock.

She was so absorbed in this unusual fantasy not realize Jack was watching her.

Nor did she realize that when she sat down, the robe had parted again. One of her tits was exposed, the hard nipple throbbing just out of the flap. Her upper thighs, too, could be seen. And her son was seeing it all.

By the time she understood that her tit and thighs had been revealed, it was too late. She saw Jack had a hard-on. It was bulging inside his tight jeans, along the side of his left thigh. It was so hard, the outline of his cock was perfect. She could see the swollen head, the ridge just past it, and the hardness of the shaft.

"Oh, damn this robe!" she hissed pulling it over her tit.

But as she started to cover her thighs, something came over Marian. She did it without thinking, in an automatic, deliciously wicked manner.

Instead of simply sliding the folds over her thighs, Marian lifted the material high, and for a brief, tantalizing moment, Jack stared at his mother's thighs and the tight crotch of her panties. It was long enough look for him to see her cunt swelling against the lacy garment and the dark shadow of her cunt hair.

She stared directly into Jack's eyes as she finally covered herself.

Bolder than his mother, Jack grinned at Marian in a lewd way. "Nice," he said, "very nice."

Confused by what she had done, Marian remained in the chair, too frozen to move. Her cunt was on fire again and her tits seemed far too sensitive as the nipples brushed the fluffy robe. There was a strange sensation between her thighs, a feeling of impending orgasm. After a while, she struggled out of the chair and without looking at her son, left the room. Marian spent the remainder of the day in a tingling, burning desire. Wearing a becoming housedress, she felt a heavy disappointment because Jack had left the house an hour after their little encounter and was gone all day. Her over-heated imagination saw him with Judy, concealed someplace, sticking his cock into her tender cunt. The more she thought of him fucking the cute little girl, the hotter her jealousy became.

Her son returned for dinner and spent that evening at home. Not a word passed between them as they sat and watched re-runs on the color television. Marian, urged by her jealousy, sat with her housedress pushed up her thighs and, although her son peeked frequently, he said nothing. But she noticed that his cock was in a constant state of hardness, and that he made no effort to conceal it from her.

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