Table of Contents
Vgnm is defined a w of lvng that ttmt t xlud ll frm f nml exploitation and rult, whether fr fd, lthng or any thr purpose.
Fr th rn, th vgn dt dvd f ll animal rdut, nludng mt, gg nd dr.
People choose t fllw a vegan diet fr vru reasons.
These uull rng from th to nvrnmntl nrn, but they can also stem frm a dr to improve hlth..
Dffrnt T f Vgn Dt
Thr r dffrnt varieties of vegan dt. Th mt mmn nlud:
Whole-food vgn diet: A dt bd n a wd vrt f whole lnt fd such frut, vgtbl, whole grn, lgum, nuts nd d.
Rw-fd vegan diet: A vgn diet bd on rw frut, vgtbl, nut, d or plant fd kd t tmrtur blw 118F (48C)
80/10/10: Th 80/10/10 dt is a rw-fd vgn dt that lmt ft-rh lnt such nut and avocados nd rl mnl on rw frut and ft grn ntd. Also rfrrd t th lw-ft, rw-fd vgn diet r frutrn diet.
Th starch lutn: A lw-ft, hgh-rb vgn dt similar t th 80/10/10 but that fu n kd trh lk tt, r and corn ntd f frut.
Rw till 4: A lw-ft vegan dt inspired by the 80/10/10 nd starch lutn. Raw fd r numd untl 4 .m., wth th tn f a kd lnt-bd meal fr dnnr.
Th thrive diet: Th thrv diet is a rw-fd vgn diet. Fllwr t lnt-bd, whl foods tht r rw r minimally cooked t low tmrtur.
Junk-fd vgn dt: A vgn diet lkng n whl lnt fd that relies hvl n mock mt nd cheeses, fries, vgn desserts and thr hvl rd vgn foods.
Although several variations f the vgn dt xt, mt ntf rrh rrl dffrntt between dffrnt t of vegan diets.
Vgn Dt Can Help You Lose Wght
Vegans tnd t be thnnr nd have a lwr body m ndx (BMI) thn nn-vgn
Th might explain why n increasing number f people turn t vgn diets as a way t l excess wght.
Prt f the wght-rltd benefits vgn xrn may b xlnd b ftr thr than dt. These m nlud hlthr lifestyle h, such as hl tvt, nd thr health-related behaviors.
Hwvr, vrl rndmzd ntrlld tud, whh ntrl fr th external factors, rrt tht vgn dt r mr fftv for wght loss thn th diets th r mrd to
Intrtngl, the wght l dvntg persists vn whn whole-food-based diets r used ntrl dt.
Th nlud dt recommended b th Amrn Dietetics Association (ADA), the Amrn Hrt Atn (AHA) nd the Ntnl Cholesterol Education Prgrm (NCEP)
Wht mr, researchers gnrll report tht rtnt n vgn dt l mr wght thn th following calorie-restricted dt, even whn thr llwd t t untl th fl full
Th natural tndn to eat fwr calories on a vgn dt m b caused b a hghr dtr fbr ntk, which n mk you feel fuller.
Vegan Diets, Bld Sugr and T 2 Dbt
Adtng a vgn dt m hl k ur blood ugr n hk nd type 2 dbt at b.
Several studies show tht vgn benefit from lwr bld ugr levels, hghr nuln ntvt nd u to a 78% lower rk f developing t 2 dbt thn nn-vgn
In ddtn, vgn dt rrtdl lwr blood ugr lvl in diabetics u t 2.4 tm mr than dt rmmndd b the ADA, AHA and NCEP Prt f th advantage uld b explained b the hghr fbr intake, which m blunt th bld ugr response. A vgn diets wght l effects m furthr contribute t t ability to lwr bld ugr lvl
Vegan Dt and Heart Health
A vegan dt may hl k ur hrt hlth.
Obrvtnl studies report vgn m have up to a 75% lwr risk of dvlng hgh bld rur nd 42% lower risk f dying frm hrt d Rndmzd controlled tud the gld standard n research dd to th evidence.
Svrl rrt tht vgn dt r much mr effective at reducing bld ugr, LDL and ttl hltrl thn diets they r mrd t
Th fft uld b ll bnfl n rdung bld pressure, hltrl nd bld ugr m rdu hrt d risk b u t 46%
Other Hlth Bnft of Vegan Dt
Vgn dt r lnkd to an rr f other hlth bnft, including bnft fr:
Cancer rk: Vgn may bnft frm a 15% lower rk of dvlng r dying frm nr (20Trutd Source).
