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Kathy Andrews - Suck-loving mother

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Kathy Andrews Suck-loving mother CHAPTER ONE Mom you gotta wash my back - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Suck-loving mother


"Mom, you gotta wash my back!" Debra knew her son would call her. But she stayed where she was, trying to calm her breathing. She didn't want to wash Jerry's back. Rather, she did, but she was afraid to. She had been washing his back for as long as she could remember, and she had always enjoyed it. But the past few times, Jerry had a hard-on. Washing her son's back was no longer a mother with her son in a shower, not for Debra. Jerry was older now, and his cock would become hard as she scrubbed his back. Jerry had tried to keep his hard-on hidden from her, but she always seemed to see his swollen cock-head.

The first time, she had decided it had been purely accidental. Boys often got a hard-on, especially if someone was in the shower touching them. But now Debra knew it was no accident. Jerry had a hard-on every time she washed his back the past few days. She wasn't sure he tried hard enough to hide his hard cock from her, either.

"Mom, are you gonna come and wash my back?"

"In a minute, honey," she called, just loud enough for her voice to carry over the sound of the shower.

Debra folded her hands and pressed them against her lower stomach. If she refused, Jerry would think something was wrong, and if she did wash his back, then she couldn't trust herself. She just knew if her son kept having a hard-on all the time, she would grab his cock, feel it, play with it jack him.

Tremors rippled abut her as she sat in confusion. If only his cock had not become hard, she told herself. If only she could keep washing his back as before. If only her inner hunger would not torment her. If only

"Mom, come out."

Debra shivered, hugging herself. Jerry had a hard-on right now, she told herself. His cock was hard and long and sticking out and his cockhead was round and smooth and his balls were so full and young. Her hands itched and she felt her cunt pulsate.

"Damn, damn, damn!" she whispered, and realized she was no longer hugging herself, but was cupping her tits. As if her hands had been burned, she jerked them away.

When she stood, her legs felt rubbery. The crotch of her panties felt uncomfortable. She took a step toward the hallway, then stopped, trembling. Her cunt had clenched inward, and her clit pushed at the soft nylon of her panties. Debra gasped softly, then held her breath.

That had never happened before.

Debra almost had an orgasm.

She clenched her fists, pulled in a deep breath, and walked determinedly toward the hall bathroom. Fighting against her rising desire, she entered the bathroom and walked to the shower doors.

"Okay," she said, trying to keep the strain out of her voice, opening the shower doors.

She came face to face with her son's cock. Jerry was facing her, and his cock swelled out in hardness, angled at an upward tilt. Debra's eyes immediately became glassy as she stared down at his prick. Her legs shook, her cunt tightened. It seemed to her that Jerry took a very long time before he turned his back to her.

With a shaking hand, she took the bar of soap and began lathering his shoulders. But her eyes didn't follow her hands. Her burning eyes were looking at his young ass. She stared at his tight ass-cheeks, the crack between them, her hands working the lather about his shoulder blades. She saw her son clench his ass, then loosen his ass-cheeks. She swallowed a soft moan. Her knees were getting weak.

Working her hands down his back, she carefully kept them above his waist, but her gaze devoured his ass. Jerry had the most beautiful ass she had ever seen on a boy, or man. Seeing his ass like that naked, his ass-cheeks clenching almost overcame her struggling fight against desire. Her hands trembled as she washed his back, and she couldn't stop staring at his ass.

Her hand moved lower, and she watched it with stricken eyes, trying to force her hand back up, but her hand refused the frantic demands of her mind. She watched her hand move downward, slowly, then it moved over one cheek of his ass, a slow, light, caressing movement.

"That's not my back, Mom." Jerry giggled.

But he didn't move.

And Debra didn't move.

She palmed the cheek of her son's ass, and gave it a squeeze. Then, very quickly, her hand obeyed her mind, and she began to scrub at his back harshly.

"You're getting big," she said lightly. "You're getting to be a man, Jerry."

"I'm growing up, Mom."

"You sure are," Debra replied, her voice hoarse. She scrubbed up and down his back, and her eyes kept drifting to his ass. Then, before she could stop her hands, she cupped his ass and squeezed with both her palms.

"Ahhh!" Jerry moaned as his ass-cheeks clenched in her palms.

Debra was holding her breath, watching her hands squeeze and fondle her son's ass. His ass felt good in her hands, the tightness, the youth. Her cunt bubbled inside her panties, and the crotch was drenched. She listened to her son make soft sounds of pleasure as her hands caressed his ass, the backs of his thighs, then back to his ass again. Her tits felt as if they were about to burst from her bra, and her cunt was on fire and melting. She felt as if she were about to cum.

A low moan escaped her dry mouth, and she cupped Jerry's ass tightly, her fingers digging at his flesh.

"Ohhh, Mom!" he moaned, and his ass arched back.

He was standing just outside the spray of the shower, and his back ran with lather. Her hands were very soapy, sliding about the cheeks of his ass, her fingers dragging along his ass-crack. She almost felt his balls as her fingertip dipped between his thighs, but she jerked her finger away swiftly. She felt his body shake.

"Be still," she said, her voice a thick whisper. "I can't wash your back if you wiggle around so much."

But it wasn't his back she was washing. She ran her hands about his ass, feeling, her eyes blazing. Her knees were weak, and they buckled. She had to kneel, on the floor outside the shower stall, and her ass swayed gently with bubbling desire. She ran her hands over every inch of her son's ass, slowly, caressingly, suggestively.

Then Jerry turned around.

"Jerry!" she gasped, seeing his cock throb before her face.

Jerry giggled wickedly. "You gotta wash that, too, Mom!"

"Jerry, I" Debra paused, unable to speak, staring at her son's cock.

Desire flooded her, making her mind numbs to all thoughts everything except her son's cock straining toward her. His cock lifted high, aiming toward a place just above her head. She saw that his piss-hole was dripping, but wasn't sure if that was from the shower or not. There was a small tuft of hair at the upper base of his cock, and his balls, dangling beneath, were hairless.

Her hand moved, then her fingers wrapped about his cock. She held her breath, feeling the hard throb of his prick, the heat of his cock shaft burn her palm. She squeezed Jerry's cock, causing his smooth, satiny cock-head to bulge out toward, her.

"Jerry," she whispered.

"Wash it, Mom!" he pleaded, arching his hips forward. "You gotta wash that, too!"

"Oh, God!" Debra whispered, her fist moving.

She jerked her hand back and forth on his cock, knowing she couldn't stop, unable to turn the fiery hungers off now. She watched her hand move, her eyes bright in passion. She saw his balls jiggle as her fist pumped. She began to pound her son's cock with swift, short strokes. She was jacking him off, and she couldn't stop, and she didn't want to stop. She pumped vigorously, her soapy fist sliding easily. She made soft, hissing sounds, her lips parted.

Jerry pushed his hips forward, whimpering as he, too, watched her hand. Debra's other hand was digging at his thigh, her cunt swelling inside the wet crotch of her panties. Her eyes became smoky with desire as she worked her fist back and forth, slowly, then swiftly, watching his piss-hole open, the lather creating an erotic aspect to it.

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