Copyright2015 by S.A. Publishing 2017 KidKiddos Books Ltd. Boxer s Brandon Boxer and Brandon Inna Nusinsky Angolrl fordtotta: Anita Estes Translated from English by Anita Estes A magyar szveget szerkesztette: Szanyi Szilvia Hungarian editing by Szilvia Szanyi Ksznjk, hogy megvsrolta knyvnket Thank you for purchasing this book Ha brmilyen krdse van, forduljon hozznk a weboldalon. For any question you can contact us at and To receive your FREE audio book I Love to Brush My Teeth (English Only) click the picture below Sziasztok! A nevem Boxer. Boxer vagyok. rlk, hogy megismerhetlek. rlk, hogy megismerhetlek.
Ez a trtnet arrl szl, hogy hogyan lett j csaldom. Hello, my name is Boxer. Im a boxer. Im a type of dog called a boxer. Nice to meet you! This is the story of how I got my new family. M inden akkor kezddtt , amikor kt ves voltam.
It all started when I was two years old. Hajlktalan voltam, s a szemeteskukkbl ettem. Az emberek nagyon dhsek lettek rm, amikor feldntttem a szemetesket. I was homeless. I lived on the street and ate out of garbage cans. M enj innen! kiltottk. M enj innen! kiltottk.
Nha nagyon gyorsan kellett elszaladnom. Get out of here! they would shout. Sometimes I had to run away really fast! A vrosi let nem knny. Living in the city can be hard. Amikor nem lelmet kerestem, szerettem a jrdn lni s nzni az embereket, ahogy jnnek-mennek. When I wasnt looking for food, I liked to sit and watch people walk by on the sidewalk.
Nha olyan bnatosan nztem az emberekre, hogy megsajnltak s enni adtak. Sometimes, I would look at people with my sad eyes and they would give me food. , milyen aranyos kutyus! Tessk, egyl valamit mondtk. Oh, what a cute doggy! Here, have a snack, they would say. E gy nap egy kisfi s az apukja stltak felm. One day, a little boy and his dad were walking toward me.
Hogy zlik a szendvicsed, Brandon? krdezte a kisfi apukja. Hows that sandwich, Brandon? asked the boys dad. A szendvics nagyon finomnak ltszott! The sandwich looked really good! K nyrg szemekkel nztem. A fi megllt s felm nyjtotta a szendvicst. ppen bele akartam harapni, amikor... I put on my sad eyes.
The boy stopped and held out his sandwich. I was just about to take a bite, when... Brandon, ne etesd azt a kutyt! Majd csak mg tbbet akar! kiltotta az apja. Brandon visszahzta a szendvicset. Brandon, dont feed that dog! Hell just come looking for more, exclaimed his dad. O lyan kzel voltam , hogy reztem a vaj illatt! A felnttek soha nem akarnak megetetni! So closeI could smell the butter! Parents never want to share with me! Olyan sznalmasan szkltem, ahogy csak tudtam, amikor elmentek. O lyan kzel voltam , hogy reztem a vaj illatt! A felnttek soha nem akarnak megetetni! So closeI could smell the butter! Parents never want to share with me! Olyan sznalmasan szkltem, ahogy csak tudtam, amikor elmentek.
I whined as pitifully as I could as they walked away. E zutn gy dntttem , hogy alszom egyet. Csodlatosat lmodtam. After that, I decided to take a nap. I was having a wonderful dream. Egy parkban voltam, s minden hsbl volt! A fk blsznbl voltak! Gynyr lom volt.
I was in a park and everything was made from meat! The trees were steaks! It was the best dream ever. V alami azonban felbresztett . Ott volt elttem egy darab szendvics! Felugrottam s gyorsan be is kaptam. Something woke me up, though. Right in front of me was a piece of a sandwich! I jumped to my feet and gobbled it down. Mmmm! Olyan finom volt! Pont, mint az lmom.
Mmmmm! It was so good! Just like my dream. Psszt mondta Brandon . Ne mondd meg apnak! Milyen kedves kisfi, gondoltam magamban. Shh, said Brandon. Dont tell Dad. What a nice little boy, I thought to myself.
Nap nap utn Brandon megltogatott s mindig hozott enni. Majd egy nap... Day after day, Brandon would come visit me and give me a snack. Then, one day... Siess, Brandon! Elksel az iskolbl! mondta Brandon apukja. Hurry up, Brandon.
Youll be late for school, said Brandons dad. Jvk mr! kiltotta Brandon, s ahogy elfutott mellettem, leejtett egy barna zacskt a jrdra. Im coming! shouted Brandon as he ran past, dropping a brown bag on the sidewalk. K rbeszaglszva odamentem hozz s belenztem. Tele volt ennivalval! Sniffing around, I walked up to it and looked inside. It was full of food! pp meg akartam enni, amikor eszembe jutott valami.
Brandon mindig hozott nekem enni, amikor hes voltam. Ha megeszem az ennivaljt, akkor lesz hes. I was just about to eat it all when I thought of something. Brandon always brings me food when Im hungry. If I eat his food, then hell be hungry. Jvk, Brandon! vakkantottam.
Im coming, Brandon! I howled. Brandon s az apukja mr messze jrtak. Utnuk futottam a barna zacskval a szmban. He and his dad were way down the street. I ran after them with the brown bag in my mouth. A hogy elmentem egy siktor eltt, meglttam egy macskt.
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