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ISBN: 9781623092030
More Books by Jay Siva:
The Complete Guide to Medical Tourism
The Power of Yoga: Transform your Mind and Body to Radically Improve Every Part of your Life
Table of Contents
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If youre reading this book about The Ayurvedic Weight Loss Diet, chances are that you have tried many weight loss methods before and they havent worked out well for you. There have been so many diet fads that have risen in popularity in the past decade alone. From the Juice Detox diet to the South Beach Diet, none of them ever universally works no matter how strictly you prescribe to their instructions and techniques.
There are plenty of reasons why fad diets dont work and fail and maybe you have blamed yourself at one point or another for its inability to make you lose weight no matter how hard you try. The truth is, fad diets dont work because its basic structure and techniques work against you even before you begin the regimen.
These fad diets often require you to starve yourself or to prevent you from eating certain essential food groups in order to be successful. Some may even ask you to forego eating food altogether for a certain duration. These often create food cravings throughout the day or the duration of the diet regimen, which can cause you to binge eat in order to feel satisfied. Binge eating is often the cause of unwanted weight gain in the country and this is often caused by nagging cravings, especially of oily, excessively sweet and unhealthy food.
On top of that, your body is brought to its limit as it works overtime to compensate for the lack of nutrition, making you feel more fatigued and sickly which is never good for anyone. Your body needs nutrients in order to function correctly and optimally. Starvation can have devastating effects on your body that can and will be felt long after youve ditched your fad diet regimen.
Unlike those weight loss methods, Ayurveda doesnt require you to take risks when it comes to your health and well-being. Ayurveda is a holistic weight loss technique that aims to balance your mind, body and spirit to make you happier, healthier and more at peace with yourself and your surroundings.
You will learn the basics of Ayurveda in this book and you will discover an effective method that has been used for centuries in India. Ayurveda is not just a weight loss technique, it is a way of life that aims to make you a more balanced individual while encouraging you to take better care of yourself in mind and body.
In Chapter 1: What is Ayurveda?, you will be introduced to the basic teachings and concepts of Ayurveda. You will learn about the meaning of the word Ayurveda and its rich history and basic concepts such as the Five Great Elements and how it has been adapted in the Western World and todays modern lifestyles. You will also discover why Ayurveda is considered as the most effective weight loss method and how it can positively and directly affect not only your body, but your mind and overall well-being as well.
In Chapter 2: The Indian Spice Box, we will be exploring the Masal Thani which translates to the spice box. Its no secret that Indian cuisine is characterized by its rich flavors born out of distinct herbs and spices. Indian food is not simply a mish-mash or a clumsy combination of different spices. The spices in a dish can directly affect your mood and your body and its ability to gain or lose weight. We will be discussing 13 key spices that Ayurvedic practices revere because of its healing and therapeutic effects on human beings, as well as their unique and poignant flavors.
In Chapter 3: The Three Doshas and the Six Tastes, we will be going deeper into the most important concepts in Ayurveda and weight loss. The Six Tastes based on Ayurvedic texts has its benefits and disadvantages on the Three Doshas or the three body types and if your objective is to lose weight using Ayurveda, you will need to pay attention to how these tastes can interact with your Dosha and how you can harness its powers to your advantage to reach your goal.
In Chapter 4: Know Your Dosha and the Best Food for Your Type, we will be going into the specifics of the food that is ideal for your body type and you can further discover what your Dosha is in this section. If after the third chapter you are still unsure of which Dosha is the most applicable for your physicality and mentality, this chapter has a questionnaire that can help you determine your Dosha more accurately by using everyday situations that you encounter and go through. You will also find comprehensive lists of food that you should be eating in order to reach your weight loss goal and these are organized according to Doshas and food groups (e.g. vegetables, meat, dairy, etc.).
In the fifth chapter of this book titled Chapter 5: Meal Plans for Your Dosha, you are provided a sample meal plan that you can use or customize to fit your lifestyle and food preferences. In Ayurveda, its important to maintain a regular meal schedule and a menu of foods that will complement your Dosha. You will also be provided the different meal portions and meal times that you should follow if you want to successfully reach your target weight. You will also be given tips on how to make good and practical meal plans that are perfect for your body type and your budget.
The last chapter is titled Chapter 6: How to Make your Ayurvedic Weight Loss Diet Work and here, you are given tips and ideas on how to make The Ayurvedic Weight Loss Diet work in general. It is understandably difficult for anyone to completely change the way they view nutrition and weight loss but hopefully once you get to this chapter, you will be motivated to at least try out the tips that you receive.
While reading this book, its important for you to keep an open mind and a motivated spirit in order to fully understand the concepts of Ayurveda. There are plenty of skeptics and critics of the effectiveness of this weight loss method but once you are able to read through its basic tenets, you will see that its actually a practical and simple technique that ensures that you are not sacrificing your health and well-being in order to lose weight.
Chapter 1: What is Ayurveda?
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Lets now go into the meaning behind the mysterious and exotic word that this book is all about.
The word Ayurveda can be translated to the knowledge for long life. Breaking down the word, Ayu translates to life and Veda means having knowledge of. Ayurveda refers to a traditional system of healthcare and well-being using techniques and methods that aim to enrich not only the physical body, but the soul and spirit as well which includes proper nutrition, meaningful exercise and meditation. Ayurveda has been practiced for over 5,000 years and is considered as a holistic healing system that is also primarily used as a weight loss method in modern times, especially in the West.
In Ayurveda, it is believed that one experiences physical and emotional illnesses or ailments because of imbalances in the mind, body and spirit or the Doshas the three bodily humours that everyone is composed of. These ailments may include being over or underweight, binge eating, emotional eating and other habits or physical conditions that causes one to eat more (or less) than what is recommended which causes unhealthy bodies and lifestyles and of course, unhappy individuals.
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