Arthrt: Vgn dt seem particularly effective at reducing symptoms f rthrt such pain, jnt swelling nd morning tffn
Kdn function: Dbt wh ubttut mt fr lnt protein m reduce their rk of r kdn function
Alzheimers d: Obrvtnl studies hw tht t f th vgn dt m help rdu the rk f dvlng Alzhmr d
Tht said, k in mind tht most of th studies urtng th benefits r brvtnl. Th mk it dffult t determine whthr th vegan diet directly ud th bnft.
Based Health Bnft of Etng Snacks Vgn
. A Vgn Dt I Richer in Crtn Nutrients
If u wth to a vgn diet from a typical Wtrn diet, youll lmnt mt nd nml products.
Th wll nvtbl ld u to rl more hvl n thr fd. In th f a whole-foods vgn dt, rlmnt tk th form f whl grains, frut, vegetables, beans, , nut nd seeds.
Sn these foods mk u a larger proportion f a vegan dt thn a tl Wtrn dt, th n contribute to a higher dl ntk f rtn beneficial nutrnt.
For ntn, vrl tud hv rrtd that vgn dt tnd to rvd mr fbr, ntxdnt nd bnfl lnt compounds. They l r t b richer n potassium, magnesium, flt nd vitamins A, C and E
However, not all vgn diets are rtd equal.
For ntn, rl lnnd vegan diets m rvd nuffnt munt of essential ftt acids, vitamin B12, rn, lum, dn or zn
Tht wh its important t t w from nutrient-poor, fast-food vgn options. Intd, b ur dt rund nutrnt-rh whl lnt nd frtfd fd. Yu m also wnt t consider ulmnt like vitamin B12.
2. It Cn Hl You L Excess Weight
An nrng number f people r turning to plant-based dt n the h f shedding excess wght.
Th is rh fr gd rn.
Mn brvtnl tud show tht vgn tend t b thnnr nd hv lower bd m ndx (BMIs) than non-vegans
In ddtn, several rndmzd ntrlld tud th gold standard in scientific rrh rrt that vegan diets r mr effective for wght l thn th diets they are compared
In one study, a vgn dt helped rtnt l 9.3 lb (4.2 kg) more thn a ntrl dt vr an 18-wk tud rd
Intrtngl, rtnt n the vgn diet lt more weight than th who fllwd calorie-restricted dt, even whn the vgn gru wr llwd t t until they flt full
Wht mr, a rnt small tud mrng the wght l fft f five dffrnt dt nludd that vgtrn and vgn dt wr just wll-td semi-vegetarian and tndrd Wtrn dt
Even whn they werent fllwng thr dt perfectly, th vegetarian nd vgn gru tll lt lghtl mr wght thn th n a standard Wtrn diet.
3. It Ar to Lower Blood Sugr Levels nd Imrv Kdn Funtn
Going vgn m l hv benefits for t 2 diabetes nd dlnng kidney funtn.
Indeed, vgn tnd t hv lwr bld ugr levels, hghr nuln ntvt nd up t a 5078% lwr risk f dvlng type 2 diabetes
Stud even report tht vegan dt lwr bld ugr levels n dbt more thn th diets frm th Amrn Dbt Atn (ADA), Amrn Heart Atn (AHA) nd Ntnl Chltrl Education Prgrm (NCEP) In n study, 43% of rtnt following a vgn dt wr bl t reduce their dg of blood-sugar-lowering mdtn, mrd to only 26% n the gru tht followed an ADA-rmmndd dt
Othr tud rrt tht dbt wh ubttut mt for lnt rtn may rdu thr rk f r kidney funtn
Wht more, vrl studies rrt tht a vgn dt m be bl t rvd mlt rlf of tm dtl polyneuropathy symptoms a ndtn n diabetics that u hr, burning pain
4. A Vgn Dt M Prtt Against Certain Cancers
According to the Wrld Hlth Orgnztn, but n-thrd of ll cancers n b rvntd by ftr within your ntrl, including dt.
Fr ntn, tng legumes rgulrl m reduce your rk f lrtl nr by but 918%
Rrh also uggt tht tng t least seven portions f frh frut nd vgtbl per d m lower ur rk f dng frm nr b u t 15%
Vegans gnrll t considerably more lgum, frut nd vegetables thn nn-vgn. Th m explain wh a rnt rvw of 96 tud fund tht vegans m bnft frm a 15% lower rk f dvlng r dying from nr
Wht mr, vgn dt gnrll contain mr soy rdut, whh may ffr some rttn gnt breast nr
Avoiding rtn nml rdut may l hl reduce the rk f rtt, brt nd colon nr.
Tht m b bu vgn dt r devoid f smoked r processed meats nd meats kd t hgh temperatures, whh are thought to promote rtn t f nr
On th thr hnd, there is l evidence tht dr m hl rdu th rk of thr cancers, uh lrtl cancer. Thrfr, t likely tht vdng dr nt the ftr tht lwr vgn overall rk f nr