R Graphics Cookbook
Winston Chang
Beijing Cambridge Farnham Kln Sebastopol Tokyo
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I started using R several years ago to analyze data I had collected for my research in graduate school. My motivation at first was to escape from the restrictive environments and canned analyses offered by statistical programs like SPSS. And even better, because its freely available, I didnt need to convince someone to buy me a copy of the softwarevery important for a poor graduate student! As I delved deeper into R, I discovered that it could also create excellent data graphics.
Each recipe in this book lists a problem and a solution. In most cases, the solutions I offer arent the only way to do things in R, but they are, in my opinion, the best way. One of the reasons for Rs popularity is that there are many available add-on packages, each of which provides some functionality for R. There are many packages for visualizing data in R, but this book primarily uses ggplot2. (Disclaimer: its now part of my job to do development on ggplot2. However, I wrote much of this book before I had any idea that I would start a job related to ggplot2.)
This book isnt meant to be a comprehensive manual of all the different ways of creating data visualizations in R, but hopefully it will help you figure out how to make the graphics you have in mind. Or, if youre not sure what you want to make, browsing its pages may give you some ideas about whats possible.
This book is intended for readers who have at least a basic understanding of R. The recipes in this book will show you how to do specific tasks. Ive tried to use examples that are simple, so that you can understand how they work and transfer the solutions over to your own problems.
Software and Platform Notes
Most of the recipes here use the ggplot2 graphing package. Some of the recipes require the most recent version of ggplot2, 0.9.3, and this in turn requires a relatively recent version of R. You can always get the latest version of R from the main R project site.
If you are not familiar with ggplot2, see for a brief introduction to the package.
Once youve installed R, you can install the necessary packages. In addition to ggplot2, youll also want to install the gcookbook package, which contains data sets for many of the examples in this book. To install them both, run:
You may be asked to choose a mirror site for CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Any of the sites should work, but its a good idea to choose one close to you because it will likely be faster than one far away. Once youve installed the packages, run this in each R session in which you want to use ggplot2:
The recipes in this book will assume that youve already loaded ggplot2, so they wont show this line.
If you see an error like this, it means that you forgot to load ggplot2:
Error: could not find function "ggplot"
The major platforms for R are Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows, and all the recipes in this book should work on all of these platforms. There are some platform-specific differences when it comes to creating bitmap output files, and these differences are covered in .
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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: R Graphics Cookbook by Winston Chang (OReilly). Copyright 2013 Winston Chang, 978-1-449-31695-2.
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