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Interior Designer: Chris Fong
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ISBN: Print 978-1-64152-247-2 | eBook 978-1-64152-248-9
A labor of love for the ketogenic community.
When I began my fitness journey six years ago, my husband worked as a personal trainer and I was working at a hospital. We decided to commit to our nutrition rather than just our gym time. Thats when our bodies really started to change and when we dialed in our nutrition and were consistent with our time in the gym.
Back then, our meal preps consisted of a lot of brown rice, lean protein, egg whites, sweet potatoes, and bland vegetables. We definitely saw results but not as many benefits as we did when we turned to the ketogenic diet.
I am so thankful we started keto when we did and meal prep became something we practiced together each week. It is a habit we still practice today. The biggest difference between our previous diet and keto is that now we eat a lot of healthy fats and satiating foods. Some benefits to living keto that weve experienced are mental clarity, strengthened immunity, sustainable lean muscle mass, effortless fasting, and being able to eat foods we truly enjoy.
When I started my ketogenic journey, I couldnt believe how many options I had and how creative I could be in the kitchen. It was so freeing after living the typical bodybuilders program. One thing that was hard about starting keto was all the contradicting information out there. But keto doesnt need to be difficult; it truly is as simple as including a fat, a protein, and a green vegetable in your meals. Dont make it more complicated than that.
I hope you will find tools within these pages that will make your daily life easier and less stressful. I know making the time to plan and prep ahead will save you money, time, and your health.
Whether you are a keto newbie or a veteran, if you havent discovered the combination of keto and meal prep, then your life is about to be changed once again. The great thing about keto is the ability to adapt your diet and lifestyle to any situation. You can always find something packaged or on a menu that is keto-friendly. But that also can limit your progression if you are constantly eating out or eating highly processed foods. Taking things back to the kitchen and preparing healthy and nutritious home-cooked meals will take you and your goals to the next level.
When I started researching what a ketogenic diet was, it seemed intimidating, hard to comprehend, and limited. As I studied, lived it, and felt the benefits, I realized how wrong I was. Keto became maintainable once I felt comfortable in the aisles of the grocery store and cooking in the kitchen. I know youll be able to relate, too, as you gain confidence limiting carbohydrates and incorporating healthy fats into your diet. I hope the material within these pages will provide the most cost-friendly, easy-to-prepare, enjoyable meal prep possible. For me, easy meal prep is the only way I can be consistent with my family, budget, and time.
With keto, reaching your macros is key. In this book the daily macros we are looking to reach are 5 to 10 percent carbs, 15 to 30 percent protein, and 60 to 75 percent fat. By following these recipes and meal prep plans, you can easily hit these goals and implement the keto lifestyle into your own with ease.
I was nervous about my first book, The One-Pot Ketogenic Diet Cookbook , being too basic and the recipes too simple. When I received so much positive feedback about that being the main reason readers loved it most, I was elated! In this day and age you can read anything on the Internet and get conflicting information at every turn. My goal with this book (and my philosophy in general) is to simplify this transformative lifestyle so it is doable, stress-free, and easy to maintain and adapt for years to come.