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Kathy Andrews - Two hot loving Moms

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Kathy Andrews

Two hot loving Moms


Carol stared, breathless.

If either her sister or her nephew looked up, they would have seen her standing there. She was not concealed, but standing on suddenly shaking legs in the open doorway.

Bobby was sprawled out on his back, his pants and shorts at his knees, his t-shirt up around his chin. His cock strained up into the air, very hard with a smoothly swollen head. Julie was kneeling between Bobby's legs, running her hands up and down his thighs, her eyes glazed in desire as she watched Bobby's cock jerking.

Carol found it difficult to believe she was seeing this, yet she couldn't deny it. She knew it would be best if she turned and left them but she was frozen in the doorway.

Feeling a throb starting between her thighs, she reached out to support herself with one hand on the doorjamb. Julie gazed at Bobby's cock with fiery eyes, making soft sounds of pleasure as she stroked her palms up and down his thighs, her fingers coming very close to his young balls. Carol didn't feel shock she felt a strange excitement. Seeing her nephew on his back with his cock standing straight up while Julie leaned over it caused a deep, searing pulsation to start between the lips of her wet cunt. Her clitoris felt as if it were going to throb into orgasm and her tits felt much too swollen to fit inside her bra, her nipples pressing hard at the cups.

"Your cock is so hard, Bobby," she beard Julie purring in a throaty voice. "I love it when your cock gets so hard, baby."

"Are you going to jack me off again, Mom?" Bobby asked, wiggling his hips eagerly.

Hearing the exchange, Carol realized this wasn't the first time her sister had done this with Bobby. Carol felt slightly guilty, as if she were spying, but still she didn't leave.

She watched Julie slide a hand up the inside of Bobby's thigh and touch his balls with the tips of her fingers. She heard the hiss her sister made and saw the quick flare of hunger in her eyes. Carol held her breath as she saw her sister wrap her fingers about Bobby's cock, squeezing it hard enough to make the smooth head bulge.

"Not this time, baby," Julie whispered huskily as she slowly pumped her fist up and down. "I'm not going to jack you off this time."

"But, Mom," Bobby complained, "it feels better when you do it for me."

"I know it does," Julie replied, pumping a bit faster, watching her son's cock flare, beads of moisture forming on his piss hole. "I know it feels very good when I jack you off. But remember my promise to you?"

Carol stared at her nephew's cock, her lips parted slightly as she tried to remain silent. She was watching and listening and her own cunt was on fire, the crotch of her panties drenched with the seeping juices of her cunt. Her tits felt ready to burst from her confining bra as she heard Julie talking to her son and heard his replies.

Bobby nodded his head, his eyes expressing pleasure. "I remember, Mom," Carol heard him say. "Are you gonna do that to me now?" Julie pulled upward on her son's cock, grinning at his eager face, nodding her head.

"I'd love to now, honey."

"Ohh, yeah, Mom!" Bobby groaned, lifting his hips, pressing his hard-on into his mother's fist.

Julie giggled, a childish, naughty sound that Carol remembered from many years ago. Julie had always been a little naughty, she remembered. It was Julie who had always been the more adventurous of the two. It was Julie who never hesitated to lift her skirt, drop her panties, and take a pee whenever and wherever she was. It was Julie who had experienced a hard cock in her cunt first and then assisted Carol in taking a hard cock into her own cunt that first time so many years ago.

It was Julie who had married young and had told Carol the things she and her husband did in bed. It was Julie who always pried into Carol's sex life, wanting to know all the juicy details. Carol had been the bashful sister, yet she had always followed Julie's lead.

Carol should not have been surprised at seeing her sister stroking Bobby's cock and she wasn't really, she was excited. If any mother would jack her son off, it would be Julie, Carol knew. For a moment Carol thought of her own son, Brad, who was in school and the reason she was here in Julie's house now.

When her son called her to say that Bobby had not shown up in school that morning, Carol had first thought he was ill. Julie lived only a block away and it was a simple thing to find out. She and Julie visited almost daily and the two boys were not just cousins, but the closest of friends.

She now leaned against the doorjamb, her knees weak as her legs shook while she watched as her sister cupped Bobby's young balls, tugging at them gently, her other hand moving up and down his hard cock. When Carol saw Julie lean over and dart the tip of her tongue out, she almost gasped aloud. She saw Julie flick the tip of her tongue across her son's cock, licking at the smooth young head. Bobby groaned as he stared down at his mother's face, his expression pure pleasure.

Julie gazed up at her son as she swirled her tongue about the head of his cock, her ass lifting. Julie was fully dressed, wearing a white blouse and skirt, nylons and heels. Carol knew Julie seldom wore panty hose, preferring nylons with a garter belt to hold them up. She wondered if Julie had panties on because she knew sometimes Julie went naked under her skirt.

"Put it in your mouth, Mom," Bobby groaned. "You promised, Mom! You promised you'd put my cock in your mouth!"

"Mmmmm, I know," Julie cooed softly, her lips lightly kissing the head of her son's cock. "And I always keep my promises, don't I?"

"You just gotta keep this promise," Bobby gasped.

"I will," Julie gurgled, swirling her long tongue about the head of his cock. "I will, honey, but let me do it my way. Don't be so eager. Just relax and enjoy it."

Carol wanted to press her hand into her own cunt. It felt so hot and wet between her thighs now and her panties were soaked with the seeping juices of her cunt. But she was afraid to move, almost afraid to breathe. She didn't want Julie or Bobby to hear her, afraid that if they did they would stop. Carol wanted to watch this, wanted to watch her sister suck Bobby's cock. She didn't understand why, but she wanted to watch it all very much.

Julie held Bobby's cock at the base, swirling her tongue up and down the shaft, from his balls to the swollen head. She lapped at the seeping juices of his piss hole. Carol could hear, the soft gurgles, her sister made and the groaning pleasure of her nephew.

Julie slipped her wet lips over the head of her son's cock, her eyes still twinkling up at his young face. Bobby groaned as the wet heat, of his mother's mouth scalded the tit flesh of his cock, Julie slipped her hands up and down her sons hips and thighs, sliding her lips down on the throbbing hardness.

Carol watched hotly as her sister's lips pressed into the base and saw for the first time that Bobby had only a few hairs there. Julie had her son's cock buried all the way inside her mouth. Carol then saw her sister bring a hand up between Bobby's thighs and lift his young balls to her chin, rubbing them there as she twisted her lips about the base of his cock.

Julie made moaning sounds deep in her throat as she sucked hard on her son's prick. Carol's cunt twitched, the hairy lips swollen almost painfully, her clitoris bulging at the wetness of her panties. She couldn't remember her clitoris ever being so hard or the wetness of her cunt so intense.

"Oooooh, Mom!" Bobby groaned.

Julie was sucking up and down on his cock now, making wet sounds. Carol stared at the way her sister's lips stretched so tightly around that hardness, sucking up until it almost came out of her mouth, then diving down again, swallowing it completely. She noticed Julie had thrust her ass into the air now, waving it from side to side, and she heard the whimpers of joy coming from her, too.

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