Chapter 3: Speed And Momentum vs. Precise And Concentrated Attention
Did any of these everhappened to you?
You were envious of people who can flaunt their bodies wheneverthey step foot on the beach.
Realized that you could use your stomach to steer your carwhile you are driving?
Someone mistook you as a pregnant woman?
Wished you could wear that sexy party dress without worryingabout bulges at the wrong places?
Ever discover that you almost cant see your Willy while youwere peeing?
If you have said yes to anyone of the above, then, congratulations on getting your hands on this book! Thisbook aims for you to achieve the most coveted washboard absbut more thanthat, it wills for you to become healthy and free from restrictions broughtabout by your busy lifestyle.
To motivate you into readingthis book from the first page to the last, let me reiterate that I understandyour misunderstandingwith exercise. I know that you want to be fit, and I know that you recognizethe importance of exercise to your life, thus I understand your frustration.You feel like exercise has been demanding too much time from you. Time, which Ialso understand, that you have so little of. I also understand your reasons-you have a booming career and lovely family. They, of course, should take thepriority.
But, as I have said, what youand exercise have is just a misunderstanding. You have been tricked by thetraditions into thinking that for you and exercise to get along well, you haveto devote so much time.
To be fit and to have thewonderful body youve always wanted, what you need is not long, strenuous exerciseroutines, what you need are short burst training sessions. Why, you ask? Well,its because of the following reasons:
Shortexercises (short burst training or SBT) are scientifically proven to boostproduction of the growth hormone. It may sound simple, but in reality, it has alot of benefits. Lets list them down:
a. Shortbursts of exercises cannot only give you washboard absit can alsoimprove your general health.
b. Doing short bursts of exercises is beneficialbecause instead of tiring you out (like what long, strenuous exercises do toyou), it works to increase your stamina.
c. Shortbut intensive workout routines are very effective for fat loss.
d. More than just losing weight, short, intensiveworkout sessions can promote muscle growthvery useful in attaining thewashboard abs.
Expertssay that performing short intensive workouts will improve your metabolism oryour ability to burn calories. It means that long after you are done with yourworkouts; your body is still at workburning all the unwanted calories.
Evenolder people can benefit from short bursts of exercises. Age truly does notmatter when it comes to being fit!
Now that you know about SBT,its time to put an end to the infamous misunderstanding. Let me show you thethings that you will discover once you are done reading this book.
Discoverthe wonderful effects of exercise not just for your abs, but also for youroverall health. And the workouts this book will show you are unconventional,they may be extreme, but they only need very little of your time!
You willlearn how to be sneaky, so that you will be able to exerciseeverydaywithout ruining any of your precious schedules!
Learnabout the 7 wonderful exercises (that wont require much movement from you)that you can do everyday! The instructions are explained step by step so thatthere is not room for confusion. It will also tackle about the target bodyparts and the general benefits youll get while performing each exercise. AND the best part, each exercise can beperformed in just ONE full minute!
Knowmore about core muscles, why they are important. You will also learn about 2the core training exercises that are very simple.
So, if youre ready to make peace withexercise, turn to the next page and start your healthy journey!
Chapter 1: Why Sneaking Short Exercises Are GoodFor You
When it comes to having awashboard abs, or may just when it comes to being fit, most people believe thattraditional exercises are the most effective. Defining traditional exercisegoes like this: you will allot an hour in your very busy day to workout. Andthe worst is the argument that those workouts should be done in the gym, wherethere are pieces of equipment that you could use to make the strenuous exerciseall the more strenuous.
You should disagree. Let us,for now, discuss certain drawbacks with the traditional exercise routines.
Too much stress on your body. It generally puts too much stress in your body. Imagine subjectingany of your body parts into an hour of hard workout session. No matter how muchyou stretch to prepare for the worst, the tendency is always to pull a muscleand experience the ache all throughout the week. Long, strenuous exercises makeyour body weaker, and your mind becomes less sharp. Be practical, you are a personwho needs to attend to a lot of things, why spend an hour or two doing workoutswhen you can spend just a few minutes during your lunch break?
Its bad for your schedule. If you insist on doing long, strenuousworkouts, your schedule will be all over the place. To be able to compensatefor long exercises, you will do one of the following:
o Wake upvery early you will wake upextra early so that you can workout. That means you will tire yourself out evenbefore the day has started! How can you concentrate at work when your eyes aredrooping and your body screams out pain? You will end up unproductive.