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Kathy Andrews - Watch them suck, mom!

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Kathy Andrews Watch them suck mom Janice looked good in the short skirts - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Watch them suck, mom!

Janice looked good in the short skirts that seemed to be coming back in style. With her slender figure, her exceptionally long legs and tight, rounded ass, she wore them for the express purpose of exposing her beautiful thighs. Her tits were high and spaced just wide enough, nipples tilted and thrusting. Her tits were rounded firm, and satiny textured. Her waist was small, and her hips deliciously rounded. Her ass bunched and twisted when she walked, a natural motion that teased aid invited. Her copper-colored hair gleamed with golden highlights in sun, and her green eyes seemed to hold a sparkle of mischief. Her full mouth and moist lips always had a quick smile of greeting.

Beautiful and friendly, Janice was a seething sexual woman. She had been married once for a short period of time to a man who abused her. The only good that came from that brief marriage was Tony, her son.

She loved her son dearly, but lately had been avoiding him as much as possible. Just being with him, in the same room, made her tremble and shake, unwanted thoughts of incest in her mind.

Being honest with herself, she knew she tempted Tony by wearing the short skins and dresses. She knew he peeked at her when he felt she didn't know. She knew he was excited by her body, and she suspected that Tony jacked off in the privacy of his room at night. He carried pictures of her in his wallet and had photos of her in his room.

What Janice did not know was that flu son had a picture or two of her that showed her panties, and one of which she was unaware he her skirt dress up, and her pantied ass exposed. If she had known, Janice probably would not have said anything.

She and Tony lived in a nice two-story home, with the bedrooms upstairs. The house next to them was also two stories, with the bedrooms facing hers. She didn't know the family that lived there, although they had lived there for over a year. She knew them well enough to nod a greeting, but that was it. She had a hunch the woman was cheating on her husband. Janice felt sorry for the husband and little girl, but it was none of her business.

Tony was friends with the girl, Nancy, but felt she was too young to be seen with him in public. Tony and Nancy talked across the wooden fence separating the back yards, and they sometimes sat in the yard and discussed things boys and girls of that age did.

Nancy was a lovely little girl, with honey blonde hair and a sweet, creamy complexion that tanned well. She had big blue eyes, somewhat sad-looking, but she smiled a lot. Her soft hair was usually in twin ponytails, making her appear even younger than she was. Nancy had a soft voice and was a very quiet little girl. Yet when she laughed, it was a melodious sound that showed her delight with everything around her.

Upstairs in her room, Janice undressed, preparing to take one of her long, afternoon baths. She loved to bathe, and she used oils and scented soaps. She had stripped down to her panties when a movement in the bedroom window across the hall caught her eye.

She gasped when she saw the wife next door move into view. The woman was naked her tits pushing outward, with a thick patch of hair around her cunt. The woman stood near the window, stroking her body, caressing her tits, pulling and twisting her nipples, and talking to someone. When that someone came into view, Janice recognized him as one of the more frequent male visitors.

The man had his pants on, but his cock pushed out with hardness. Janice watched as the woman's hand lowered and cupped the man's crotch as their lips met. Janice felt a response between her own thighs, she moaned softly as she stared. Her legs trembled weakly as she watched the woman's fingers open the man's fly, and another moan came from her when she saw the man's hard cock come into view.

Janice's hand slipped between her thighs as she watched, breathing heavily, eyes glowing with inner passion. She licked her lips as the woman stroked the man's cock, back and forth. The man cupped the woman's ass in both hands. Janice moved her other hand behind her body, cupping her own ass. She pressed her palm hard at her cunt, feeling it pulsate, feeling wetness seeping into the crotch of her tight bikini panties. She began to rub at her cunt, unable to stop, excited by what she was seeing.

Janice's breath caught when the woman slowly went to her knees before the man. She kissed the head of the swollen cock, looking up at the man's face as she opened his pants, pulling them down to his knees. The man's balls looked huge to Janice.

When the woman ran her tongue along the man's cock, Janice slipped her hand into her panties, brushing her fingers through the soft hair to the slit of her pussy. She rubbed at her distended clit with the tip of one finger as she stared across at the woman and the man. Her cunt felt on fire, her clit knotted very tightly, vibrating wonderfully.

The woman pulled her face away, saying something to the man, who nodded and held the woman's face. Janice felt a wild tingle of heat flow through her as the woman ran her tongue about the smooth, swollen head of the man's cock, then closed her lips about it, sucking on his piss-hole, her fingers wrapped about it, stroking back and forth on the prick-shaft as she sucked the head of his cock. Then, with apparent passion, the woman flung her arms around the man's naked ass and swallowed his thick, long cock all the way, her lips buried into the wiry hair at the base, his balls on her chin.

Janice gasped, plunging two fingers into her cunt as she watched, twisting her tight ass from side to side, spreading her feet to get more room between her thighs. When the woman began to suck up and down on the man's cock, Janice worked her two fingers in a matching rhythm into her cunt, fucking herself with one hand, squeezing her ass with the other.

Watching secretly, Janice became intensely aroused, her passions bubbling hotly through her body. Seeing the woman sucking on that long, hard cock sent her emotions high, made her cunt drip with hot, slippery pussy juice. Seeing without being seen was turning her on, more than anything in years. She began to identify with the woman, her mouth watering, imagining that she could feel and taste that hot, hard cock inkier own mouth. She bent her knees and plunged her fingers in and out of her cunt almost frantically, making wet, sucking sounds. Her hand stretched the crotch of her panties. And she considered taking her panties off, but her excitement was too intense at the moment to take the time.

She had to hold onto the windowsill for support, her legs trembling and becoming weaker and weaker. She stared at the scene in the window, and although she could not be sure, it appeared as if the man were coming, coming into the woman's mouth. The woman was sucking swiftly, sliding her lips back and forth on the man's cock as he strained his hips forward, his head lifted and his face contorted. Then a creamy drip of jism showed at the cower of the woman's mouth, and Janice knew for sure that she was taking the man's come juice into her mouth.

"Ohhhh!" she gasped, the sound coming out of her throat before she could stop it. Her cunt grabbed at her darting fingers as a strong orgasm rippled through her, the lips of her pussy clutching in spasms.

There was a bright flash behind her. Yanking her fingers from her cunt and panties, Janice whirled to find that Tony had just taken her picture with his cheap flash camera.

Janice turned red with embarrassment, unable to speak. She stared with shame at her son, her tits displayed to his hot eyes. Before she jumped toward the bed where her robe was laid out, it noticed the bulge of her son's cock in his pants and another orgasm erupted in her cunt as she struggled to pull the robe over her nakedness.

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