Vladimir P. Kolotov and Natalia S. Bezaeva
Advances in Geochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Planetary Sciences
75th Anniversary of the Vernadsky Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Vladimir P. Kolotov
Vernadsky Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Natalia S. Bezaeva
Vernadsky Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
ISBN 978-3-031-09882-6 e-ISBN 978-3-031-09883-3
The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
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Cover illustration:
Panoramic view of the Vernadsky Institute in late autumn
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Academician Vladimir I. Vernadsky (18631945), after whom the institute was named (photographed 1940)
Dedicated with reverence and gratitude
those who had been before us,
the late scientists, who made a major contribution
to the formation and development
of the Vernadsky Institute
Dear Readers!
The publication commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vernadsky Institute RAS). The diamond jubilee of the institute is being celebrated in 2022, and this publication represents the scientific portfolio of the institute today.
The volume comprises selected articles written by the leading researchers of the Vernadsky Institute RAS. The institute came into being in 1947 and since has made immense contributions to the development of Earth and planetary sciences, biogeochemistry, cosmochemistry, analytical chemistry, and radiochemistry and is currently the leading research center in Russia in these areas.
The collection of 41 articles covers the main areas of modern research, focusing on the recently obtained critical results. The articles are grouped into four broad categories: (1) geochemistry, (2) meteoritics, cosmochemistry, lunar and planetary sciences, (3) biogeochemistry and ecology, and (4) analytical chemistry, radiochemistry, and radioecology. The articles divulge into the evolution of scientific ideas and the emergence of new promising areas of scientific research.
Besides its extensive brand-new research content, this volume includes an extended introduction with information about the history of the Vernadsky Institute, its main goals and achievements, description of published journals, i.e. Geochemistry International, and Journal of Analytical Chemistry, in both Russian and English, which welcome submissions by international authors. It also comprises a list of organized conferences, including the upcoming ones, which also welcome international participation. All the departments and the laboratories of the institute are presented with contact details, as the Vernadsky Institute is open to new international collaborations.
The articles are followed by an annex, which gives brief information about the life and work of Soviet and Russian scientist and philosopher V. I. Vernadsky, whose ideas, to a great extent, foreshadowed the development of science and society. In the future, the plan is to publish his major works in English. The annex also includes information about A. P. Vinogradov, founder of the institute, and other famous late scientists who contributed majorly to the formation and development of the Vernadsky Institute.
The collection of scientific articles and historical materials will be of interest to scientists and graduate students working in the fields of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, meteoritics and planetary sciences, analytical chemistry, and radiochemistry.
We wish you an enjoyable reading and looking forward to receiving your feedback!
The editors express their deepest gratitude to Vladimir E. Kulikovsky (Vernadsky Institute RAS) for his invaluable contribution to the preparation of the materials on the history of the institute, his work on the processing of photographic materials, and the cover design.
Vladimir P. Kolotov
Natalia S. Bezaeva
Moscow, Russia
Vladimir P. Kolotov and Natalia S. Bezaeva
N. A. Krivolutskaya
A. A. Ariskin , G. S. Barmina , E. V. Koptev-Dvornikov , K. A. Bychkov and G. S. Nikolaev
I. V. Kubrakova
P. S. Fedotov , M. S. Ermolin and A. I. Ivaneev
V. A. Zaitsev
O. A. Lukanin
V. A. Alekseyev
O. A. Limantseva , B. N. Ryzhenko and Yu. V. Shvarov
E. S. Sidkina and M. V. Mironenko
M. A. Levitan
R. A. Lukmanov , V. Yu. Rusakov , T. G. Kuzmina , T. V. Romashova and A. V. Koltsova
V. N. Nosov , S. G. Ivanov , S. B. Kaledin , S. A. Savin , V. I. Timonin , V. I. Pogonin , T. V. Glebova and E. A. Zevakin
Meteoritics, Cosmochemistry, Lunar and Planetary Sciences
V. A. Dorofeeva , A. N. Dunaeva , S. I. Ipatov , V. A. Kronrod , E. V. Kronrod , O. L. Kuskov , M. Ya. Marov and A. V. Rusol
M. A. Ivanov and J. W. Head
D. D. Mironov and E. A. Grishakina