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Matthew Johnson - Learning 2D Game Development with Unity: A Hands-On Guide to Game Creation

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Matthew Johnson Learning 2D Game Development with Unity: A Hands-On Guide to Game Creation
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    Learning 2D Game Development with Unity: A Hands-On Guide to Game Creation
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The Unity Engine Tutorial for Any Game Creator

Unity is now the worlds #1 game engine, thanks to its affordability, continuous improvements, and amazing global community. With Unity, you can design, code, and author your game once, and then deploy it to multiple platforms, reaching huge audiences and earning maximum returns. Learning 2D Game Development with Unity will help you master Unity and build powerful skills for success in todays game industry. It also includes a bonus rundown of the new GUI tools introduced in Unitys version 4.6 beta.

With this indispensable guide, youll gain a solid, practical understanding of the Unity engine as you build a complete, 2D platform-style game, hands-on. The step-by-step project will get you started fast, whether youre moving to Unity from other engines or are new to game development.

This tutorial covers the entire development process, from initial concept, plans, and designs to the final steps of building and deploying your game. It illuminates Unitys newly integrated 2D toolset, covering sprites, 2D physics, game scripts, audio, and animations. Throughout, it focuses on the simplest and lowest-cost approaches to game development, relying on free software and assets. Everything youll need is provided.

Register your book at informit.com/title/9780321957726 to access assets, code listings, and video tutorials on the companion website.

Learn How To

  • Set up your Unity development environment and navigate its tools
  • Create and import assets and packages you can add to your game
  • Set up game sprites and create atlas sheets using the new Unity 2D tools
  • Animate sprites using keyframes, animation controllers, and scripting
  • Build a 2D game world from beginning to end
  • Establish player control
  • Construct movements that feel right
  • Set up player physics and colliders
  • Create and apply classic gameplay systems
  • Implement hazards and tune difficulty
  • Apply audio and particle effects to the game
  • Create intuitive game menus and interface elements
  • Debug code and provide smooth error handling
  • Organize game resources and optimize game performance
  • Publish your game to the web for others to see and play

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Learning 2D Game Development with Unity

A Hands-On Guide to Game Creation

Matthew Johnson
James A. Henley

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Upper Saddle River, NJ Boston Indianapolis San Francisco
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Johnson, Matthew (Computer programmer)
Learning 2D game development with Unity : a hands-on guide to game creation / Matthew Johnson,
James A. Henley.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-321-95772-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)ISBN 0-321-95772-5 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Computer gamesProgramming. 2. Unity (electronic resource) I. Henley, James A. II. Title.
QA76.76.C672J64 2015


Copyright 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-95772-6
ISBN-10: 0-321-95772-5
Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at RR Donnelley in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
First printing, December 2014

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First and foremost a big thanks to my friends and family for supporting me - photo 2
Picture 3

First and foremost, a big thanks to my friends and family
for supporting me throughout this process. You pushed me
to start this book and then begged me to finish it!

To my late father, who taught me to inspire
and entertain others with my talent and
wild imagination: I am forever your biggest fan.

Last, to the love of my life and best friend, Jessica:
without you this book would have been just
more dust in the wind of my ideas. Thank you for
all of your guidance and wisdom, and for believing
that I could accomplish this. I love you always and forever.

Matthew Johnson

For my wonderful wife, who brought me tea
whenever I locked myself in my office to write
and tolerated being temporarily widowed by this book.

James A. Henley

Picture 4
Contents at a Glance
Why Write This Book?

Since there are hundreds of books on game design and quite a few about using the Unity game engine, you might be asking, Why even write another book on Unity? We wanted to write a book about game development with a 2D approach, using an engine that is most widely known for being 3D. There are a bunch of Unity books covering 3D mesh and building game worlds, and fancy game mechanics, but there is really not much in the way of anything about a 2D platformer.

Another goal was to show a simplistic and inexpensive approach to creating your own game. Creating games is tough enough with the amount of time and effort you have to put into it, and rising costs are something no indie developer wants to deal with. Every element of this book uses free software and assets to build the game!

Last, we wanted to write our book around a small game project. Using simple approaches to scripting and asset creation, we wanted to create a game that even someone new to Unity and game development could easily pick up and tackle. Every aspect of the project is covered in the book with clear explanations, examples, and images!

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